Nightfall V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by EpicFishFingers, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]Okay, first things first: Before I'm accused of plagiarising Time Glitch and Y4ZT's mega awesome original "Nightfall" map, their "Nightfall Revisited" map or their gametype "I Am Legend", I would like to point out that I got permission from Time Glitch to make my own version of his map as long as I gave all credit to him for his and do not claim any of the original concepts and gameplay aspects as my own. Below [should be] the email from Time Glitch giving me permission to put the map on this website:


    You may need to size up the image to read the writing, but there it is.

    Now with all that out of the way, onto the map:

    Nightfall V3
    (original concept by Time Glitch and Y4ZT)[FONT=&quot]

    [FONT=&quot]Okay, it's worth saying that if you're 12 years old and you enjoy playing terrible infection maps on Foundry where humans have infinite ammo and the zombies are either "Fat Kids" or super fast zombies that die in one hit; you probably won't enjoy this type of infection much, namely because it's not on Foundry and the most powerful gun on the map is one non-respawning Fuel Rod Gun.

    If you've played the original Nightfall maps, you know where I'm coming from. But if you haven't, here is a lengthy, drawn out guide so that you know what to do:


    [FONT=&quot]The humans spawn in the blue base with nothing but a plasma pistol. they must do the following in order to survive:

    - Unblock the teleporters to 'lock' some of the base's doors

    - Get some nice big guns and grenades (which you don't start with, either)

    - Get back to the base (preferably before the zombies are released)

    In the blue base I think I chucked in a few puny weapons with no spare clips, so you do need to do something during the 3 minutes before the zombies are released.

    Unblocking the teleporters

    It's pretty obvious how to unblock the first teleporter. It's just a radio antenna sitting on a receiver node with a man cannon facing it. Hmmm...

    Okay, you didn't take the hint:

    Take the Mongoose (I suggest you don't open your base to get to it)

    And go up the man cannon

    You get some nice guns for doing this

    Next, go to the yellow base and unblock the right hand side door using the mongoose (or grenades if someone tramped your goose while you were getting your 'reward'). Just knock the barrier aside.

    Inside the yellow base are some nice weapons! (use the Rocket Launcher to knock down the crates on the floating teleporter to your left of this picture)

    Also inside the yellow base is a Warthog Gauss! Yay! Just drive through the barriers to release it like so...


    [FONT=&quot]Weapons are scarce and many don't respawn or have few spare clips (if any) However, I'll show you a few places where I hid some of the better weapons:

    This is behind your base. There are a few empty guns here and a turret facing the wrong way. Not really worth the trip IMO.

    Here is a nice reload point. The grass hides what weapons are inside, so it's mainly designed so that you can just run through and come out with more ammo. It mainly has duals ammo, but I think there's a bit of shotty munition in there too.

    This is my anti-camp ammo crate. Just don't stay in there when the zombies get out...

    There is something in this pyramid of BANG (as I like to call it), but what?

    Now this is my own idea (my only idea in this map :D). You have to pick up the custom powerup and jump onto the bridge. There you will find some nice weapons and nades and equipment and stuff. Dribble the weapons off the edge to other players below. Don't just pick up the custom powerup for the sake of it though; it doesn't respawn often and it slows you down.

    In fact, dribbling weapons back to the base isn't discouraged at all.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Temporary Bases

    [FONT=&quot]Another idea courtesy of Time Glitch and Y4ZT are temporary bases (this one from their Arctic Barrens map)

    This temporary base has an SMG and a deployable cover and that's it. The crate at the back can be moved so watch your back. There is another weapon at this base though...

    This temporary base is pretty undefendable and I mainly threw it in there for aesthetic purposes, but it does sport three weapons. If you're passing through, look for the weapons.

