Voltage v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ShreddedDreamz, Oct 18, 2008.


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  1. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know my v1 of Voltage is still being replied to, but i posted it a couple weeks ago. I will be using much of the same information from the original post.

    This is still a work-in-progress, and is open to all comments, suggestions, tips...etc


    Those who enjoyed v1 will still feel at home here and, hopefully, will like the additions.

    Works best for Slayer (2v2-4v4), but is also set up for CTF, and Assault. (works well with BR starts)

    "Enough with the abandoned buildings for now, this generator is still powered!"

    Amount of Interlocking; almost everything
    Amount of geomerging; only when necessary (ie. open boxes/ inclines on ground level)

    Map's Key Points
    - The map's centerpiece is a looming power generator with a narrow wrap-around catwalk.
    - There are 2 identical bases.
    - There is a much larger building adjacent to The Core (that is what the giant generator is referred to as.)
    - In the building and the bases, close-combat, whereas the open parts provide for mid-long range BR battles.

    In each base;
    -1 br
    -2 frags
    -1 regen (90 sec. i believe)
    On the core's catwalk;
    -1 shotgun (120 sec.)
    -2 plasma nades
    Inside the building;
    -1 sniper (1 spare clip /120 sec. i think)
    -2 smg (each w/ 1 spare clip, 60 sec.)
    -2 magnums
    -2 plasma nades
    -2 frags
    -1 power drain(symmetrical) 90 sec.
    -1 radar jammer (asymmetrical) 90 sec.
    -2 plasma pistols
    -2 ars
    -2 more SMGs
    -some frags and plasmas

    Changes from V1:

    *No shield doors around the core
    *Sniper Rifle has been moved to the lower level of the big building.
    *Power Drain/ Jammer has been moved to the upper level of the building.
    *No Rockets
    *Shotgun moved onto catwalk (rockets' old position)
    *Open dbl box (that used to house the shotty) has been replaced with an open single box.
    *There are 2 more open single boxes (geomerged) to provide for cover in the open.
    *No bubble shield
    *More crates have been added for cover, and some of the original cover has been moved slightly.
    *Added and deleted some spawn points.
    *There is now a corner wall added to each base, to reduce the tendency to get atop it.
    *Some objective items and spawning.

    Pictures: (new things are in RED)
    [​IMG]^Core view from defenders

    [​IMG]^Core view from attackers
    [​IMG]^Defenders base (A)

    [​IMG]^Attackers base (B) Look there's me!
    [​IMG]^Side building entrance (same on both sides)
    [​IMG]^SMG on wall (upper level) one on other wall as well

    [​IMG]^grav lift inside of each base (my only good geomerging are those bridges)

    [​IMG]^Upper level of each base
    [​IMG]^Shotgun on the catwalk
    [​IMG]^Open single box and crates off to the side.
    [​IMG]^side view of A base.
    [​IMG]^open singe boxes near the building (SMG on each box)
    [​IMG]^drain/jammer spawn
    [​IMG]^sniper spawn
    [​IMG]^behind B base
    [​IMG]^New corner wall on the back of each base.
    [​IMG]^The unraveling wire spool

    Other Features to Note
    -The active camo and overshield show on The Core change color over time. The custom powerup above the building also changes.(note below)
    Camo + 90sec = Purple + 90sec= White

    OV + 90sec = Purple + 90sec= White

    + 90sec = Orange + 90sec= White
    -The grav lifts in each base are not instant respawn, but rather 10 sec. to allow disabiling it monentarily.
    -There are 50-something spawn points (strategically placed) to reduce the chance of spawn-rape.
    -In one-sided CTF, the flag spawns on the upper level of the big building, (an equal distance for both teams) to create a unique CTF experience.
    -The bases are small and designed as just a place to start and seldom grab weapons/ equipment, to prevent campers.
    -All walkways are smooth.
    -Although everything shown looks smooth, please do not look at the enclosing around the building, as you may puke.
    -Oh yeah, The Core sounds awesome when near it, due to the mancannons!

    As always, I am open to all; questions, comments, suggestions, tips, worship ceremonies, and gifts of gratitude (my address is ***REMOVED***)

    My apologies and thanks to those who have read the whole post, and not skipped to the pics, it's much appreciated.

    Also thanks to the overwhelming support of V1 that helped me to know what to keep doing.

    I am still quite unsure of how to correctly operate this whole new mess on bnet, so if i did something wrong, please tell me...

