Heroic DLC Aerialis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By: zombievillan
    4-8 players

    Gametypes supported:

    FFA, Team slayer, CTF, 1-Flag, Assault, and 1-Bomb

    Hello everyone! This is my 4th map post here, it is by far the most worked on and tested map i have made to date. I have spent countless hours merging and interlocking and now I can't even see straight. Now after all the testing and testing, fixing and testing; I am FINALLY ready to get it out.

    This is definately my most mature map overall since i now know more about weapon placement and respawn times, as well as respawn points and areas. I owe a huge thanks to Vorpal Saint because he is the one who showed me what my problems were in these areas. He had a major part in the testing and re-placing of weapons and he even came up w/ the crazy name. So without his help, my spawns and weapons would not be as good.


    First, I will start w/ the interlocks. I am not like these kids who merge and lock just to say they did it and i definately didn't count the exact number of objects merged into the ground. It's a process that's mostly for gameplay and partially for looks. I will say that 95% of the boxs are slightly merged into the floor to prevent grenades from getting stuck under them. This can be VERY annoying in my opinion.

    Also, I went cross-eyed trying to clean every bump on every flat surface, which i believe turned out well. On another note, there are quite a few tall structures for that "towering" effect. It also helped for escape-ability. Now that we are on the subject, this map is 99% unbreakable. There's one tiny spot (I'm not pointing out) that's very difficult to break, but it's possible. It's so hard though, you would get destroyed in the process if you attempt it in a game. Either way, that's not the point of playing the game , so GET OVER IT!

    Since the gameplay is different in each game type, I will have to explain them seperately. The side that holds the back hallways in the default foundry will be referred to as north and the side w/ the bay doors is south.

    This is the attackers base located southwest (bottom left)

    Side view

    This is the defenders base located south east (bottom right)

    Here is an inside view of the defenders base

    This is the attackers "secondary" base at Northwest


    Here is the defenders "secondary" base

    Between the defenders bases


    As far as Slayer goes, the gameplay is pretty regular. Both teams start at there secondary bases. From here, the distance between power weapons is very equal. For defenders, there is an active camo with a 150 sec. in a hallway just left of there secondary base as seen here.

    In the top left is the Carbine cubby hole just above the tunnel that takes you to the Rocket spawn inside this dome.


    This is in the center of the map. There is a Shotgun on top.The rockets spawn at the far end of the dome in all game types. As seen here.
    Watch out for that window. There are steps leading up on the other side where you can get stuck or shot in the process of getting the Rockets. This window also helps against camping in the dome.


    For the attackers, There is an overshield with a 150 sec. respawn to the right of their starting point behind the A SIGN under their Carbine cubby tower.
    In the bottom right corner of that pic, you can see the attackers enterance to the Rocket dome.


    In Multi-Flag, The attackers start at their main base with their flag there too. The defenders however, start at their secondary base. The gameplay seems unfair here but it works out better than you think. Defenders may be a little closer to certain weapons and the attackers base is harder to penetrate. This isnt too bad though. Although the defenders can get straight to the rockets, it leaves a little safe route for attackers if they head straight for the flag. In symetric and asymetric games there are 2 snipers on the map but they are in different places depending on the symetrical asymetrical aspect. All of these are set with a 120. sec respawn with 1 spare clip. They are set at an even distance from the teams and the shotgun is still pretty even. So all in all, the perks even out into the game.

    In one flag, which is highly recommended, Attackers star at their secondary base while the Defenders start in their main base ready to defen. In their base thay are equiped with an SMG w/10 sec. respawn and 2 spare clips. Not too far away is a Regenerator which is half the distance to a Sniper rifle, which is no longer in their base in asymetrical games. The Attackers Sniper rifle now spawns at their main base which has a real good view of the defenders base. It would be good for your best sniper to post up here.

    In assault, the two teams start in the same spots as 1-Flag; Attackers at the secondary base, Defenders at the main base. Both teams have their bomb with them and the plant spot is there too.This is symmetric so the weapon setup is the same as Multi-Flag and Slayer. There is a full weapons list at the bottom of this post.