    This is the Rambo approach. (Sorry, no picture, Blame Stosh) There's always one idiot that tries to spawn kill the zombies and when he realises that the zombies spawn in more than one place, he will probably fall back to this floating bridge. It has a few weapons that infrequently respawn and a grenade, but it also has a shield door in front of it. Any humans left behind here will quickly be ousted.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Zombies

    [FONT=&quot]This section gives info on how the zombies don't get out for 3 minutes and how, after 3 minutes, they do get out. Originally, I kept them in boxes, like on Time Glitch's original Nightfall, but the zombies often got bored and quitted, which obviously led to crappy games. This time, I took another leaf out of Y4ZT and Time Glitch's book with a floating zombie spawn. It's not the same as the floating one from Nightfall Revisited, but it adapts a similar approach:
    From here, the zombies can see most of the map. So they know which teleporters aren't blocked up. After 3 minutes, a man cannon spawns, flinging the zombies into a teleporter in the double box. They come out of one of these three teleporters at great speed.
    In the picture of the zombie cage, there is a soccer ball. I removed this because the zombies found a way to push it against the shield doors and kill themselves with it, thus releasing them early (they only spawn inside here once. After this, they spawn below the teleporters.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Some Dos and Don'ts[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    1) Do get back to the base when the zombies get out. Stragglers are killed quickly and makes for a boring game.
    2) Don't fall for the false sense of security of the yellow base. The zombies will get in, even if you do this with the warthog:
    They can knock down the barriers that the warthog bursts out of, so just don't try it.
    3) Don't open the blue base up. There is no way to close it off, and there is nothing down there apart from a few puny duals and an empty shotty that seem to attract a noob in every game that I have played.
    Example of lack of guns
    4) Do keep an eye on the timing system (another idea of Time Glitch and Y4ZT) This is how you know how long there is until the zombies get out. Blue means 2 minutes. Yellow means 1 minute. Red means the zombies are out. RUN AWAAAAYY! You can see it from across the map if you scope in, but bear in mind that the zombies can see it too in their cage thing...
    Just a little traffic light system. They float over the canyon to the right of the blue base.
    5) Don’t try and shoot at the zombie cage. You are just wasting precious ammo. They have shield doors around the box to protect them; they won't die. And if somehow you do kill them, you will be the first to die when they respawn outside the box...[/FONT][/FONT]

    Other Stuff:

    As you can probably tell from the pictures, they weren't taken from any actual games, rather from a Slayer game with just me in it. And, once again, the soccer ball in the zombie cage has been removed, as has the roadblock.

    Again, all credit for all ideas and concepts used in this map go to Time Glitch and Y4ZT for their amazing original Nightfall map.

    Also, sorry for any dodgy, unneccesary font type or font size changes in this; I copied the description to a Word document to save so that I could continue today, and it's seems to have pissed up the font changes. They just randomly change sometimes. I hope the pictures work, and... Damn! the font's done it again! ...and don't accuse me of copying Time Glitch and Y4ZT. In essence, I have copied them, but with direct permission. And also, sorry Y4ZT if you are unhappy with this.

    Also, I wouls appreciate it if people didn't think of this as my first map (even though it is), shearly because it is copied and unoriginal.

    Now, The Links:

    I also modified the gametype a bit so that the time limit is 10 minutes, not 30. So acknowledgements again to Time Glitch and Y4ZT for the original IAm Legend gametype. Okay, now for the links:

    Nightfall V3 Map

    I Am Legend Gametype Variant

    EDIT: Fault found with zombie spawn (surprise, surprise) that allows zombies to get out early. That's what I get for not interlocking. I'll fix it tomorrow.
    #1 EpicFishFingers, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  2. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    Dude I loved the original Nightfall by Time Glitch and Y4ZT, but this map is better.

    But I do see s
    ome things that makes the map a little noobish, Like The pyramid of BANG and some of the random weapons lying around, other than that, its awesome

    For Aesthetic purposes, I'll give it a 3.99/5 and a DL.
    EpicFishFingers likes this.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    yeah, the pyramid of BANG keeps the noobs happy. There are a lot of weapons, but don't expect to be able to venture out for more ammo once the zombies get out. You'll be pinned down by their rush attacks or even dead. Here is the rambo approach picture that I couldn't include in the original post:
    The longest time I've seen anyone survive here is 1 minute. And more people makes it harder here because of the ammo scarcity. A skilled marksman can survive here for quite a while... A noob will survive 2 seconds.
  4. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    Timing system, cool yet innovative.Never played the first map though, by time glitch 4/5
  5. Cajun Cooked

