Vimeo Link It's not my video, so that's the only place it's uploaded, although vimeo is by far the best (although not popular) video uploading site, you can upload in HD! But what do you guys think of this? Ever seen anything like it before?
Just tried this out, that's so cool.... It works just board a prowler turret as an elite. Doesn't work for spartans...
Holy crap, I didn't even know this could happen. I now think elites are half Goku, half Chuck Norris, and half squid. They are three halves awesome though.
I've never seen that. You would think that someone would have found and posted this already... Anyways, that's pretty sweet. Almost makes me want to play as an elite... almost...
Ahahaha that made me laugh so hard Another great reason to be a part of the ultimate elites- Shangheili (lulz) Yeah I agree that would be a great action scene, a bit of slow-motion added and voila...
Wow I never knew that could happen. I guess I dont pay attention to that stuff. Nice Find ( video ) I wonder if he can land on another prowler and do the same thing lol