Breakout v2 Archiver13 Supported Gametypes: Infection Gametype Rescue In 7 V2 Parent Map: Cold Storage Map: Breakout V2 Map Description Changes from v1 -Removed a couple of weapons -Made zombies faster -Made human shields a tad stronger -Adjusted last man standing stats Ok Ok So after Conflict V2 I felt like making an infection map. Question was where. I didn’t want to make another foundry. So I felt like doing something bold. Something few of us have done yet and while seriously limited I ended up choosing cold storage to make breakout on. What is breakout you ask Well for those who care for a story and maybe a sense of role play then here it is. Story: It’s simple. In this lab far away from any human cities/villages/areas/etc the scientist (you) and the soldiers (also you) have seriously f’ed up. What happens now? Well for one you are now on lockdown and will be rescued in 7 minutes. Seems easy enough right? I mean considering that these creatures are moving seriously slow. Well maybe not considering your experiments give them 4 x shields and extra jump capabilities. Upside: there shields don’t recharge unless they hit you. Phew right? Wrong again. Being how you are on lockdown there is very limited ammo Weapons will not respawn once used. What gets even worse is that if you are one of those Rambo players well then you mine as well be shooting at a wall because your ammo alone will not kill them. This requires teamwork. Survive for 7 minutes and you will live. Die and you become one of them. Now assuming you are the last person alive then let’s pretend that you find the correct formula for this super soldier virus and now you have similar powers. Downsides: you are not as strong as them but still strong enough. No you do not have unlimited ammo. Yes you can jump high. Yes u has 2 x shields. Yes you deal considerably more damage than the zombies do. No you do not move faster or slower. Your shield recharges very slow. So you think you can make it as the last guy? Lets hope assuming theres any weapons left. Very important that you use gametype Back to the description: The map isn’t all that beautiful I know that. Cold storage doesn’t give much to work with. However areas were blocked and opened so getting across the map can be a trip all on its own. I did this to aid the zombies seeing as the move very slow. It also causes a sense of panic to the players. There are power weapons but they are either limited or very hard to get too. Take the sword for example. Such a weapon cannot be obtained unless a zombie is killed or you go to the area they spawn. (The broken flood tube). You must be wise with weapons such as the needler and plasma pistol as they are the most limited on the map. Grenades are plentiful but you will need more than one to finish someone off. Other weapons like pistols, machine guns and shotguns are also plentiful but as I said they are limited. Areas are blocked but not completely. There is a way to get anywhere on the map. So no area is completely blocked off. How you get there though, well I leave that to you to find out. Because the map on my part does not have custom buildings or anything of the sort that is so common on this site I trust the aesthetics will make up for it everything else is made for the purpose of survival. The shield doors the blockers the barricades etc etc . use teamwork And I cannot stress this enough Very important that you use gametype _________________________________________________ These were the old photos from v1 so just imagine them without some weapons and a filter At first this area is not much to look at but it very well may be a survivors last resting place as he runs into the hallway to try a last stand since the end of the hallway is blocked. Most of the lucky survivors will spawn here while others will spawn in more tense areas of the map. This place provides the most weapons however once you run out it might be difficult getting out. For those who spawn here you can either hole up here or grab what you can and go there is only one entrance one exit so you decide The portion of what the luck survivor’s area begins with. Grenades will be your best friend here. The mongoose is usable but it’s more of an aesthetic look. In form of a story the driver was mauled (hence two zombies in the gametype) as the car was turned over he dropped various goodies. Another portion of the lucky survivor’s arsenal. Keep in mind that everything is limited so be greedy with your shots. Zombies will come out through here. However even in their base they have various goodies that a survivor may want. So if you’re feeling ballsy for a good weapon and a power drainer or two then go right ahead. Not the luckiest group if you spawn here unless you know how to survive. A somewhat full-scale view of your base on lockdown. I know the pictures are not good but I guarantee the gameplay is good. It is very important that you play it with the gametype though. Enjoy Breakout V2 Rescue In 7 V2
i dont seee many differences from v1 Ooops nvm but it would help if you actually had pics from this version because i really cant tell what the map is like and i dont download maps where i dont know a thing about the map so i would have suggested not posting until you had pics from v2 because many people only look at the pics
there in general is no difference to v2 thats why its just less weapons and nades due to the fact that it was to hard and not very enjoyable to the zombies other than that the rest of the changes are in the gametype thanks though i will problably update with the new pics later
i dont really like this. it seems like a zombie armory and a human armory. and armories arent good for any map. i dont really see the point. nice try using cold storage though. 1/5
I think I'm gonna be sick. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat this, because if nobody gives it to you straight, then you're gonna go about life thinking that maps like this are actually good, and you're gonna waste our time by throwing more half-assed abominations at our forum, something I'm not inclined to experience. Your map stinks. Plain and simple. Armories are unorigonal, unsightly heaps which serve no purpose but to entice power weapon whores. And these weapons aren't even placed neatly. They're just thrown about. Besides which, with four BR's, three carbines, six AR's, and nineteen stickys around every corner, how the hell is that balanced? How would that even be fun for the zombies? Put more planning, thought, balance, and effort into your map, and who knows? You might make a pretty nice map. But not this time.
lol ur killing forgehubs rep with this one maybe work on warhub a little longer and forget the rest.... 1/5
You really need to stop posting so many maps. As everybody else has said, armories = bad. Sloppy armories = deplorable.
What weapons do the humans and zombies spawn with? Good looking infection map for cold storage. Did you place flares to act as 'torches'? or is that what the flame nades are for.