I am in need of a signiture, can anybody help me out? You'll get alot of + rep if you make me one, but im only picking one to use. theres 3 places 1st prize: + 10 rep 2nd prize: + 5 rep 3rd priize: + 3 rep It has to say ... PJFan83 and Rise with the Fallen ____________________________________________________________ so anybody wanna give me a kick buttocks sig? preferably the same size as my super hot female not sig *psst selena gomez is hawtz
So we have free reign over colors, renders, but you just want a name and quote? I'll do it, but I need a little more info...
DAMIT! sorry uh i didnt save the gimp file, only the png so i cant fix it really sorry. do i still get repz? lol and is anyone else gunna enter a sig or do i win by default lol
He broke some kind of rule that i havnt thought of yet and should be disqualified! Edit i found the rule you broke dontknowme42
Whats wrong with you teerav!? howd you do that?? i dont care ANYBODY'S WELCOME TO MAKE A SIG WITH ANY PROGRAM! lol and that sig is amazing too!!!! thank you dude! so far 2 entries, what happened to the first guy? he never posted... hmmm... It lasts till wed so theres time yet! so get siggin??