    In 1-bomb, Attackers, again start at their secondary base with their bomb and the Defenders start at their main base. This is set this way because the defending base works the best this way. This has the same setuup as One Flag but is set for maximum gameplay. Remember the asymetric weapons list.



    10 BRs 30 sec 2 clips
    4 Carbines 30 sec 2 clips
    3 SMGs 30 sec 2 clips
    2 Snipers 120 sec 1 clip
    1 Rocket 180 sec 0 clips
    1 Shotgun 120 sec 0 clips
    2 Brutes 90 sec 2 clips
    2 Needlers 90 sec 2 clips

    1 Bubble shield 90 sec
    1 Regenerator 120 sec
    1 Power drain 120 sec
    1 Overshield 150 sec
    1 Active camo 120 sec
    4 Frags
    3 Plasmas


    10 BRs 30 sec 2 clips
    4 Carbines 30 sec 2 clips
    3 SMGs 30 sec 2 clips
    1 SMG 10 sec 2 clips
    2 Snipers 120 sec 1 clip
    1 Rocket 180 sec 0 clips
    1 Shotgun 120 sec 0 clips
    2 Brutes 90 sec 2 clips
    2 Needlers 90 sec 2 clips

    1 Bubble shield 90 sec
    1 Regenerator 120 sec
    1 Power drain 120 sec
    1 Overshield 150 sec
    1 Active camo 150 sec
    4 Frags
    3 Plasmas

    Well thats it for my map. I hope you enjoys it because I do and I believe the gameplay is very fun. Thanks for reading and looking at this post.


    #1 Zombievillan, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  2. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I saw the thing at the end but I really like the design of this map so hear I go. First off I will comment later or tom. so do not kill yourself! I love the design like I said before. It looks like a sniper's paradise. I think you thought differently every time you put down something as a base for one of your structures. I think next time you should put some kind of weight holding down your various pieces of cover. Also I would like to commend you on the straight forward description you have, It sure as hell spiced up my night a little bit! Nice map please make more, you have great design qualities in your forging techniques!

  3. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an excellent map and as you have said this is your most mature map yet! I have only one tip for you however. In a couple of spots the interlocking looks wierd due to the light affects of foundry. If you slightly adjust them that would fix that. Also alot of maps lately, this map included, look alot like blaze's martyrdom map. Oh, well i'm sure it's just a coincdence. I love all the geomerging in the back there. Oh one more thing, CONGRATZ! you have just recieved my last dl untill my 360 comes back. Fix up the interlocking a bit in the back and it will be a sure fire feature, 5/5, my last dl for like 2 months, and +rep for an amazing map!

    Keep Forging!

    EDIT: Oh, wait sorry for posting before you wanted me too, and i'll have to keep this page up till you get your dl link.
  4. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ****I realize you said not to post****
    i know i would hav 4got so i had 2
    this post will help me remember
    but amazing merging, i love this map
    nice merging into the walls and piping
    amazing, cant wait to download
  5. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool! i love all the geomerging and interlocking and what not. very smooth and neat and other words describing stuff like that. i saw the first pic and got a little confused, thinking it was on avalanche and there was an armory out in the middle of the ground, but then i realized it was a diagram type thing. anyway, 5/5. keep up the good work!
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic map. You have a very good map here. I played this just now with Tex and a whole bunch of other people. Spawns worked fairly well the aesthetics are nice and I completely adore your A side bunker for the attackers. It is a completely large structure of win and has not 1 but 2 BR points. The tunnel on the map was pleasing but I just didnt like the fencewall stairs. Gameplay was amazing because again you had fairly good spawn placement. The CTF was kinda fast but I liked it anyways. I also like the way you made the sniper or carbine point at the attackers side. The one that was like a staircase up. You have great forging skills and I believe that you will get a nice little color added to your rank soon enough. Good job.

