V2 by: eguitarplaya33 V1 by: letaliscarbine9 Original Sanskrit Supports: Sans Slayer 2 ( download gametype below ) King of the Hill Oddball Sans Swords ( new ) Story Sanskrit, which was a remake of enclosed 1 on 1 by me, turned out really well. The only cons of this map were its size. This map was made on foundry but only took up maybe a fifth of the map. Enclosed 1 on 1 had the same problem, but also had the problem of escaping which was fixed in sanskrit. I decided while letaliscarbine9 wasn't online, to make a v2 to see how it would turn out. And after a couple of hours of thinking and forging sanskrit v2 was born. Size wise, this map should be perfect for 1 on 1 entertainment. This map is not flooded with power weapons that over throw the map. But has just the right amount, decided after testing that there is not a weapon that dominates the game. This map is very similiar to sanskrit, the only difference is that I added small wings that play the role of starting points, so that when you spawned there weren't shots fired within the first couple of seconds. Also a major problem in sanskrit was that due to its size spawn killing really would mess up a good 1 on 1 game. I decided to fix this by: 1-Deleting all spawns that were on the second floor, and changed them to where you only spawn on the floor. 2-I added a trait to players who start, that when they spawn they are equiped with a power in which they have: a) poor camo b) can not inflict damage c) can not recieve damage Testing really fixed this problem, and you shouldnt have to worry about it anymore. Custom Powerup A custom powerup has been added to the map as another feature to improve gameplay and can be found in the bunker made up of dumpsters. Traits: 1- Spawns 120 seconds into gameplay 2- Gives Poor Camo 3- 2x Overshield 4- Forced Black The overshield is not like a normal overshield, for this overshield can be penatrated while charging, and does not supply invincibility. (New 10-22-08) A new varient has been added, called Sans Swords, this can be played with three or four people if you like. Weapons: 2-Battle Rifles-45 seconds-2 clips 1-Sniper Rifle-90 seconds-0 clips ( four shots ) 2-SMG's-45 seconds-1 clip 2-Spikers-45 seconds-1 clip 2-Plasma Pistols-30 seconds 2-Brute Shots-45 seconds spawns at start (in Asymmetrical spawns 45 sec into game) 1-Carbine-45 seconds-2 clips 1-Mauler-60 seconds Grenades: 2-Plasma Grenades-10 seconds 3-Spike Grenades-20 seconds 1-Firebomb Grenade-30 seconds 1-Frag Grenade-10 seconds Equipment: 1-Bubble Shield-90 seconds 1-Regenerator-90 seconds 1-Radar Jammer-90 seconds 1 deployable cover- 30 seconds 1-Custom Powerup-120 seconds (not placed at start.) Layout of Map Overview of Map Action Pictures Makers of Sanskrit v1 and v2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank You Section: Testers: Magik18 Killer678 LetalisCarbine9 pvilleplaya77 XxSdrakulichxX Whisper Spawning Helpers: XxSdrakulichxX Killer678 And.. to LetalisCarbine9 for support and deciding to remake enclosed 1 on 1 without that, v2 would not exist! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download Section Download Sans Slayer Download Sans Swords
queued for download. the map looks really good if i do say so myself. i ll comeback with a gameplay review later. Edit: i played the map about a week ago with my friend nick it plays good although its a little too fast paced and a little jam packed. wew really loved the aesthetics though so good job with that!
I wish it was bigger.... All the scenery might make it lagtacular. Having not played it myself, I don't know for sure, but it worries me nonetheless. If you put your talent toward a larger map, I think it would be better.
Excellent post, going to download this map as I'm low on 1v1 encounters at the moment. I love the high ammounts of scenary (which will only lag the game if all moved at once most times). Can you elaborate on the pits I see in the map? Also love the Wraith in the background, excellent work.
nice inclosed map. the asthetics are great. fun with king of the hill and FFA. nice and small. the red text is really annoying to read. plz change it before i go blind. :~) 5/5 on the map. it also looks like theres a bottom level. if there is, plz post a pic. (plz post a pic is fun to say)
Is that my guy looking really fat? Oh, and thanks for the mention Had a great time in the one game we had of testing though. Fun map, hope to play it again with you.
this map looks very good 4/5 for mei see you,ve added alot of objects like cons and barllesnext time could you use a differnt colour for your writing cause it's hard to read
My bad, you totally need to be mentioned for testing this map for you were in a pic lol Thanks for the comment, remember how the spawning always occured on that one side, I fixed it and removed that on spawn. Ty for comments ppl When rating maps please leave at least a paragraph about the map, thank you for your comment but you need to add to your post.
