LittleBigPlanet Faces Worldwide Recall For Qur'an References The European delay of LittleBigPlanet we mentioned earlier has blossomed into a worldwide recall of the game due to passages from the Islamic holy text Qur'an being included in the background music in one of the levels."During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an," admitted the company in a statement. "We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused." Yesterday a reader sent us a link to a music file containing the two offending phrases, which can be found here. Hit the jump for the translation of the offending phrases. The words are: 1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death'). 2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish'). Thanks to NSider for providing the link and translation..source site
So, they are recalling a game, because sayings from the central religious text of Islam the Qur'an is included in one of the songs. Although I do not fully understand all of the finer details of the Qur'an, I do not see the the reason for a recall. These sayins are out of context. Every soul shall have a taste of death could mean everyone eventually dies. All that is on earth will perish could mean the world could come to an end. By all means someone show me an angle I missed.
The only reason that this is a big deal is that the sayings have to do with death. If, instead, they had to do with candy and pencils, no one would care.
I'm glad they recalled it, we can't afford it turning out children into terrorists. Actually thinking about it some of the halo soundtrack sounds rather like hymns. Might have to throw it away, who knows what damage it could do to my subconscious.
I found this to be one of the most stupid recalls. So what if it mentions a couple of lines from the Qur'an. I'm not Islamic, but I really don't care. The lines are nearly in every religion if not just written differently. Even for atheists, it shouldn't be a big deal. Common sense will show that we wont last forever, and humans will eventually die. Also, isn't this music? Why would someone start all of this over music? Music is how people express themselves and depending on your style, it can be calming and bring adrenaline to some.
How are those "offending phrases"? Is there some kid out there who believes he is going to live forever? I mean, I can understand the whole church reference offending other religions, but this isn't forcing a religion upon you. They are facts...
Wow... Every single response to this topic has astounded me. I'm probably about to offend one of you but here goes anyway. Each and every comment that I have read thus far just goes to prove how ignorant and self absorbed each of you are. Just proves that Americans only think of America (Yea, I realise Mallet is English). You've just proven to everyone that you all don't care about respecting everyone equally. Whenever the christian religion is put out of context, according to some christian in the world, they will do everything they can to shut it down. For example, an episode of Doctor Who was wanting to be banned by some christian group because it portrayed The Doctor as being a similar figure to Jesus. I mean that's a pretty pathetic reason to get an episode of a TV show banned. Now we have this Qu'ran thing and you all say who cares? Double standards in my opinion. How about you think about respecting other peoples beliefs, not just your own. I'm not saying it's right or I condone recalling an entire shipment of games because of two lines of lyrics, but if someone of such a faith is feeling like they are being offended then what are suppose to do. Disregard them because they believe something different? I think it's all stupid and trivial, christian and isslamic beliefs. All of the religious beliefs, but when it comes to giving a group a different level of respect to another group because of their difference, that's when it starts to get wrong. Christians get to ban books, TV shows and movies all the time. They've probably banned games some time in history. Whoever put these lyrics into the song in the first place is a complete idiot and has probably already been fired. [/rant]
Reyn... When did anyone mention they would support a recall if it had crap about Christianity in it? You're jumping to the conclusion that we would all be offended if it had christian references, instead of Islamic. Not only that but you're also generalizing a nation. even if a lot of Americans think that wall, all don't. If something I cared about got recalled because of some rediculious accusations of it refernecing to ANY religion I would be annoyed. However I really don't care about this game, I just say your comment. It annyoed me.
Well of course if you use your common sense then you would realise that I don't mean every single person thinks that way. But the majority do. If I have to put a disclaimer at the bottom of every single one of my posts saying that this is a generalisation and does not make my comment directed at every American, then that's just sad... Your comment annoyed me because of the stupidity put into it... Sigh...
Well, who wants to bet that the person who complained about LittleBigPlanet was a 360 fanboy? Or at least a Halo fanboy?
Or a religious member who felt offended? Did you even read anything? My god, ignorance is not bliss people.
Or maybe, I see a lot of Catholic references in Halo and find it hard to believe that Halo wasn't recalled like LBP is right now?
Catholic references can be found in any move and game. For that matter any story. Why? Because it's such a broad term for good verse evil. LBP didn't have references to a religion, it had direct quotes. You're a fool.
I see no reason to waste money on removing the references across the entire world. First, you realize that they are spoken in Somalian, right? How many people do you know who are fluent in Somalian? Second, there is no reason for a global recall. Why remove them from stores in areas with a very small muslim population (america), when you could just as easily patch them on day 0? Some people respond by saying that not all users have internet - the game is meant to be played online, very few people will actually be playing it offline. Finally, if the remaining population of Somalian muslim gamers without internet are truly offended by it, they can easily wait for the next shipment with the pre-patches games. And there is a difference between wanting an episode to be banned and it actually happening. I can find a bad group/person related to basically anything- unless they have power, it doesn't matter. No, we disregard them because no sane person should be 'deeply offended' by the accidental use of two references to the Qur'an that have already been addressed for the majority of people. Nope. Accidents happen- if Sony hadn't done a complete recall, nobody would have probably ever even heard of this.
In Halo, the direct quotes are touched up to make it seem more modern. Halo also uses more of a visual way then direct quoting.
Firstly most of what you said is completely stupid and ignorant. Double standards like I previously said. A patch fixes nothing, the disc still contains the offensive material and can easily still be accessed after a patch. For example, justclear your 360 cache. Oh and your Nope. comment. I lol'd at. The Forbidden Library: Banned and Challenged Books [GBG] Atheist News: Top 10 Banned Books In America List of banned books - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Way to be informed. You weren't just slightly wrong, you were completely wrong. You don't know anything about what you're talking about. How about you think about what you're saying before you start trying to correct me. You were completely wrong with everything you said. Yet you think you were right. Lol, moron.
Anyone remember how the Arbiter was originally going to be called the Dervish, but the name was changed for religious reasons? Apparently, calling a big lizard alien a Muslim is bad. Well, it makes sense, I guess. The Prophet of Truth is already a big hint as a reference to Mohammed. It makes it seem too much like the US is fighting Islamic religious extremists.
If I said Antarcticans are stupid don't you think they would take offense to that? Even if I meant that only the majority of them are, that really doesn't make a difference.