    P.S.: this is the first decent sized post ive ever put on a map, so you know that you have actually inspired me to do something good
    #6 Phreakie, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2008
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This map has a very unique twist in it and has a very unique layout. Good Job with the interlocking for their were parts I saw that stood out for me.

    Also I think you are the first person to forge with weapons to make a layout map for it lol
  8. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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  9. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, amazing, simply amazing. The interlocking is great, the idea and layout is awesome (Nice job on the avalanche layout picture, too.), and gameplay looks fun and exhilerating. Overall great job! 4/5!
  10. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Very nice merging in the first picture and making the pipes, The map looks amazing to play on, I love the attackers base with the pipe and lots of geo-merging all around it. 5/5, +rep and a download. Amazing map overall. :)
  11. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    See it's architecture like this that makes me download it instantly. From what I see, you've made it seemingly perfect. I like the dome idea even though it is used a lot. You sir have my download. :) Great job.
  12. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay people. The post is now complete and there is now a download link. Enjoy the map and please do what I ask with the pictures in your sig or avatar. Also, please read the post instead of just looking at the pics so that you can get a real feel of the gameplay

  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    What can I say about this map that you don't already know? Hm... well, I can't think of anything. So to save me time, you already know what I love about this map and I do hope to see this featured one day. I plan on keeping this on my harddrive since it's just an awesome map for gameplay, and its nice to look at. Great job with the map Zombievillan. :)

    --And yeah, I do wish that the item limit was higher so we could've placed two more gametypes in there... =\
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    geometry and design looks very impressive, sir. The map seems to be pretty complex, with a nice complementing flow. I'm going to have to give it a DL and give it a closer look (hopefully get a game or 2 on it). Well done, sir. I may, or may not, be back with more comments in the near future.
  15. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Very nice intricate design. Very nice merging and geomerging (especially for your fourth map). Everything seems smooth and well planned out. The crate seems a little out of place but I can see you added it for cover but perhaps not the bests option. I like how you used weapon art for your overview. Never seen that before. Very original. All in all this seems like a pretty good map. Keep forging cause you seem to be one of the better. 4/5
  16. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Sorry, I'm a jew:

    The map looks nice, I think the dezign is brilliant. I'm loving your structures too. They really make your map stand out. 5/5 from me.

    I am DLing now and I will get back to you once I get a game on it.
  17. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    this is one of the best maps I've seen in a while. All the merging and interlocking you put it into this is really clean and good looking. Like lightsout said, I really think its great how this map flows so well despite the complexity. You do a very good job with the dome and how you put a window at the end to prevent camping. My favorite concept about this map is probably the level-wide bases you used. They're pretty rare and when done well make the map really awesome. You got my DL for and want to see this featured someday! A definant 5/5
  18. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This looks really good.
    I see a lot of new, unique structures here that are being pioneered for the first time. The disclaimer at the end was interesting, but we can take that to the debate forum if need be. Those Fence Wall stairs seem like in a v2, need to go. I'm sure you could get creative and change that, being that you created all of this. I'm also worried about lack of cover, but who knows, maybe it just does work the way it is. And finally, try to add some scenery to really spice things up.
    #18 Brodellsky, Oct 20, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seeing as how zombievillian can't really check this thread often... and I helped with weapons/spawns/some cover --I'll address a few things. The fence wall stairs are there to get a good view into the bunker (aka teh bat cave). I think it's placed rather well and shouldn't be bothered with. The cover is at a good amount. --And there would be more scenery... but the item limit is at its max so there can be no more objects placed on the map. (That's why it's only set up for Slayer, CTF, and Assualt)... and if there was more that could be placed it would go first to Territories, then KotH, and afterwards maybe Oddball and/or VIP. But thanks for giving your opinion. ;)
  20. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The design of this map looks amazing. I can't say too much as I need to download to add more detail. I will do ASAP. From what I can see from your pics, the design looks epic. It looks like there will be plenty of cross-sniping. Only criticism I have is that I can see a lot of open spaces whether that affects gameplay I do not now. I'll download and look.

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