> Download < Created By: Matty Time Spent Forging: 25 Hours Time Spent Testing: 10 Hours Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes Recommended Gametypes: 1 Flag CTF, Neutral Bomb, 3 Ball, Team Snipers Weapons: 8x Battle Rifle 4x Covenant Carbine 2x Sniper Rifle 2x Brute Shot 2x Plasma Pistol 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Spartan Laser 1x Mauler 1x Needler 6x Plasma Grenade 4x Frag Grenade 2x Grav Lift 1x Power Drain 2x Ghost Welcome to the last installment of my would-be Forge portfolio. I present to you Aperture, a Symmetrical, Slayer based map with a hint of lunacy. Aperture uses the entire space presented by Foundry, utilizing key aspects to create unparalelled gameplay while maintaining the 'signiture' excitement. Complete symmetry allows the map to support a whole array of team-based gametypes, and the use of the 'back rooms' for aysmmetrical gametypes allows for some very tense 1-sided objective matches. You will find different setups for each gametype, making it near impossible to not find a gametype you truly love. For what will most likely be my last Halo 3 map, i feel perculiarly happy in my achievements. I believe i have out-done myself this time around, putting all my previous attempts at Forgery to shame. This map not only looks the part but plays superb and supports pretty much every gametype you can imagine. I would like to thank all of those who took the time to test this map and also to those who helped me out with issues i was facing during its construction, in both physical and design. > Download <
those curve thinks look cool. they look like worms. it also seems like the higher up you are the better chance you have of winning. looks cool. plz post a weapon list and put some descriptions for the pics
I haven't seen a map from matty in a loooong time!This map looks really nice.It almost looks like the map that i'm working on.Great job man.I will download it and test it out.see ya
It was fun jumping around the map talking to you while you were making this and then owning you in testing (I can dream D: ). It is a great map I recommend download.
This map was fun too play on during testing. Roche only killed you Matty. Lol. My only complaints were that Matty killed me if I took his sniper.
yay, you finally posted it, I loved the gameplay in that map although I had bad lag. I believe we were playing KOTH. Nice JOb with the map dude gameplay was very fun
Great Job on the map Matty! Anyways I loved testing this with you (About 4-5 Hours) Now I think everything on this map is perfect. I love the interlocking and geo-merging. I aslo liked the way you used the right amount of items to present plenty of cover and fun gameplay. The sniper towers are amazing! I also like your idea of putting the ghosts in between the window panels. now on for my official review: Aesthetics: Well I know there wasn't much of it but there still was some. Now what I consider Aesthetic and you do might be totally different. Well for me I would give you a 4/5. The reason is on the sniper towers I think you could have spent a little more time. What I mean is like the grav lift to get up. Also the nice structure you have in the middle and left side are amazing also! Game play: On this I would definitely give you a 5/5. The map is great itself. But the map constructs the team to work together. It's like magic. When playing if you don't communicate and take cover you will fail epicley (not sure if spelt right). One round we played Territories I believe and my mic wasn't working so I couldn't give information and I wasn't taking cover and we ended up failing. So It's important to keep that in mind. Forging/Map: This is solely about the map itself. It was very well constructed. The interlocking and geomerging are phenominal! This map really does show off your true skill. I mean I have seen your maps before and they are all great. But to make this your closing map it's just so amazing. I mean most people don't try on their last map they just forge and don't really care. But from playing on it and from the pictures, it's truly amazing. Overall: I have to give you a 20/10. I mean I love evertyhing on the map. I love the gameplay, It's just truly amazing! I love everything about it. You've done a great jobs on all your maps and keep all you talent and do what you can with it. Forge is a talent you gain. And by seeing what you can do, you deserve everything you have. Well, Thanks for letting me review, and test on your map. It was fun playing with everyone (especially Shock the Sock ). Overall great map and I love your work. It's truly amazing. Anyways I have one last question to ask: Why are you done forging?
Needless interlocking. Whats the point in interlocking everything whit no concept at all--i mean for real how do you relate the name "APETURE" to the layout of hte map please explain.
Finally this map is posted. whats kinda funny is that most of the times i was playing this was without matty. Its still a sweet map. I figured out that if you go off the stairs with the ghost and hold the jump buttom that you nose lifts up and you can get through the wall thingy between the candy canes. YES THE THINGS THAT LOOK KINDA SIMILAR TO THE RIBCAGE RIBS ARE MOST DEFINITLY CANDY CANES. And i dont think you fixed the man cannon problem i found. Also in the last pic im the red guy getting jacked by that sniper.
ok that is just spam i dont care if you are a retired staff or not rules are rules and each member of forgehub must abide by those rules. ok now onte my review of the map. From what i can see everything in the map is very neat i like the curved boxes those really caught my eye, I will get back with a review of gameplay as i have just queued it for download
Last map by Matty? Gonna at least stick around to see what mythic has in store? btw;; sorry for bailing on that test game, one-flag I believe, was interrupted (lately been facing some issues with my connection >.<) *** Reserve for a solid review, as I was unable to get a feel with a big 2-min of one flag.