    #1 ShreddedDreamz, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
    Ak Gumby likes this.
  2. lightning64

    lightning64 Ancient
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    ok, i know i said i was going to downloadv1 but, bungie wouldnt let me, so im going to download this one for sure thanks for the v2 looks even better, BUT i do not like how you can go to the back of the bases, instead, you should make the bases against the wall and add cover to the back side of it.
  3. RogueAvenger08

    RogueAvenger08 Ancient
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    I usally don't like Competive maps, but your broke that I guess lol. This was really Authenticly Pleasing. A DL for sure. The core just looks awesome. Interlocking was superb on this to. Again great job.
  4. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, I'm glad to see V2 already posted up. It looks great, and the changes definately seem to be for the better. Not Worse. All around the first Version was already great enough, now with the V2, I'm sure it's excellently amazing and awesome. 5/5 for appearance, the gameplay (Which I'm going to test in a little bit) I'm guessing would be about a 4/5, but Idk. Great job again, though, ShreddedDreamz.
    ShreddedDreamz likes this.
  5. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    why you get rid of shield doors they made it look cool
  6. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Looks like a really cool map for various reseasons.
    I really like the aesthetical trates in this map. Such as the "Core Veiw" With the big circle thing. That was a very intresting thing in the map, there was very good interlocking done on it.
    Also the "drainer/jammer" spawn is a very cool aesthetical thing in the map. The entrace is very cool in it.
    You did a very good ob with the lifts, they also look very nice.
    Also the bases are very cool, with the interlocking, and the unique design.
    As far as gamplay goes it looks awsome.
  7. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    a lot of people said it would be better if they were gone. I totally disagreed until while in forge, i decided to take em out just to see, and i liked it.

    -and to xVSxVENOMx, i hope you know that you are spamming all over my thread. It's rude, annoying, senseless, aggravating (*adds more adjectives along those lines*), and most of all; against forum rules. I think its -blamming!- stupid that people who actually have something worth writing about to say about this map or to post a comment pertaining to it, and deserve a spot on the first page cannot because some immature -blam!tard- cannot follow some simple rules (or be sense enough to include everything [<by that i mean nothing] in a single post by clicking the 'edit button') And please stop spamming up everyone elses threads also. I looked through your statistics and all you do make multiple posts, each saying jack $h!t about anything, and I hope you get banned. You are repetitively, and knowingly breaking the few and simple rules around here that keep this site wonderful, just to try and get some people to look at your piece of -blam!- pictures on bnet. I am sorry if anyone feels i am being harsh, but i think this is the only way to attempt to implement some sense into these types of people.

    EDIT: Thank you ForgeHub for banning him.
    #7 ShreddedDreamz, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  8. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I was able to DL and check it out last night and i'd have to say the map looks amazing on my forgethrough. The bases are simple, which isn't a bad thing. But the rest of the map is incredible. Really unique ideas into every part of the map. One thing i must criticize though is i went through the map with a friend and looking towards certain spots on the map would trigger a light show from most if not all objects placed on the map. Seems like the map has been overloaded due to your budget glitch and it noticeably lags when doing so. Maybe you can go through the map and delete as many useless items laying around the back and see if that cleans it up. 9/10 Great work.
  9. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    This is one of the most impressive maps I've seen in a while. I did a semi-forge through today with one of my friends. I didn't really have anyone to play with it on though. I found the octogon man-cannon structure very impressive. I'm considering this one to stay in my maps library for a pretty long time. Possible feature. Congrats.
  10. bio

    bio Ancient

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    V2??? What for. v1 already failed.

    i saw this map and i gotta say i saw nothing impressive it-- only shows that you know how to interlock--lets face it compared to some great maps that deal whit the CONCEPT of electricity like "CORE" by foman123 this voltage v2 map is a 1/5.
  11. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    "V2??? What for. v1 already failed."
    Ahh, see a v2 was there to fix some issues in v1. And if I can recall, you were just about the only one of several pages of comments that didnt like it... so that why.
  12. bio

    bio Ancient

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    I wonder when v3 is coming?? lol yes people who like pics must like this map but again "CORE" is way better than voltage v1, v2, v3 etc........
  13. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i could have swore when i downloaded this it said v 2.1 but...ok.

    ok, i got to say is a nice symmetrical map, perfect for CTF or Assault. but the middle around the center circle thing is too empty. add more to it, yano? that would make it easier to actually get the flag/bomb to the other teams base. you have very smooth interlocking, nice job. Oh and i love the tunnle area. it calls for some good ol' fashon "pop out and shotgun you in the face" fun :D

    and limiting the ammor on the power weapon like the shotgun and sniper was good, reduces camping. over all, nice map, this would be a fun map to play with a bunch of people on O/
  14. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes i forgot to change the file name to just "v2", but this is the official 2nd version of Voltage.
  15. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Nice dude, i remember the v1 and i thought it was really good! You took my advice with geo-merging the original shotgun spawn into the wall AND the floor i see, This version is much better i think, firstly makes interesting battles through the core, and the rocket would be overpowering on a map this small, if u make a v3 maybe add a balcony to the top so that there is a vantage point for the sniper because i remember in the first version, someone complained that the aesthetic base did nothing much, and it would make the map alot more interesting if someone was on the high ground, maybe also add a path to the balcony from each base to prevent camping on it.

    Overall, the aesthetics on this map are brilliant, and i cant dl this version because i was busy practising my forging and out of the blue my parents ban me for the term!

    (Note: I was forging their signatures at the time XD)

    D34thly F1r3

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