
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Psycho, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Total months making Maverick: Two months+
    Approximate number of hours making Maverick: about 150 hours
    Creator: AmercanPsycho

    Maverick is an asymmetrical map that is best played with 2-6 players. This would be 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. I have been an active member on Forgehub for a long time now, and I needed to post this map eventually. The build time for the map was about a month and a half, with about ten hours focused on the curved tunnel, with a few more hours touching it up. The main feature of this map is the curved tunnel that the defender team spawns in. There are three main areas, the curved tunnel, outside, and the sniper tower. The sniper rifle doesn’t spawn in the tower, but it spawns outside which I’ll cover later.

    The outside area is the attackers spawn, and also holds the beam rifle on the bridges serving as a shelf. After much weapon placement and replacement, xX5w33ny70ddXx helped me with the weapons after the second testing session and we decided that the beam rifle was the best choice for the asymmetrical gameplay.

    The camo, spawns outside also, in a geomerged box that slightly in lopsided as many may say, but it is perfectly placed to allow frags to be bounced off the back wall to kill anyone inside. You may notice the shield door on the front, and think that everyone will camp there, but actually no one camps because you will be fragged to death.

    Also outside is a structure that includes a Battle rifle, and a plasma grenade. This is the main fighting area for the outside area because it takes up about half of the grounds. Above this is the shelf that holds the beam rifle.

    The sniper tower holds one of my favorite features, which is the quick escape/ninja drop through the window panels. Zachary9990 had fun assassinating me when I was hiding below the tower. This was added for a few reasons that I don’t need to mention, but the main reason was to mix up the gameplay so battles didn’t get boring.

    There are two floors to the sniper tower area; the bottom area is a small fighting area with an interlocked b-sign for cover. The top area is another small fighting area, and a good position for map control. It gives you an overview of half the map, and has a BR in it, as well as close proximity to the mauler.

    Important locations: The two power weapons on the map are the beam rifle and the mauler. The beam rifle spawns on the ledge above the attackers spawn outside, and the mauler is by the sniper tower on the box sticking out of the bottom sniper tower. They are each on 180 second respawns, so use them wisely. Don’t waste ammo with the beam rifle taking multiple shots at one opponent, use one of the BRs or carbines to finish them off after one shot that takes down their shields. The geomerged ramp (double wall) is a key location if you have a BR or carbine too. Use the power drain that spawns halfway up to deplete enemy’s shields and gain the advantage in a battle.

    Thanks to Zachary9990 for the video!
    Battle rifle x5
    Covenant Carbine x2
    Beam Rifle x1 180 second respawn
    Plasma rifle x1
    SMGs x4 In pairs of two
    Needler x1
    Mauler x1 180 second respawn

    Power Drain x1 120 second respawn
    Active Camo x1 180 second respawn


    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Team Crazy King (one of my favorites!)
    Multi flag Capture the Flag
    One flag Capture the Flag
    Team Oddball

    Now for the pictures:


    Checkerboard wall and overview:

    Overview and sniper spawn on the left shelf:

    Geomerged boxes and sniper spawn on the left:

    Sniper spawn on shelf:

    Curved tunnel:

    Camo spawn:

    Sniper tower:

    Hallway between sniper tower and curved tunnel:

    Action shots:

    Starting off with xX5w33ny70ddXx noscoping me in testing:

    Battle outside:

    Battle between the window panel floor:

    Special thanks: (people who helped with something other than testing are first, then testers in no particular order)
    xX5w33ny70ddXx- Thanks for helping with weapon placement and testing.
    XxsdrakulichxX- Thanks for testing… over and over and over and being a good friend.
    Zachary9990- Big thanks for testing, and making the video
    InferiorPigeon- Thanks for testing and helping with spawns after testing.
    DeathToll77- Thanks for breaking the map and testing.
    Uc Gollum- Thanks for helping break the map.
    Otherdark- Thanks for testing.
    NightFire33- Thanks for testing.
    Murdock Sampson- Thanks for being a tester even when we didn’t have enough people.
    Teerav11- Thanks for testing.
    Xx PH0ENlX xX (huntaro002)- Thanks for testing.
    Warfang866- Thanks for testing.

    Please let me know if I forgot to mention you above.

    Well thanks for looking at Maverick and I hope you decide to download it. It took about 200 hours to make and test over the course of two months, so I put a lot of work into it. A lot of people were waiting for this map to be released, so enjoy! Please rate and download!


    #1 Psycho, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
    M.Jelleh likes this.
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I expected to see a picture of john mccain when I cliked on it, but it wasn't! Awsim new map psycho! Why didn't you ask me to help test it? I totally would have too! This map looks great and featurable. And the video kicked ass. DLing right now.
  3. Cajun Cooked

    Cajun Cooked Ancient
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    This map looks very nice. Everything from the curved tunnel to the checkerboard patterned wall look very clean and nice. I'm knitpicking, but some of the boxes aren't perfect, not that could have made them perfect. Gameplay looks good, and I'll play it later. Lol you got no-scoped. Definate dl.

