Heroic DLC Aerialis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, looks very clean and neat. You have put alot of effort into this map.I love how smooth it looks , and that interlocking just wow. great ideas. 5/5
  2. bio

    bio Ancient

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    What about gameplay ????? so interlocking is everything in a map??
  3. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    This map looks incredibly forged! I am astounded by this map! The interlocking looks top notch. Also the angled geomerging looks like it is perfect. I love the aesthetics especially the tower effect. I will get back to you on the gameplay. You have a download from me. Oh and I like you ghetto avalanche layout. =p

    Dude you give atheists a bad name. This is why people say we are bad people. Being christian has nothing to do with his forging skill! Please at least review and consider downloading this map. Yes there is a lot of interlocking, but if you took the time to read his post (or download and play the map) you can tell a lot of work went into this map to get the gameplay down pat. Please revise your decision to not download this map mostly based on religion.

    PS: I can't wait until it is my turn to work with Vorpal!
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Don't turn this into some sort of a religious debate. I do think that TC putting the whole "I'm a Christian" bold/red part into his post was unnecessary, but that doesn't deserve discrimination. If you don't like the concept of the map, give some constructive criticism (i.e. interlocking looks good but gameplay might not be because [insert reason here]), and you don't have to mention that you're not going to download.

    And don't go attacking other people for their opinions either, if Enslaved bunny thinks that interlocking is 90% of what makes a good map (which he didn't say at all, dunno why you think that) then he is entitled to that opinion and can change it at his own leisure.

    Enough of that.

    The map very much reminds me of Facade, I'm guessing that was Vorpal's influence, so I'll assume that is was likewise very well made with both gameplay and aesthetics in mind. Can't give you a full review cause I haven't played it, but if I ever do then I'll be back with my reactions.
  5. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I had no real hand in making the map's layout. But I did add a crate, a few pallets, a dumpster, and an A sign (in simple terms anyways). --And of course, I helped him with weapons and spawns (like he said) to make the gameplay better.
  6. bio

    bio Ancient

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    He is the one that brought religion to the thread not me--he is the one discriminating people whit avatars showing skin if he doesen't want to see avatars whit half naked people then he shouldn't be here posting and expecting reviews from everybody. And nice review you give just by saying i like the interlocking on the map whitout even playing any game in it --and i don't give atheist a bad name christians do that.
  7. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Yes i am not downloading because from the pics it looks like every map out there--i'm looking for originality and good concept followed by smart and logical volumetry and interlocking--this map doesen't cath my eyes at all. I'M NOT DOWNLOADING.................
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Keep it on topic guys. You know, make comments about the map and not your choice of religion. Infractions will be dealt to those that keep going with this conversation.

    FYI, there is a debate forum if you want to discuss religion choices and such.
  9. TDavisss

    TDavisss Ancient
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    Wow awesome job on making the layout out of weapons. Never seen that before. I really like the way the attackers secondary base looks.
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Replies to posts

    Thanks 4 the compliments, Yes I did think about snipes a whole lot when building these bases. If you play a game on this map, you canreally see alot of technical lines of sight. I would have used weights on the cover but i needed the precious item limit. Thanx

    Okay, I did not make this to look like anyone elses map. Blaze truly has awesome forge skills and ideas but the only thing i got from him was the merging with the pipes in the back. Other than that, this was all me baby! lol

    Yeah, that structure is definitly my favorite part of the whole map. The purpose of the fencewall stairs was to get a good view of the window to the dome. Thanks for the feedback

    Yeah, that layout with the weapons idea came out of nowhere and i figured nobody had done that.

    Thanks alot. It means alot just to know that a moderator took the time to look at and post a comment on one of my maps. Rather you returned or not thanks for the comments.

    Yeah I did do the main layout, but this map really wouldnt be so good without your helping me with gameplay.

    With all this said, I am sorry for all the conflict that was on this thread. I in no way wanted to start a religous war. I just didnt want to see that stuff and now I know that I can set the threads so that I cant see the sigs or avatars. I appologize for those inconviniences and thanks for all the comments. Oh yeah, Bio, There was no reason for you acting the way you did, you should have left your thoughts on the map, and only the map.
  11. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
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    on the 8th picture you should put the flag/bomb plant where that needler is. Then it would be like that class map from halo 2. Oh and map looks great, def deserved to get featured.
  12. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This map is epic win. WIN SAUCE!!!! I knew this would get featured. The weapon placement sounds fair and even which you don't see in many maps anymore. This should use more team gametypes though such as team oddball and team hill. The interlocking and geomerging are magnificent too. I simply love it. 5/5
    This is SWEET!
  13. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Great map. The game types look very fun. The interlocking and merging is great the center structure or somewhere is great the little tube thing that's a great touch. Also this map from what i can see is very smooth and you wont get stuck, also there is plenty of cover. Very cool map, Love It!!!! 5/5
  14. sovereignFear

    sovereignFear Ancient
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    its very well interlocked, its beautiful.
  15. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    what happened to the pics?
  16. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    Where's the pictures, man?? No pictures isn't gonna do you any good for this map ad. And whatever mod reads this, NO this isn't spam. GOD...
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well maybe if you paid attention you would know this map is many a month old. And thus, he probably deleted the pics on his account because he didn't need them anymore. That is why they don't show up, and yes that is spam because your comment was utterly pointless.
  18. Alexmcc93

    Alexmcc93 Ancient
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    y ur pics got removed i wan c dis map b4 i down loads it
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok guys, I had no idea that if you erase the pics on photobucket that they would not be here no more. All is good though, I re took them and now they are posted again. I didnt think it mattered anymore but since there is still people looking and wanting to download, I fixed the pics. So there you go.
  20. pwnuuuu

    pwnuuuu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great loookin maaaappp man i cant wait to play on it!

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