Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thats sorta what i was aiming for thanks. any criticism?
  2. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Somehow I don't have any criticism. Where ever you got the wolf, it is awesome. The color scheme is great too. 4/5
  3. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Great signature, but you really need to work on your text. Try making it a clipping mask of the BG flames, so it sorta blends in.


  4. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    Another TS sig...


    Cnc, please?
  5. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    my new HL2 sig.


  6. E93

    E93 Guest

    Guys, just a reminder, if you're going to post a sig, please, do someone else's. One, at least.

    It's common sense, really, do one, and expect to have yours done.
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you E93.. some people just dont know. for this reason i am ignoring you huntar. i apologize but please try to comment on some other people's work.


    Paranormal, i love the time shift sigs. you are the only one i have seen make them work. the sleekness of the armor seems to make it harder to work with. i love the background and the text looks great. you could have put a little more work into the lighting though. if you look at it closely it seems to sort of not go with the reflections on his armor perfectly..

    *hint: if you use overlay with large, soft circular brushes with their color set to white, it actually makes it look like light reflected on the armor.

    Also, try sharpening the render a bit. that one seems a little blurry.

    This signature was something i made for IRifle ProdigyI. i really love the way they turned out. he asked me to make him one after he saw Juggernaut's signature like this.


    what do you guys think?

    in case anyone doesnt know, the second image is a matching avatar

    EDIT: i tried looking at it in forgehub X. it looks alot better. try it
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    Looks nice.
    Just has to be a little bit taller, so the images are somewhat easier to see, but it looks neat.
    I love this type of sig, how it's just plain writing but with a transparent background. And the images inside make it even cooler.

    Hopefully, now that I started photoshop in computer apps, I'll learn these neat tricks.
  9. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    looks absolutely amazing! I really cant find anything wrong with it, (im not use to seeing such good sig's.) all i can say is amazing. The one thing i would change tho is the lighting, its kinda hard to see the outline of the person. But again, 4.99/5. you are very talented :)

    p.s. What editor did you use?
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you huntar. as for your signature, the background is too blurry. if you look at the background of paranormal's sig or even mine, it is blurred or smudged, but not to the point where it looks like the background of a photograph.

    The blending of the render to the sig itself is very good thouhg. i like that part, though the lighting could use some work.

    The text, not so good. The part that says "REBEL", i cannot see the "R". the text is huge, and the font, though fitting, is a little bad looking. also, i only just now see the text in the top right hand corner. try to bring it a little closer to the render. it draws away from the focal point when you look at it, and also it will be easier to read on a darker or lighter background
  11. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    yes it is not the best, but it looks decent :p i use gimp and im a total newb :D i need to get photoshop. But thanks for the feedback! i will work on the points you mentioned on my next sig :)
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    your welcome huntar.

    and theres a new sig of mine i made for a guy called ArkAngel. i hope he wasnt expecting it to be amazing cause i think it sucks.. too much noise.. what say you?
  13. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    very, very, very cool! it looks stunning. i love the lighting of the head, and i also love how you can also only see a little part of the sith. it makes it fell creepy :D The only problem i see is that the text is to dark, Its kinda hard to read. But other than that keep up the good work!

    a quick little one :D


    ima half-life nerdzorz
  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Looks great, but it's pixelated a little. The earphones are too messy, rather than the smooth outlook you get when looking at other "I" pics.
  15. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the feedback! i will try fixing that asap
  16. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Got no CNC last time. Seriously...


  17. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I never comment this thread, I just check out people's work. But I feel sorry for you (no one is C n C-ing you) :p

    Its.. ok.. It looks a bit too textured/grainy.. I don't really know how to describe it..

    ehh. I suck at CnCing sigs >.<

    The idea is good, the txt and background match instead of complimenting each other.. I think that could be the problem. Don't mind me though. My opinion on G & A Matters doesn't count for a whole lot. :]

    It needs to be a lower case "i".

    And what Frag Man said.
  18. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    of course how could i forget? :D
  19. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well to start off it looks pretty good. I really like the textures you used, it makes it fell like i could touch my computer screen and feel what it is implying.

    *touches computer screen*


    oh and, top one preferably :D the blue splotches on the bottom one kinda throws it off. And it makes the background text really hard to read. AND it makes it fell the the blue splotches are the main focus. ANDD it looks a little pixelated.

    Fix these few remarks and it will look awesome! Keep up the good work! :)
  20. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my latest quickie.



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