Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Spark nade.
    Looks like a small flare.
    Throw, and if it hits the target, it sticks on and kills, along with having a quick flash that disorients anyone else in the vicinity. They'd be more power weapons than sticks, and would need like a 30-45 second respawn instead of the usual 10 though.
  2. lucas pk

    lucas pk Ancient
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    spread grenade medium size but shoots small bullets in 3 directions in front of it bullets do small but fast damage and can killl if they stand in front of it long enough
  3. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    name: Blindfire grenade
    description:blinds an enemy(s) with in 5 square yards and inflicts a small amount of damage on the enemy
    appears in matchmaking
    does not appear in campaign
    color: whit grenade with red stripes
  4. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    Name: example - Acid Grenade (Sorry if already used...)
    Description: Metal, then explodes like a frag realesing Acid
    Effect: incinerates type, and kinda sticks too the person
    It would be pretty cool to be in matchmakking
    IDK, IDC.
  5. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Name: Sapper Grenade
    Description: Yellow, very bright, no medal, no damage, but disables vehicles that it sticks to.
    Effect: Sticks to vehicles and disables them.
    In matchmaking on maps where vehicles are dominate, Example: Avalanche, Standoff, and Valhala Heavy and Sandtrap
    In campain, used more by the UNSC than the Covenant since they were mayde to counter the Ghost mostly.
  6. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    Name: Gravnade
    Description: Black with blue dots. When thrown it turns really bright so you know where it is.
    Effects: Makes an explosion just like a grav hammer.
    In Matchmaking: On large maps, long respawn
    In Campaign: Brute weapon, you would see alot of it on the Ark.
    Pros: Effective against vehicles, can disperse infantry easily.
    Cons: Long respawn, cannot be thrown as far as normal grenades and has a longer fuse than a normal grenade.
  7. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    What if there were grenades that were more powerful than frag grenades, had a slightly larger radius, a longer fuse, but could be disarmed by shooting at them?
  8. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Name: Freeze nade
    Description: Blueish and diamondy/spikey looking, if it had a color from halo 3 it would be "Sapphire"
    Effects: If hit by youre stuck on the ground for about 2-3 second also lowers health gradually til u hit half health if not hurt but other things
    In Matchmaking: large maps and medium sized maps fairly long respawns
    In Campaign: Elite weapon, used alot during the battle between elites and brutes for dominance.
    Pros: Its very useful for slowing/stopping enemies
    Cons: contact hits when thrower/others are near others are damaged and lose 1/4 health
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Name: CNade
    Description: No real color. You get the Chuck Norris Medal (Roundhouse to the face)
    Effect: Breaks into Chuck Norris
    if theyd be in match making or not: HELL NO!
    if theyd be in campain: No, it could wipe out the flood and the Covanent in one hit.

  10. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    its called a trip mine
  11. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    The HUDD Grenade
    Color: Yellow
    Effect: The HUD- Down Grenade acts like a Plasma Grenade, aside for a few differences. Instead of blowing up and killing the host, it disables the HUD of whoever it is stuck on. That means no view of ammo, shields, grenades, and everything else. After a short while, it disintegrates harmlessly, giving the person their HUD back. Whoever has been stuck by the HUDD Grenade can also melee someone to transfer the grenade from them to him/her. If you get stuck, the best the to do would be melee someone else to get it off of you.
  12. Mr. 7

