Structure_H Created by: Cheatlancer Supported Gametypes: DBX Gametypes Map Description Structure_H is a large symmetrical map ideal for Slayer and CTF games. Its biggest feature is the large "wall" that runs through the middle of the map, creating 2 sides. It is important to secure and control the top of this structure as the custom powerup and turrets spawn there. The bases are also symmetrical, and include 3 ways in and 2 ways out: A shield door entrance, a side entrance, and a drop-down entrance. The bases also include a small place to stand on above the main entrance, although you cannot enter the base from this area. No weapons spawn in the bases, save for the battle rifle outside them. The backlot of each base includes a mongoose and a sniper rifle (1 extra clip). Opposite the backlots is the rocket hall, where the rockets spawn. In the courtyard next to each base is a tower that offers another vantage point for defending the base; this is also where the maulers spawn on the map. This map is set up for Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, KotH, and Territories. _________________________________________________ Viewing the base and tower from the courtyard Defending base...Notice the side entrance Bridge to bases... Rocket hall and the plasma grenade spawn Top of the structure and custom powerup spawn Defending backlot... Courtyard on the attacking side... Weapon list: Battle Rifle: about 6 Rockets: 1 (1 extra clip) Sniper Rifle: 2 (1 extra clip) Turrets: 2 (180 sec spawn) Maulers: 2 (1 extra clip) Custom Powerup: 180 sec spawn; 3.5 overshields Frag Grenades: 4 Plasma Grenades: 2 Mongeese: 2 _________________________________________________ Download Structure_H
kool map, reminds me of my map Excavation, ppl hated it but i made it b4 i joined FH. its like u recreated it and made it better. but u left out my kool stairs that everybody liked, /u did alot of interlocking u can plainly see that. looks a bit open in some areas, but u can fix that in the v2(if u make one). i really like this map, 3.5/5! oh ya, welcome to Forgehub!
dude love it.Ok 1 raeson the bases look amazing and creative.2 it isnt bad interlocking.3 I love the middle thing.The only complaint i have is the bridges in pic 3 should be turned over ad the pic 4 boxez should be.Looks good for bottom line 4/5
Thanks for your comments... Yeah, when I make my v2 I will turn those boxes over by the rocket spawns. As for the bridges, I kind of like the top of the bridge to show in this situation...I just think it looks better (I know what you are saying though, most people do flip their bridges).
Your map looks pretty good, and I would queue it if I space on my hard drive, but sadly I don't. Maybe I'll return at a later date to download. What is with everyone preferring to see the ugly side of a box? In my opinion, the actual top of a box looks far more aesthetically appealing than the bottom, and if you claim there are bumps, I'd like some proof. The same goes for the bridges.
Ooh, nice. I like it, definately different than other maps I've seen. The middle bridge with the two double boxes balanced on fence walls looked like a great place to hold the high ground, but didn't look too over-powered. (Except the turret, does that cause a problem? Or is there a slightly easy way to counter it or stop it?) Anyway the map looks appealing, but could use a bit more interlocking in some places to spruce it up and make it look really neat and tidy. Nice job, keep it up. You Definately have potential.
This map is really fun to play on. Perfect amount of cover and great spawn points. The structures are truly original. Only thing that would be nice is if you made it so that you can get to the second floor of the bases from the inside, like you can from the outside. Otherwise 5/5
Thanks for the comment... When I played this with my friends the turrets were not used excessively. When they are used stationary, the turrets really cannot get a good angle to be too overpowered. With rockets on one side and snipers on the other (Plus the fact that turret-wielders are hella slow), it is not really impossible to counter a guy walking around with a turret...
For those who are looking to improve the quality of their maps, take a good look at this post. One way to make a great map is to have unique structures, with multiple entrypoints. However, with great structures comes a couple of concerns. the outside areas can't be too open (Which doesn't look like much of a problem), and there can't be too many power weapons divided between them. I do recommend taking off maybe the maulers and custom powerup. That still leaves the rocket and snipers, which is enough for a Foundry map. Overall, solid job, it is also advised to flip over all closed boxes for a smoother touch.
Thanks for your comment... When I make v2 I will flip over the boxes as suggested by you and previous other posts. I do not believe there is a shotgun on this map...only 2 maulers...
You might be right... I might just consider giving them 1 clip instead of getting rid of them though...