Sniping Help?!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HomieG54, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    I have always wanted to become a beastly sniper in Halo 3.

    Now I'm pretty mediocre (ok, but could be a lot better).

    I was wondering if anyone could help me become a beastly sniper and give me tips on sniping both with scoping and no scoping.

    I would like to pass these tips to my halo 3 clan to all the members.

    But I would give you credit!

    I need Help!


    PS my GT is xCoreGamerx
  2. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    umm i got 1

    dont think could i kill him just shoot u never know

    its better using a half clip on 1 guy than missing the shot
  3. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    For snipes,

    Always aim at the head of the person. This helps me a lot and is great. For no scopes, basically the same thing. Aim at the head.
  4. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks for the tips.

    Anyone have any videos that might explain things in greater detail?
  5. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    For sniping training, your best bet is to go on guardian and shoot the birds. It's really helpful especially when you're alone.
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    practice makes perfect my friend. The more you use it, the better you get.
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    -Body shots are your friend. You don't always have to get the perfect montage headshot.
    -Go for the easy kills.

    For practice, load up a custom game on Guardian, and make the settings:
    -Unlimited ammo
    -Sniper start
    -BR secondary (or whatever other weapon you need practice with)

    Where to snipe from:
    -For long range shots, shoot from the camo spawn or the bubble shield spawn
    -For mid range shots, shoot from the middle of map
    -For close range shots and no scopes shoot from the railing in the middle of the map (top) between the sniper tower and the blue room
    -For more close range shots and no scopes, you can use the sniper tower ramp that leads to the top of the sniper tower.

    Hope these help.

  8. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    When no-scoping an oppenent without a sniper always take the time to go for the headshot. Normally, they will just charge straight at you with their gun on full auto. If you can overcome the urge to fire wildly because you are losing shields and take time to line up the shot you can get better no scopes. Then just speeding up how fast you do it. As for practice, at first start out with Guardian but then move over to the Pit. The birds there are less common and smaller. This forces you to line up an accurate shot quick.
  9. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    Alright, here's some tips. A lot of people complain that no-scoping is hard because the crosshair is so small. I get lots of no-scopes k. And I'm not bragging. My secrets are:

    1) If someone if running at you on level ground and your not lined up, just get your crosshair level with their head and strafe until you got it. Fire. Works for me. Rarely do I look left or right when lining a no-scope, I mostly strafe.

    2) If some one if running across the map, do sort of the same as above. Get your crosshair level then strafe again until you are lined up.

    3) No-scoping in my dictionary is a headshot with no scope. Well there's nothing wrong with shooting the body. Not all kills must be headshots. If its easier to shot the body, go ahead! After all, it is the bigger target.

    Now for Scoping.

    When scoping, ALWAYS go for the head. Now there's nothing wrong with a body shot but headshots are a must when scoping! There are some negations to this. One, if they're running and you can't keep up, go ahead and put two shot in their leg or chest. This is completely perfect. After all, in the end, it doesn't matter how you got the kills, it how many kills you get. If you want to see some nice sniper shots, check my file share. Gamertag: DeceitfulPillow
  10. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    When scoping, I find that I am more successful when I am patient and take the time to get the headshots, not just pulling the trigger when the enemy comes near the crosshair. You can't wait too long either, but don't get frantic. Many tend to get over excited and trigger happy and just start firing away, with little or no accuracy.

    For no-scopes, the key to a headshot is to strafe, if they are near you and on the same level.

    Hope that helps.
  11. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks for all your help guys!

    Any other tips from anyone?
  12. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    One thing i'd like to add is definitely strafe when going for noscopes. If you have your sensitivity on 10 like an idiot and just start moving the joystick around and shooting you'll look like an idiot and most likely die.

    Also, whenever you get the chance, ZOOM IN. It makes your accuracy so much better.
  13. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Good point. You don't get a medal for no-scoping, so if the range is right, ZOOM IN! I'm not saying that no-scoping is dumb, but I rather get the scoped kill then almost kill someone without scoping.
  14. ub3rtuba

    ub3rtuba Ancient
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    well, i too am an OK sniper. my only tip to make sure you stay alive is to not camp
    as for getting kills however.. stay steady. Alot of people go all out and put the retical ahead of the person and wait, when i think that just keeping level with the target and then finding the shot works the best
  15. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Wow! That is one hell of a revolutionary idea! I had a feeling that aiming at the feet was bringing my game down!

    My tips try to strafe at the height of the head and shoot when the reticule goes over.
  16. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    ok, heres the best tip you'll get. lets say your trying to no scope someone, and they jump in the air, thats a big mistake. most people will try to follow them and eventually miss. just predict where they're going to land, and put your crosshairs there. and when they arrive, bam bam. they're dead. work on it, and you'll be amazing. like me!
  17. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Lol Thanks For The Tips Guys.

    I had an idea of making some sort of map or gametype or something to help out all snipers.

    I definitely try and do the map.

    So would anyone like to help me out and maybe we can think of a good idea?

    I'm 13 so don't get mad if I sound young.

    GT: xCoreGamerx
  18. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    A successful sniper isn't always the one with the most kills. As a sniper, you want to make good call outs, and tell your players where to go, along with racking up some kills. Try not to move the right stick when lining up a shot, it's much better to strafe, as that way you don't accidentally bump the joystick up and miss. Sometimes it's best to go for the body shot, sometimes it's best to go for the head shot. Say your whole team just spawned behind you and you see someone across The Pit. That's the time you want to go for the headshot. Say, however, that you are on your sniper tower (on The Pit), and your teammates are pushing to the enemy's half. Now, you spot an enemy crossing top bridge (sword room) to their training. GO FOR THE BODYSHOT. After that, you can just call out "1 shot their training", and as long as you have good teammates, it'll be an easy kill. That's a lot safer than going for the headshot and possibly missing. Also, like people have said, Gaurdian and The Pit are good for practicing your shot. If you can find a good BR arena map, you can use that for a Sniping Arena map as well, which will help with no-scopes/ quick scopes.
  19. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks Guys For Everything!

    I'm open to more tips!

    Also anyone want to help make a map for practice for all snipers or does anyone know of any?

    I have a sniper map but it's kind of messy because I made it with my friends who don't know how to interlock and geo-merge.
  20. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    You don't need to make a sniper map. There have already been like 20000 made and they all suck. Just play on a canvas map of Guardian, Construct, or Blackout.

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