"a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla upon stimulation by the central nervous system in response to stress, as anger or fear, and acting to increase heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and carbohydrate metabolism." a map presented by Bri4nsoupy, TDavisss, and xHidden Viperx "Odds are, you've never been truly scared. Want feel the thrill running through your veins? Really be scared? Welcome to Adrenaline." Adrenaline was created with the full intention of putting the "In the shadows" infection variant back into the spotlight. For those who don't know it's based on the idea of a few splinter cell agents assigned to infiltrate a building or area and eliminate the targets. The targets can either try hide out the five minutes or go straight after the assassins. Everyone gets a single live. The assassins have pistols; targets have BRs. Weapon pickup is disabled and the assassins have good camo. A good 'Shadows' map is complex and intricate with lots of spot to hide and routes to take. Hence, Adrenaline fits the bill. Zombies spawn out on a street (Complete with street cones, roadblocks, etc.). They proceed through the alleyways and into the building where the humans have taken refugee. Armed with only a pistol, camo, and their wits the secret agents have to watch every corner and check all the many nooks and crannies. The game tends to play however the humans want it to play. If they are feeling aggressive they can meet the assassins at the entrance for a firefight, or lay back and hideout. The beauty of Adrenaline is that you find something new every time you play it. Zombies start here: After winding through the alleys they emerge at the back of this picture: At rounds' start humans spawn here: They can turn to their right (The bridges): And man the trap: Or stay in the back halls: Thank god they decided to get that addition... It gives them more room to hide: It doesn't look half-bad either: *Works only with 'In the shadows' DOWNLOAD ADRENALINE DOWNLOAD IN THE SHADOWS
looks very nice smooth forging and merging gameplay sounds smooth and easy to handle 4.7/5 stealth always makes for a good gametype only suggestion is possibly add aestetics and make things look like actuallscenery, rather than the boring basic foundry A+
Ok map 4.2/5 off topic. I am looking for a good forger that can help show me how to put objects far in the ground i know how but i cant get it as far down as others can, my gamertag is -gatorshoes2 please dont ban me for this but no where else could help me
Go on the Forging 101 section of the forge hub forums and there should be a geo-merging sticky thread.
Looks like a good map. I really like the way you used the backway very effiencially and origially. You also added some new structures that I really haven't seen that much around here. They are looking really good. But, I does look very average. This is only my opinion. The map really doesn't have anything that catches my eye. Like things that would, would be interesting structures and different ways to use different objects. Those are just some suggestions. But other than that looks great.
i would love to play this map. it seems to be very intricate and smooth, i like it a lot and think that it could use a little work on the gameplay though. possibly different weapons for the assasins? over 4/5
Thanks, but I didn't make the gametype. It's an old Forgehub stand-by. Yeah, I kind of figured if the geometry is already there, why not use it effectively? I see what you mean about the lack of an amazing structure, but I think the wave wall of boxes and angled wall structure are decent enough to pass. Yep. We weren't using budget glitch and ran out of money, but trust me we were thinking that too. All in all, thanks for the comments, but I'd really appreciate some one to DL and review because the gameplay speaks for itself. It's FUN!
Okay good looking map. Complete crazyness on this map. And so we go: Pros: Great Interlocking, all smooth and perfect like Pulse pounding, adrenaline creating action Balanced and fair Good spawn points Cons: .... Cant really think of any? 4.75/5
Thanks. Have you played on it? That's it? That's all you have to say? Have you played it? Can you give an example of the messiness? Nothing to say about the gameplay? Come on, man, give a real comment
Hey, Cool to see that this map still has 5 stars. I had a great time testing this with you. I admire how suspenseful the map was, and how the game varient worked perfectly. The map looks cool, and all the little hiding spots and division of Foundry makes it this way. Nice work Soupy. -JSlayer7
Thanks man. I don't think a lot of people understand that the gameplay really speaks for itself here. You can't measure this map by the pictures.
I like but i wasn't scared.LOL Yeah i liked this map a lot but i have always enjoyed infection. i like the neatness and the over all look of this map i give it a 9/10
ok how the heck did i miss this? i am a HUGE in the shadows fan and the lack of them lately has made me cry :'( i am glad to see that this timeless game is being returned to forgehubs attention hopefully you have inspired others to build these types of maps
Thanks man, that's exactly the reaction I was looking for. If you don't mind, come back and tell me what you thought after playing it.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! You really have to play the map to get a good feel for it. The gameplay really speaks for itself. I encourage everyone to download.