Regen Roller RegenRoller : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is a switch that utilizes to switches that I came up with, Rollers and Regens. How it works: - after 10 secs a double box spawns over some propane tanks and fence guidelines. - on top of the double box there is a dumpster - grab and throw the regen - the propane tanks will come straight up out of the box under the dumpster - now you and friend can push the dumpster away - you now have access to a secret armory Notes: Another thing I wanted to with the switch besides make a great switch for both my new forge techs is make a teamwork switch. It is necessary that you have two people to fully operate this switch. It takes two people to push the dumpster away, three goes extremely fast. Adding any type of dumpster rolling door to a map adds a brand new team aspect to the map. Special Thanks: I would like to give special thanks to my friend adelyss who kept me company the whole time while making this switch, added all the sweet aesthetics/scenery you see on this map, as well helping me push the dumpster everytime I needed to test it Pictures: overview, you wouldn't even know this was a switch, everything thing right now is normal throw the regen and the propane tanks come up under the dumpster now two people can push the dumpster since it is now on rollers secret armory revealed after your teamwork effort Inside guidelines for the propane tanks : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Finally this is released This has been out for months now, and its out to the 23000 members of FH! Great switch, more to come
this is very interesting question what makes the regen throw the propane tanks up im stumped very good idea though
Awesome! I can see this concept being implemented seamlessly in Infection style games. In itself, the idea of using propane tanks as rollers is ingenious. I will try to incorporate this into my next map.
Um nice post, I dont see what looks sloppy maybe the inside of this switch that you dont see? More details please. Then they blow up and you cant get into the weopons room.
I really dont know, regens just have certain propertys that allow this to happen. I think that maybe the whole field of a regen touches stuff just like a regular object. Also note that this doesn't work with any other equipment, not even bubble shields or power drains.
how exactly do the guidelines work? did u geomerge fence walls into the ground?...cuz thas wat it looks like good idea, and nice actually working
No there is now mancanon or grav lift what so ever, just the propane tanks and the regen. I know the trick you are talking about, that only works with humans not objects because the mancanons already effect the object even if it is through a wall or the ground.
Read some of my other posts The guidelines just make it so the the propane tanks come straight up underneath the dumpster. And no they are not merged with the ground.
I would probably put this in technical maps because it's not really athsetic (really beautiful well made map). But the idea is great. I give it a 7.8/10