My computer is mediocre the way it is right now. I cannot play any good computer games because they will often cause the FPS to drop dramatically. I am planning on getting a quad core processor, but i need to know what kind of system components will make it work VERY good no matter what. I am hoping for it to be able to run a game on high graphics settings and not even slow down. Money is not much of a concern right now. What parts would you recommend? I want it to excell when playing demanding games like Supreme Commander and Crysis.
Money, not a concern? You, sir, are going to be regretting saying that. Ok, your going to need dedicated graphics cards..with an "S." As in, multiple. Get like 2 or 3 (4 if you want it to stay good). dedicated memory graphics cards. Go to the Nvidia site and buy a couple of their best. Its money well spent, Nvidia is teh sh1t. Ok, get quad core extreme. You need processing power to handle the graphics. Alot of processing. Like, at least 3 gHz. Maybe 4. Your gonna want alot of RAM too. Like 4 or 5 gigs should suffice. Like a TB if your feeling daring (as in, you want to install like 10 games and be be too damn lazy to uninstall later). Its not necessary though. IDK how much those games take up as far as physical memory goes. Dont bother with SSDs though. NZONE: CAN I RUN IT? That link might be of use aswell. Keep in mind those reccomendations are basically me saying "if you want this to be good for a very long time, get those" That link will say to you "if you want this to be good basically for what is now and now only, get that stuff."
Well well well! Okay, I'll suggest a couple of things since you said money isn't a concern. ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT Graphics Card: New King of the Hill? These are garaunteed to make your computer to run much better. Having one of these will make any XPS look like some crappy piece of... well... crap. Then get a separate hard drive to install in your computer. They are all usually better than the standards. They'll play your CD's, DVD's, HD DVD's much better.
Well I would say to get a mac lol, but the best thing for games would probably doing what frag man just suggested above. I don't know too much bout comp gaming lol.
Well what motherboard do you have? For games dual core are fine. Overclock this baby to 4 or 5 and you will be fine. (get good cooling) If your motherboard supports SLI buy two of these. If it supports Crossfire here ya go. If your motherboard supports DDR3 and money is of no concern get 4-8 gigs. Get some of this. If it supports DDR2 just find some good memory, same amount.