Yep, I'm restarting the old review crew. I kind of feel obligated to provide the community help in some way. Giving reviews is the only thing I'd like to do currently. Not to mention my old thread failed pretty quickly. The only people ready to join so far are ScarFaced, and CaMOfo. So we need alot more people to actually make it worthwile. Though, I will keep the maximum at or around ten members. So, if anyone would like to join, leave a reply saying why you would be great for the group.
Really? Noone wants to sign up? I'm telling you, it's a great way to get noticed for you new to the site. And, it's such a great way to check out the new maps that you haven't seen yet. Sorry Linou, won't happen again ; )
This group doesn't test maps, we review them. Or do you mean you won't have time because of all the testing? Because, that would be acceptable...
That may be wise to do so Smeagle. If you can get a few sample reviews so that people know what they can expect when either requesting maps or requesting to join. I've seen how Smeagle can review maps, he's actually very fair and has some good advice to offer.
Aaaah, remember the good ol' days Linou? When I reviewed Hero's Boulevard, and then it proceeded into the depths of the forums. I wonder if I cursed We review a little of gameplay, and other things. But mainly, we focus on how to improve upon maps, whether it be through "moar interlockings" or different spawn placements, weapon placements, etc. And Amercan, I will try to review it once the whole team gets started. In case you haven't noticed, we only have three members currently, and this thread is towards the purpose of recruiting.
Its great that you are doing something for the community + rep for you {not that you need it but its the thought that counts} As I am sure you remember I reveiwed a couple of maps but for me that wasn't what it was about it was about playing the maps and helping people improve them I think the main reason that the thread "failed" as you put it was a lack of structure The way I would do it would be Every 2 weeks the review team gets together on a predetermined day and time {I would suggest getting at least 6 reveiwers}and plays through the maps that have been submitted,a maximum of 6 or 8 then each player reveiws 1 map and has 2 weeks to get it posted add pics or even a video The reviews should NOT be wrote towards the creator they should be wrote in the 3rd person EXAMPLE Your use of shield doors is good-no The use of shield doors is very good-yes Pictures should be added as just typing something will not give anyone much reason to read it but if there was a few good action shots they might First and foemost it has to be about helping people improve thier maps so if you point out a problem you must suggest a way to correct it The maps must be played as the creator intended like if it says best with 4 players play it with 4 players if it has a custom gametype use the custom gametype
I meant that I wouldn't have time, but I would join for sure. I would like to see my maps reviewed in the future, hopefully your group gets bigger :]
Hm, I guess those ideas would play out very well in the long run. And, I will admit that my team had absolutely no structure. Anyways, was this you signing up, or just leaving an opinion? And, will you be joining streetsoccer, you were kind of non-understandable there.
I'd love to join, i used to be in the marvel map review but it just fell to pieces. I use good grammar, I'm polite and always nice to talk to, If you want me to join send me an FR to my Gamertag: About 6 Bushmen, I look forward to speak with you. P.S: I'm English, just dont it doesnt interfere with times of meetings or anything.
Bushmen, you do know I used to be CaptainAmerica right? And, I would love for you to be a part of the crew once again. I will send an FR at once.
I wasn't signing up but I will if I can find time I would definately be able to do the odd one here and there mind you if I know when it has to be done ot would be easier
Well, as stated previously, I will be as organized as possible. Most likely using your idea for a set date to review multiple maps, as not to cause confusion and waste time. And, for everyone else, we will be starting once we accomodate around ten members.
I'd be able to help out if you shoot me some PM's telling the information. I'm on live everyday and i got my buddies to help me test Buddies = From Forgehub also, if needed.
So, you are signing up then? I'll be posting the times so you will know the session date ahead od time. That way, I won't need to receive a PM, you could just subscribe to the thread. Eh, mister barcode? Edit: Sounds good zeke, I'll send you the friend request now.
I might be able to help. As long as you don't mind someone with strict NAT, living in Ireland and still needs a new mike since February.