I have had some good times on Forge Hub, and I would like to share my memory of Forge Hub and anything I can remember. So basically TrueDarkFusion made a great map and I contacted him about starting a Forge map website. And then nothing happened, so I just moved on. Then I join the Forge Hub forums only to realize who founded it. It was a great surprise. I then moved up the ranks quickly, posting a lot. Trying to become a Guilder. I was one of the first to access the Premium forum which was only users with 250+ posts could see. I then decided that I wasn't going to try to become a Guilder, but a moderator. I competed in the TGIF, if you could say that they are competitions. Having a great time with TDF and gaining a reputation as I posted and played. I then came up with the great idea to become a moderator. It involved a massive amount of time to be spent on Forge Hub and a format. It was called the AJ Review. The concept was simple, rate peoples actual posts along with there maps. And it worked. I then became a moderator. Then Event Staff, then moderator, then Staff, and now Moderator Admin. And a little word for the AJ Review: It's coming...
lol....I got my thread name jacked Forgehub existence, a reflection :recon: i haz reconz... <------ lol, you banned nemi huh? A day for all of forgehub to remember never made it into your OP