Rich & Poor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by bio, Oct 16, 2008.


Are weapons, equipment, granades, spawns and powerups well balanced ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. could be better

  4. could be worse

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. bio

    bio Ancient

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    DOWNLOAD : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Its a fun map that i spent 2 weeks making whit lots of weapons very aesthetic and competitive and like all my maps iterlocking is kept to a minimal expression. Its a symetrical map divided in poor houses and rich houses, depending on where you spawn you'll be rich or poor-- the poor areas have no weapons they'll be found in the rich areas--you can play every gametype- i really spent a lot of time making sure it works and it does provide a fun halo experience just try it and let me know what u think thx.


    1 hammer:---- location:???
    2 shotguns---- location: under the beds
    2 swords------ location: up in the second floors
    2 carbines---- location: in open areas
    2 battlerifles--- location: in open areas
    2 bruteshots--- location:???
    2 assaultrifles--location: in open areas near the poor houses
    1 fuelrod-------location: up in the roof of the haunted house
    1 beam rifle-----location: ???
    2 maulers-------location:???
    2 spikers--------location: ???

    :::and lots of granades: including firebombs and spikes:::


    1 flare------------location:???
    1 radarjammer-----location:???
    2 bubbleshields----location: center of beds
    2 powerdrains ----location: inside rich houses


    2 custompowerups---location:???
    2 overshields--------location:???
    1 active camo------location: center of map







    Thanks to bungie for a great game.
    #1 bio, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2008
  2. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very open in the middle and the pics are kinda annoying with the huge words... but looks great other than that 4.5/5 Please post an overview too, that would be nice.
  3. bio

    bio Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Thx for the post.

    I will post more pics very soon and an overview thx. The open area arround the camo provides a very hot spot in the map and goes well whit the theme of the map which is a neighborhood but you can edit the map i dont care just have fun whit it thx good luck and keep on forging.
    #3 bio, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008

    DA MAN CANNON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its a pretty good concept, but it seems open and if your the poor one your at a disadvantage. that could get annoying. looks well made and like what that other guy said the words are kind of annoying as well. 3.5/5
  5. bio

    bio Ancient

    Likes Received:
    thx for the post. theres more pics CLEAN pics in my bungie profile for those of you who dont like BIG words lol. just try it youll see that open areas are ok if your not a noob.
  6. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was already said, but it was a good concept, but it wasnt pulled out in the best expectations. I like it, its just its to open and looks more like a casual map. Also it doesnt really catch my attention as a town. 2/5 sorry.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i agree with the first poster. those HALOs on every picture r incredible annoying
    thats the only thing i remember from them it really distracts from the map pictures. i suggest u remove them
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks like it doesnt have enough "Stuff" on it
    the map is very open in most areas, i suggest that you add some structures and cover in the wide open areas.
  9. The Chosen Two

    The Chosen Two Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've played this map and found it to be more of an aesthetic map than a competitive map. I found there is just way too many grav lifts on this map. As well with the openness it provides I found it relatively easy to steal kills. Just a bit more cover could help improve this map.
  10. bio

    bio Ancient

    Likes Received:
    THX for the short reviews

    Thx for the post guys but I was expecting better reviews here but i find that some people not everyone only judge by the pics they dont really test the map and all its potential as an all gametype map so where are the real map testers here??? -- ive seen a lot of maps whit decorations on they're pics and not get critism for that-- plus theres a lot more pics in my bungie profile and the maps file set so click some more please and you'll see more-- people seem to forget that open areas are very common and acceptable in original halo maps since halo 1 and this map is not design for hidding to me hidding is for noobs or sniper games but dont get me wrong there are some very good hidding areas on the map you just have to go grav the camo and do whatever you want and grav lifts are necessary on this map but you wouldn't know that if you don't test it correctly-- and who said that an aesthetic map can't be competitive and casual at the same time???? i can take criticism that's why i posted it but not " I DONT LIKE OPEN AREAS CAUSE IM AFFRAID OF THEM AND PEOPLE STEAL MY KILLS" come on get me MORE substance something to really think about cause i'm coming whit 3 more maps and i'm expecting more & please only vote on the poll after and only after you've tested the hole map and all the game variant's including infection my least favorite.
    #10 bio, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  11. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Like the map "LIFE IS NOT FAIR " and it will only affect you depending on where you spawn so "disadvantage" is questionable on the map cause it only depends on which gametype you are playing -- and people post pictures whit words all the time so test the map for real and click on all the pics not only here but in my bungie file set and please only after you do so post a review a coherent one thx.
    #11 bio, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  12. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks decent, with some interlocking that could be better. The overall appearance isn't too pleasing, but if you plan on making a V2, I'd suggest working on the appearance. Gameplay hasn't been tested from me, but might be a little fun.. For the final grade, I give it a C-, 3/5 in stars.
  13. bio

    bio Ancient

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    A good map doesen't need nor requires interlocking--and by the way there is interlocking in the map so i dont get you're review--the appearance is very original i dont think you've seen this map before or have you???? and this is the 5th edition of this map so V2 is not coming-- like i said you can edit it yourself-- And by the way FlipStik voting on the 4 options of the poll makes you a joker and unqualifyed to participate any longer so bye.
    #13 bio, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008

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