the interlocking and geomerging on the map looks well done but im sort of skeptical on the gameplay, ill d/l and maybe give a more in depth review later
Well this is gonna be a big post, so get ready... And if this really is your last map, then sad-face. Reflex is definitely one of the best maps around and will probably remain that way. And to people questioning the title (I just wanna put this out there) Forge has many unbelievably creative aspects, but one of the most important and creative features happens not in forge. I am of course referring to titling the map. The title most often contains some relevance to the map, but I am a firm believer that a title can be whatever-the-f*** the creator wants it to be. If you wanna go name your map dogsh!*-ville, go ahead... I'm pretty sure noone will make a map along those names, but if you want that as a title, more power to you. Oh yeah, on to my real comment. All scenery of the map appears neatly interlocked, and gemerged (jealousy and envy is rising over the geomerging.) I (personal opinion) like that you stick to just 2 types of grenades, having to cycle through more that 2 is getting tiresome, and spike grenades blow anyways. And back on track to the review,... from the looks so far, I see that most, if not all, of Foundry has been wisely used, and more importantly, it looks like each section flows nicely from one to another, mainly due to the symmetry. Also, I like the fact that you built not only horizontally, but vertically as well. What I mean is that; you forged many boxes and scenery going upwards, but also utilized it. I see various lifts and such to get around the map. And my most favorite aspect I see, is the looks that this provides for long-range as well as mid-short range battles. This is probably one of the most important, and least well-accomplished aspects (i believe) in forging the map. Congrats on that, since I rarely see it done too well. And I see through the pictures that this is not just a slayer map, but an objective map. (and i know you said its set up for all gametypes, but ill expand on this in a moment) I say this because I myself am more of a fan of slayer than anything else, but while reading the post and looking over the pics, I kept thinking of playing objective on this. I can say that this barely ever happens and thats what intrigued me the most. And again, this map looks like it has many great aspects, (and if I see any that I really dont think fit in after I play on it, I will be sure to throw that it as well) and thank you for all you have presented to ForgeHub, and forging in general. ~Shred
WTF?!?!?! I played this yesterday with some random people... I had no idea this was by you, that's pretty wierd, I just thought it was some random guy on XBL. Anyway, me and my friend only stayed for about 10 minutes, but I'd say it was enough to get a feel for the map. Well for starters, take one or both snipers out. They are way overpowered. Keep the laser cause of its novelty value (and for the G-Host) Aesthetics are nice but the snipe tower things are awkward to reach making the sniper super strong. PS: If you want to make a video, my friend got some nice montage material in that 10 min. A 2-for-1 snipe headshot (that one was LAWL), no-scopes, plenty of doubles and regular snipes in general
Glad I clicked out this! The geometry looks awesome, easy to understand and very playable. This is a definite dl from me. Hope someone makes a vid and this gets featured!
I was playing this map all night yesterday with Y35 and a few other hubbers (and some other peeps) and I have to say that this is a great map for competitive play styles. I only got to play Team Slayer but it sure was fun. Although I did take advantage of the tall structures (gotta love grenades and brute shots) by getting to the top and BR'ing everyone in sight. One thing I'd like to say to those who haven't played is grenades will get you a lot of kills in this map. It's just the layout. =) Once again though, another great map from Matty.
Instant feature? I remember playing this in a game just a few days ago and while I was playing and looking around I noticed some great things that sets it apart form other maps on the forums. This is another great map that you come to expect form a forger like Matty. One thing I really liked about the map is the man-cannon that shoots you across the map; And that makes traveling to the battle a lot easier and faster. With every interlock box and merged object you start to notice how well everything is made. IF this is going to be your last map in Halo (and I hope it's not) then I bet I will see great things coming out when Far Cry 2 is released from you and you start making maps. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy your maps when Far Cry is released for a long time to come.
A new map by Matty, huh? Y'know, I could come back with a review of this, but it'll be featured anyways so what's the point? Ah well. I'll have to check this out. If there's something about it that I really feel is worth mentioning, I'll come back and say it.
Hey Matty, nice to see you finally posted this map up. I loved testing this with you, and everyone in the whole game thought it was great, the multi-flag was really fun with 4v4, and the One Flag was really fun, even when we only had a 2v2 game. The gameplay is awesome, the man-cannons launche you just the perfect distance to get you to the middle, and the ghosts were useful, when we could get them down. 5/5, great job! I'm looking forward to seeing your next map!
I remember testing this yesterday and I got kicked out of the first test, sadface.... but anyway the map is great! 5/5 definatly a DL but it feels empty even thought there is cover everywere. It just has that feel... But if anyone is looking for a awsome map, check this out!