Ive seen some maps have that kind of, what i call, covenant scenery and people complain and people do not so i went ahead and asked this question.
I hate teleporters unless you use them for scenery. hate the green part though. grav lifts and shield are fine with me as long as they're used moderately and correctly
Yeah I think teleporters are okay if used right. I don't like them when there used in normal slayer maps. And I agree with Blazen about the Gravs and Shields.
I don't like teleporters, grav lifts are fine, and shield doors are good if used correctly. I only use small shield doors.
For me, it really depends. I've started making a map where grav lifts, teleporters, and shield doors are used aesthetically. Teleporters that lead you to death = Cool because you know that you need to avoid them at all times. Normal teleporters are good too, unless there are too many and you become confused about which one goes where. If shield doors are used in a non-campish way, then they are being used effectively.
ok i put a teleport in an open box merged the open box with double box behind it and then put a shield door infront of the teleporter i was trying to remake an old halo 2 map and lets say u cant get the green door effect so i thought a shield door might make it look slightly closer would u have a problem with this.
There's nothing wrong with any of that stuff as long as it is placed correctly. It's just some people put a bunch of shields on the top of a hill with a shotty, mauler, sword, g hammer, and IDK a sniper or something inside. And that is unfair lol.
If you use them in moderation and put them in the right context, they're one of things that spice up your map for the better. They either make or brake map, for example, if one spot seems to always be spammed by grenades, a shield door could help fix that problem. I think the most overused objects are the Grav lifts and Man Cannons, they seem to be in a lot of maps these days. Although most of the time they're used in a proper fashion, unlike shield doors, which I find are used correctly only in infection maps to prevent camping, and the other odd map (for it's designed purposes). I love teleporters, they have so much potential, death portals is what I'm addressing mostly.
I try to incorporate them in every single map i make ;P I love them. I wish bungie would allow more channels. makes me sad that I can't recreate Chiron exactly (T-T) Yell at me. I don't care if you hate em. I love em. shield doors same thing, however, I make sure camping can't happen. Used for switches, or long range cover so enemies can make strategic choices to kill, but not from this angle or distance. yeah, I agree. lets try to avoid doing this lol How do people get this perfectly? I can't get it to work >_< O_O wow. Never thought of doing that. for an aesthetic look, that takes a lot of memory on your map, but if you get it to work? good gosh i'd wanna see it ^_^