I wonder what she was saying.Maybe that she will sue them.
that has to be one of the most cruel things I've ever seen. Enough was enough the first time around. I hope she got the compensation for what they did to her
20 min=20 years of therapy. Holy Crap. Nice find, but now I feel bad for the lady. She needs something for that.
Haha, I remember that show, they do pranks on famous actors from El salvador or PUerto Rico or something, its like punk'd, for their celebrities. Funny ass hell in a mean way.
eww she wasn't hot at all that thong was dirty But it was hilarious lol she was freakinn out esp. when she started throwing the chair lol and she hit a car with hers i loved that why do the beeners get all the fun
Escuse me? and did you not read my post above? from el salvador, dont get us wetbacks and salvadoranians mixed up....
I kind of feel sorry for the lady. Obviously she was very distressed and they had to scare her twice. I hope she does get some form of compensation. I know if I got in the car and some freaking glowing face screamed at my from INSIDE the car, I would soil my pants. And cry. And scream. And have a heart attack, lol.
5:29, best scream evar. That was just too much though, they should have called it off after the first time.
I agree. Thats way too harsh. I mean if shes already crying from a relfection or w/e it was, then who would send 2 ghost looking things. Harsh.... way too harsh.
Something like that. And this is Venezuelan television, not from Mexico, Ecuador, or Puerto Rico. Not Portuguese. Spanish. That is the "V" of Venevision. It happenned right there in the TV station headquarters from what I can see.
that was a little uncalled for D= funneh at first but they should have stopped it after the first or second time.