  4. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    This looks phenominal; the video shows it off nicely too. the checkerboard pattern doesn't look to great, but that's my opinion, and I love the curved tunnel. Shield doors always worry me. I saw a mauler in the video, but not in the weapons list; is one of them not up to date?
  5. Masterofdeath07

    Masterofdeath07 Ancient
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    This map is extremely well done, I can see the detail, and I may have to use that checkerboard some time. 5/5, I'd download, but my limit is full.
  6. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    WOW really nice map veary... one time only! i have NEVER seen ANY think like this i really could take about 45 min of your time and mine listing off all the things i like about the map. Thanks for the good map 5/5 for sure this will always be in my file share!

    Also i just KNOW this will be featured. because it has every thing. (plus a video) any way i cant wait to play. (i know i should play then vote but i never did the vote that was what i though it would be from what i see.)
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    This epicness is FINALLY released!

    I cant wait to see the video zachary, and to all others, please download, this map is truly teh epic winz!

    BTW Amercan...expect to see a video of me breaking it veerrryy shortly :D
    #7 drak, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  8. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    First off, vids not on the post.

    Second, This is one of the best maps ever made on forgehub. Look people, I tested this map for almost a month before this was posted and I have seen this mps respawns and weapon placement evolve until it is perfect. Gameplay is very smooth and spawn killing is very rare.
    Good job Amercan

  9. doomsdayassault

    doomsdayassault Ancient
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    lol your friend that noscoped you has a retarded username. lol. but this has awesome written all over it. that curved tunnel iz teh **** dawg!
  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, and I updated the weapons list.
    Why thank you good sir.
    First off, video is now in the post.
    Second, Thanks, two months of work paid off in the end, and I'm glad you tested.
    The curved tunnel... iz teh **** dawg... isn't it lol. And I think you're talking about SweenyTodd.
    Lol. We should play soon. Very soon.
    #10 Psycho, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  11. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow so i like this map a lot so im gonna download it and then get back to a review on the gameplay.

    The aesthetics though are pretty leet and everything looks smooth and well placed. my favorite part is the tunnel like place it is very epic
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    uh, why is this such a :D thing? nice map american. the curved tunnel is very nice. and i like how you can fall through the sniper spawn.
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Thanks for removing that. Thanks for the comment.
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    About time american now for the goddamn review.

    Aesthetics in this map were very pleasing. I personally favored your curved wall with the many merged boxes in it. They wer very clean and formed a weird octagon shape on the curve. I really liked how you also made the checkered wall boundary. You may not notice it but if you do it must have taken a hella-lotta work to do.

    In game, gameplay was very nice. I personally loved just playing a game of regular old 2v2 slayer. It was very fastpaced but not so much as though it made gameplay epicly boring. Weapons could have used a small tweak. You had the right amount of them but the problem was that they werent placed in efficient places. Spawns worked quite well. I never spawned into a wall and never next to an opposing player too. The center was fairly open which i wish you could have changed.

    I enjoyed playing on this map greatly. You hadnt built a map for a long time now and so im glad that you did. You havent lost your touch to forging and all you could do from here is get better and better. The layout to the map was terrific but one more thing: Needs more interlock!! just kidding BTW.. Great map

    Total score: 8.6/10
  15. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    This was a great map when I tested it a month ago, and has grown even better through slight tweaks. Its so innovative: from the hallway to the drop-down window panel floor. You may have a feature on your hands...

  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ya, I tested this the other day and thought the gameplay was amazing, I really like using the sniper on team doubles. Also I like the interlocking with the double boxes, it looks good.

    The only problem I really saw is that I could snipe someone withing 1 sec of spawning, but oh well I guess Im just that good

    Good Map 9.4/10
  17. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Lol, we had that problem before, where was your victim? I'm glad people are liking the map, it's getting around 8-9/10 for each review!
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Dude this map is extremely awesome. I mean, nice gameplay, sweet aesthetics and great originality. Just one sadface------you didnt include the normal sniper but instead put the crappy beam rife :((. Anyway amazzing map I like it very much, the 2 months paid off.
  19. travishavey

    travishavey Ancient
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    wow i like the tunnel its awsome! especially how it can make gurnades go through it and bounce of the walls 5/5/
  20. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Thanks, and in previous versions, I had two human snipers, then that was overpowering, so Sweeny Todd helped me out and said that beam rifles are good asymmetric weapons. I moved the beam rifle to the outside shelf in the final decision.

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