You can thank my aesthetic genius for that ! Anyways I must say the layout has come a long way since Enclosed, it wasn't too long ago when I started fortifying the outer walls and adding bits here and there. Gameplay on v1 was pretty good, but now it's spectacular. Nice job on getting the v2 out dude, I'd have put it in more time on this project if I wasn't tied up with my map. We should make another o.o
(new) Sans Swords has been added, and can be played with three to four people if you like, two still works. 10-22-08
Sweet this map is even twice as better than the first one. Its a good thing that you made it more of a mixed map instead of making it look a little symmetrical. The gameplay looks very fun for 1v1. Great job. I've downloaded it.
mmmMmm, the Wraith. I thought that was a nice touch ^_^ definetely was one of my better aesthetic ideas.
This is a truley amazing map. you clearly are an elite forger and you are also very good at making threads. The gameplay is amazing and the action never stops. I love the merging and this map is definitly a 100000000000000/5
This map has once again been updated, relizing that the custom powerup somehow changed its respawn from 90 to 45, but I just turned it back so if you want the best gameplay re-download the map.
The Review on... SANSKRIT V2 by eguitarplaya33 Introduction: The map was a sight to see aesthetics on this map were very much up to standards. The map was basically unbreakable since the whole map was suspended on Double and Single boxes. It hit the gravity barrier. I tested this out with Smeagleton (Smeagle) and honestly, we got quite bored after 15 points went up on the scoreboard. The map is more for looks then amazingly stupendous gameplay. Aesthetics: Aesthetics on this map were again, Epic Win. I was riveted when I first say the maps clean interlocking, large towers, and especially the bunker made of signs and barriers. I personally liked the way you made the firebomb and frag grenade sit on a window panel. That was very creative but I question putting it next to a Mauler. The 'V' wall corner was very cool. You could easily jump up on it and get an advantage over your opponent. Some things I didnt really like though were your abundance of barrels and crates. It was kind of a hassle getting through all the debris. Aesthetic Score: 7.6/10 Layout: The layout for Sanskrit V2 resembled TDHarding's "Paragon." It goes in an L shape and has boxes interlocked perfectly as if they were some sort of pillar. I liked the layout but I really do not think that they accomadated the maps gameplay very accurately. Putting the Custom powerup in the direct center probably would have been a good idea. Not to mention changing the spawn time on it from 30 seconds to 90 or 120 seconds. There was a small tunnel in the middle which I especially liked. It wasnt to big just so you couldnt camp so that made the map all the more better to play on. The sign bunker was the main aesthtic feature I liked. You could use the top and bottom which was very original. Layout Score: 7.3/10 Gameplay: On the otherhand, Gameplay on Sanskrit V2 was kind of a drag. We played 1v1 just like you said but I just wished you could have changed the Sans Slayer Variant to 15 points to win. The game hobbled along and got sluggish after 15 points. The equipment spawns and weapon spawns were extremely fast. I took a Custom Powerup and died 30 seconds later, only to find that it was there before my eyes once again. There are every single type of grenade on the map which made it kind of a bother to flip through frag, plasma, spike, and incidiary. Spawns worked fairly well. A small tweak wouldnt do any harm, but then again, it wouldnt matter since wherever you spawn you are closeby. Spawn Camping was the main problem though. The main spawns could easily be camped due to the large pillars you have standing in the middle. Overall I didnt like the gameplay as much as I though I would. It fell below my expectations. Gameplay Score: 6.2/10 Overall/Enjoyability: The overall map was good but just border-line of good. I really think it could have been better. I loved the layout and aesthetics but I really think it needs a hella lot more of adjusting; weapon, spawn, and equipment wise. I enjoyed the map but not completely due to its rather turtle like gameplay. After all, it is 1v1. Not many people like to waste around playing a single person. The spawn camping was my main turn off. I suggest lowering the pillars and taking the brute shot off of them because they make camping a bother since the line of sight on the map was so good, you could snipe a person through the bunker towards their spawn point. Overall, I would give this map a just above average. I really hope you dont get offended by this review because I still think this map has a nice, unique twist to it. Overall Score: 6.9/10 Reviewed By: OtherDark Review Testing By: OtherDark, Smeagle (Smeagleton) Note to Leader: Long enuff for joo guy?
Can't say I was offended, but honored to see a review by mr. clockworks. We'll definitely take this into consideration with a possible v3, as I did never get to add one bit I was hoping too (forgot). May have to invite you there for some help? yea; no?