    Cajun Cooked Ancient
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    There are quite a few innovative things in there. From what I see I give it a 4/5, and a DL. I never played Nightfall, but now I want to. I'll have to play it soon.
  6. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    not a bad map
    the basic idea, although not yours, is very good, buu lots of weapons
    looks fun
    i really dont know how well you did tho as i have not played the origional
  7. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    looks good yet simple at the same time.. I dont understand why its called Nightfall if its clearly sunrise on that map.. I like your idea of hiding the weapons though.
    . Very original.. il check it out eventually
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Don't ask why it was called Nightfall. Blame Time Glitch. Also, Time glitch, if you look at this, post a comment. I want to see what you think of it.
  9. Mr. Whitestain83

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    this seems to have a good idea but its very sloppy.
    clean it up some and maybe title it a new version.
    overall 3/5
    good but sloppy.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Sloppy how? I know I didn't interlock, but there is no need to.
  11. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Firstly, EXCELLENT job at re-imagining the map. We'd have never thought of some of the ideas you put into it. The warthog not being in the bottom of the base is kinda cool. Its like a mini-puzzle to get it out.

    However, I do have some criticisms and questions.

    Edit: Sorry, didnt catch the first part =/. You used teleporters n boxes n stuff. Good boy.

    I see tons of campability factors when it comes to your custom powerup bridge. Unless the Zombies can simply jump up there, you're going to have a LOT of campers on your hands.

    You NEED to somehow encorporate or completely block up the bottom part of your home base or you're going to have a lot of unhappy people. I know you dont like it, but you're GOING to have idiots that open the base for the lulz, or because they have no idea you're not supposed to. Leaving honor rules in a map is a big no-no. Fix this before you fix anything else.

    While the overall functionality of the map looks good, and it looks playable, it also LOOKS sloppy. Believe me, I've built functional maps that look like crap, and defended this. But you need to put time into making your map look as clean as possible. Interlocking and Geomerging helps out a lot. I know the I am Legend maps are naturally cluttered, but there is always an order to chaos. I can't tell you HOW, but you do need to clean the map up a bit.

    The "Pyramid of Bang"?...Naw...

    Frankly this just discredits you and your map. Its a common early map makers mistake to make something kinda stupid and wierd in thier maps. Trust me, if it doesnt serve a specific purpose, take it out. (Unless we're talking about asthetics)

    I know thats a lot of negative to take in, but thats how you get better. But again I say that you did a VERY good job on this. Making an I am Legend game work is a tough task in and of itself, and it looks like you're very close to having yourself an excellent map.

    Thank you for all the credits as well, Y4ZT would have totally blown a gasket had you not =D.

    Also, here be a link to the original Nightfall and I am Legend gametype:
  12. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment, Time Gltich!

    Yeah, I'll probably have to block up the blue base with some teleporters somehow. I'll make it really hard to unblock (not that hard, I know what you were thinking...)

    The bridges can all be accessed by the zombies. Their gravity is no higher, but their speed allows them to easily get up there.

    The pyramid of BANG will be deleted. If anyone wondered what was in there, there was a Fuel Rod Gun in there (for noobs). It had 2 spare clips, but it didn't respawn.

    Okay, maybe the map does look a bit sloppy. The only sloppy part I can see is the zombie spawn because of the shield doors and the bridges. I'll interlock that. What else? I might sort out my anti-camp ammo cache a bit. I'll make the yellow base more vulnerable too, and make the blue base less vulnerable (maybe).

    I'd appreciate a few suggestions on how to tidy the map up in other ways. I've never interlocked/geomerged outside of Foundry or Avalanche, so it'll be a bit new to me.

    Also, I forgot to credit BobbyDazzler01 for creating some of the floating parts of the map and a few of the weapon placements. Thanks Bobby!
  13. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    I have to say this is impressive. First off, I like infection map where the humans have to forage for weapons, 2, I like maps where humans can unlock new areas of the maps. So basicly... I really like this map! This is really cool. I like the temporary base idea. I just like every aspect to the map! 25/5

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