I took this picture about a day ago and everybody loves it.So I am putting it on here so all of you can see. Then also here is another picture that is mine. called "Define" Here is "Kneeling" Here is "Mark V Warrior" And use the link under this post that Warfang made thanks Holy Light got on the bungie.net update for the 24
Those are nice! You have some serious skills when it comes to screenshots. Could we have a link to your B.Net profile so we can see that you did actually take these? EDIT: Never mind, I found it. Use this link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?player=meleemaster246. Final score: 5/5
omg those screenshots look fantastic. I love the efffects on both of them. Is was a great weapon, armour, map choice. I would love to find out how to did it, but its up to you. 5/5
Wow your pictures are awsome! the first one looks like if the whole place is flooding and the second one looks like if master chief destroyed earth or something. I give it a 5/100
I am impressed, both of those are definitely 5/5. i like how in the first one, it seems like there is a tornado behind him. and in the second one, i like the explosion. Excellent.
oh my, this is original material, not the same old filter combos posted on a daily basis, I congratulate you. I would also have to ask how did you pull this off? absolutely amazing
The first one Holy Light the one the thread is named after is just a explosion that made the lighting look awsome But the second one I cannot tell sorry its a secret effect Also I will add some more pictures now so I do not add alot of slots in the regular forums