Tower I made this semi-symmetrical map designed to be played with one flag or infection. I don't like to write descriptions, just look at the pics and comment, thank you P.S. I made this map without using the money glitch. It is set up for one flag, one bomb, and king of the hill. There is a grav lift on the right side, a ramp on the left side, and two spiral stair cases in the middle. Update: I updated the weapon spawn times and removed the two crates at the attackers side and replaced them with ramps. Download Here
This looks really good. When I saw the first picture I thought it would be some crappy thing, but the rest of the pictures really brought out the details and skills that you have as a forger. I would recomend making it a bit neater in a fre places but otherwise from what I see it deserves a 4/5 I haz first post pl0x?
Looks great I think it was a great idea to incorporate infection and ctf into the map. Also the building has tons of interlocking and looks like you spent a lot of time buidling it. ps can you knock those towers of barriers over to make more cover. 5/5
when i first saw this i thourght it would be infection or king of the hill {Tower of power} get it lol anyway this is a great map it realy is i will download and give you more feedback
when i seen this i clicked on it because i love TOP on halo 2 but if this is supposed to be it then you wreked the shottys only rule. do you mind if i dl and edit the weapons? 4/5 because you inter locked on a classic map
when i saw the words tower of power my imidiate thought was this is gonna suck so way to change my mind this map is awesome i love the complexity that the tower has and it defense is good but not invincable congrats on a great map 5/5 from thelastsparten
Wow, looks really sick! With a great layout and awesome interlocking and merging! Looks a little open outside the "Tower". Anyway it's really awesome except for some spots are a little messy. Great Job! 3/5.