JOB SITE Describtion: Once you leave your job site. you dont know what happens. protect your job site from getting fired! GAMETYPES: only slayer. Weapons: The weapons on this map is very evenly based. It has a lot of power weapons that take forever to spaw. There is an Overshield and Active camo. Bring on the pics! HOBO HOUSE!!!Fusion coils drop fromt the crane DOWNLOAD
I really like this map, it gives you that messy job factory work area feeling. I can't say that it's the best map I've ever seen, but it looks planned out. 1 thing though. I CAN"T BELIEVE THAT YOU PUT A TELEPORTER OUT IN THE OPEN ON TOP OF A BOX!!!!!THAT LOOKS TERRIBLE!!!! Other than that I like this map. 4.5/5 Love, Zachary9990
oops... I took out the teleporter on the actuall map. lol I forgot I still had that on when I took the screenshots. So just forget it is even there.
Ok well the teleporter is gone. Thats a plus. I like how this entire map seems to be based around a series of intricate ramps. It gives a STRONG vertical element to your map, and makes sure that battles play out in an epic, fight-for-survival fashion. It also strongly encourages holding the high ground; whoever rules the top will likely win the match. However, a lot of the map doesn't look perfect. I can't spot anything particularly wrong with it, but it just looks amiss. A lot of sections nail the "worn-down construction site" look perfectly, but others just look poorly made. It's a fine line, and generally you walk it well. But not always. I like an abundance of power weapons, but a lot of the hardcore crowd don't. This will, unfortunately, lose their DL. However, looks like not too bad of a map. I'm gonna say 3.5/5