    Mr. 7 Ancient
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    Acidity Bomb Color: Dark Green Effect: When thrown, it acts like an incendiary grenade, with a little trail, and it sticks to whatever surface it encounters. It only affects a person, not scenery, so if it hits a truck or a wall, it is fine. When you touch it, it acts the same as a fire grenade, but perhaps a bit slower, and the reason for that is because it effects you longer if you step away (you know how if you step in fire, and you walk away from it, it still affects you for a second? This does it maybe four seconds longer). That\'s weird. I can\'t put into sections. Sorry, your going to have to deal with it as a big sentence, I can\'t seem to fix it.
  13. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    Name: nuke
    color: nuckish
    description: it falls from sky
    effect: kills thousands of people in your game and in others but not you
    campaign: no
    multiplayer: no
    WW II: yes
    Pros: kills the enemy
    cons: none
  14. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    name: Plasma frag
    Description: A grey glowing grenade that bounces on all map geometry, like a frag, but sticks to players when touching them like a plasma.
    Campaign: Last level
    Multiplayer, high ground and guardian
    Pros: can select it if your not sure wether or not your going to stick them, because you can always just through it underneath them like a frag
    Cons: shorter explosion range, so must throw it close enough for them to get stuck, or to just get hit by it.
  15. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    Name: Laser Emitter
    Description: Best when thrown into the air near multiple enemies. When it detects enemies below it, it stops moving and hovers, waiting for the player to press the LT again. when pulled again, grenade explodes, sending a spherical Spartan Laser blast around it, exploding at the same time. all caught in the blat are instantly burnt and disintegrated into ash. creates a large crater, useful if trying to keep enemies out of a certain area. blast repeats several times in the same place to ensure that all un aware enemies are destroyed as well. effective radius: blast continues until stopped by an obstacle. will travel right through enemies (and friend if betrayal is on) and continue on, unaffected. if looking directly at the blast, screen will go completely red for 3 seconds after you stop looking at it.
    Campaign: Sierra 117, All Scarab Levels, Cortana and Halo
    MP: all large levels, or levels with lots of cover. Foundry, Standoff, Avalanche, Ghost Town, Last Resort, Valhalla, Sandtrap, Snowbound, The Pit, Mythic maps.
    Pros: terrain deforming, large radius, only escape is indestructible cover.
    cons: might get caught in blast if not properly hidden. also blinds you for several seconds if you look at the point of origin.
  16. Vickranus

    Vickranus Ancient
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    Ice Grenade
    Frezzes your enemy on touch.
    Develop by the Covenant to control the Flood.
    Campaign: The Ark, The Covenant, Cortana, Halo
    Multiplayer: Isolation, Sandtrap, Epitath, Snowbound, Valhalla
  17. 3volution

    3volution Ancient
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    Name: Proximity Mine
    Description: Same effects as a Plasma Grenade except you can stick it to Roofs, Walls and Floors.
    Effect: Blows up upon walking past within a 5m range.

    I would post an image, but I go into too much detail and it's very time consuming :p
  18. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Alright, this is pretty much just a tweaked version of TrioEnzyme's Grav 'nade, but I think it's pretty badass....

    Name: Gravity Grenade
    Appearance: Shiny black. Same material as the business end of a Gravity Hammer.
    Effect: When thrown, this grenade explodes on impact. It can't kill, but it does a crap load of damage. If thrown at a person, it drains their shield and makes them "one shot". Also, it makes them fly reeeeeeeeally far away. Same thing for a vehicle, if thrown at one, it will make it fly reeeeeeeeally far away if it's a light vehicle.
    MM: Yes, it'd probably appear on the BTB maps like Avalanche and Standoff.
    Campaign: Yeah, I guess.
    Pros: Makes pesky vehicles go bye bye for a while.
    Cons:.......well, none, honestly. If it's thrown too close to you, I guess it makes you fly back a little, too.
  19. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Name: Trip nade
    Description: Detonates when it get touched by a person like a trip mine but you can throw it long distances
    Effect: Drains all shield of the opponent
  20. Starblast

    Starblast Ancient
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    Name: LRE-73 (Light Refraction Explosive Type 73), probably to be nicknamed the 'ninja nade'.
    Description: A rounded cylinder, not unlike an elongated frag grenade.
    Effect: When it his the ground, it has a 1 second fuse and then explodes, causing minimal damage. However, it relases a large cloud of debris/smoke to block vision, and creates an image of the thrower via controling of heat (creating a mirage).

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