Me and a few friends have a map comparable to The Estate coming soon, it's got lots of routes and you find something new every time you play. Excited for it?
This thread is a bit pointless, If you really want to advertise your map, maybe you should think about providing screenshots or atleast describe your map?
I don't know, sounds like he is trying to advertise his upcoming map by informing us that the gametype isn't dead and that he is going to bring the fun of in the shadows back for all of us to enjoy. For that Brainsoupy, I applaud for you, and here's to all that are looking out for the gametypes of years past, and hopefully we can get more maps using classic gametypes, not just Rocket Race, Predator, and Conquest. And don't be afraid of creating an original gametype after this map, make it everlasting like Rocket Race or Conquest. Just a suggestion that is. Good luck, and don't skimp out on any forge techniques.
All right, so you got these zombie-things spawning back on a street. It has roadblocks, cones, etc. for what you may call "aesthetics". They proceed through either of the two "interlocking" tunnels. Meanwhile the humanoids are scurrying around their "base". In their "base" are over one hundred niches and hiding spots to hang out, and reminisce about better days. That's all folks. How about that Mr. Iviatty?
Aesthetics are items that are visually pleasing or exciting. Movable objects rarely qualify. Wrong This thread is still pretty much a waste of time. What was your purpose when you posted it? Because the little information that you are providing on why your map will be individual and exciting doesn't make people want to post here, defeating the point of this thread.
Indeed Brotha, we need to expand the custom variants! But if you have over 300 posts it's kayy?
"I will be posting pictures when i get a little further in the map, so always check this thread for new updates on my map." Are you implying that i am corrupt?
That guy showed interest in what people thought of it. I know that because he included an image which he made for it, and he organized his description cleanly. You did not, and when i asked if you would you showed little interest in doing so. His thread is constructive, he is creating questions about his map and answering them accordingly. Yours is not, you have made a thread with little purpose and reason.
I thought it was pretty nifty.:cry: Can I put a picture of my pet lizard with the map's name over it and it'll be fine?
I will say, though, that the concept of a new In The Shadows map is intriguing. There are only two (that I am aware of), and both are rather outdated. Tell me, what canvas are you using?
Put stuff on it? Haha, jk. All right, so zombies spawn back on a street. It has roadblocks, cones, etc. to make it look like a street. They proceed through one of the many interlocked tunnels. Meanwhile the humans are at their base. In their base are tons of little niches and hiding spots. It's really intricate and complicated, you'll find a new spot or route every time you play. There's some really nice geo-merges and interlocks. I'll post pictures later.