No0ooo0ooo! This video reminded me of the "awesome" videos, but when I wanted to watch them again. it said they got deleted because of copyright... Something like "the legend of awesome" or "awesome creed". Or "prince of awesome", "awesome may cry" etc. I loved those vids. :cry:
You're thinking of EgoRaptor's parodies on He did some flashes about games that pretty much summed them up in about 30 seconds. Just search EgoRaptor on newgrounds and you'll find all of his shorts. BTW, He's the creator of Metal Gear Awesome one and two. He's still working on the rest of them to finish that series.
OMG NOOBY NEMIHARA!!!!! haha dut serio this is sooo funny. god...i want there to be another episode.
Yoshi "hey assssshoooole, hey assshoooole, hey Asssshoooole, hey assholeeeee...." haha, awesome video is awesome, HIgh five O/