
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PonyD, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Downloadable Gametype: Boarding Pass
    Number of Players: 4-8 players

    created by: PonyDx
    Thirty two days, thats how long its been since we lost
    contact with Master Chief and his men. We thought the war was
    over, we thought the threat had faded, we could not have
    been more wrong. On the Thirty third day, an entire fleet of
    covenant cruisers entered earths atmosphere and
    began bombarding every major city. The men and women
    of Elysium have fled the city using the streets and subway
    systems to seek salvation within a secret underground facility
    located 3 miles beneath a Dam near Chyenne Mountain. You
    and your men must fight to regain control of those systems
    within Elysium City... no retreat, no surrender.​

    4-8 players

    'multi flag'

    NOTE: The bridge platform that connects the two buildings SPAWNS 30 seconds after each round.
    Use the pillars as cover down in the subway, you'll need it.​

    Capture the Flag by planting it inside the Ticket booth or Newspaper stand.​

    Wire Spools Spawn every 20 seconds to run you down as a Train.






    The Flags are located on the upper corner of the buildings as seen above.​









    This version is a Volume 2 or Revised Version of the Original Submission Map.

    Elysium: The cities name...Elysium is an obscure and mysterious name that evolved from a designation of a place or person struck by lightning, enelysion, enelysios. This could be a reference to Zeus, the god of lightning, so "lightning-struck" could be saying that the person was blessed (struck) by Zeus (lightning). Scholars have also suggested that Greek Elysion may instead derive from the Egyptian term ialu (older iaru), meaning "reeds," with specific reference to the "Reed fields" (Egyptian: sekhet iaru / ialu), a paradisaical land of plenty where the dead hoped to spend eternity.​
    #1 PonyD, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  2. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, yes, yes
    PonyD, I love all your maps but I must say that this is the best one yet
    The forging Looks beutiful and I'm sure the gameplay must be very fun
    I like your "train." Its an awesome idea. Will it actually kill you, though?
    Anyways, 5/5 and a definate DL from me
    Keep up the good work!
  3. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    ok great map.I love the train how it comes down and runs you over.The interlocking in picture 5 and 6 could have just been interlocked together with the stairs.The interlocking of the fence walls were not thet good though.But it looks big and cleanso 5/5.
  4. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    nice map dude, it looks very original for a subway map (i know thats an oxymoron but whatever haha)
    one thing though, it looks too small for hogs. maybe it should have just a ghost and a few spike grenades or a power drainer to take it out
  5. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    The map looks great, very creative. The underground system is very detailed and I love the train concept, the theme is great too. 5/5 and congrats.
  6. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    I was out of the forging game for awhile because I had no Xbox360 since someone broke into my apartment and stole it... along with everything else.

    But this was a map I had been working on at that point, but was lost forever.... so when I got another xbox I started back on this map and I am happy to say I am finally done. This map is a 2v2 or 3v3 map at the most... 4v4 is pushing it but as for your question about the Train.

    YES, the train will mow your butt down and if by any chance you survive the impact of the train... youll be pushed into a wall of death that sends you straight to the outter rim of Foundry were you die Instantly.

    Enjoy my friends, I have worked hard on this map. So I hope you enjoy it as much as my friends and I have.
  7. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    The hogs are just for Aesthetics, you can not get into them... the gametype I have for the Map, called Boarding Pass... does not allow you to enter the vehicles.

    trust me the hogs wont help you at all... they would hurt you tactically more than help. if you get in a hog your just asking for instant death in a slayer game.

    play the game first fellas, trust me. I have tested this Game with ForgeHub Admins and GhostsofOnyx Admins... so many tests have been done that I can honeslty say that this is what they and I agreed upon as the final product.
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Holy Cow this is a cool subway. When i heard subway, i immediatly thought of the map with the train from Halo 2 map pack (forgot the name). I at first imagined a line of dumpsters whizzing past at mind blowing speeds, but that is only a fantasy if mine. Oh well, it is still pwnzoring awsome in a nutshell.
  9. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    this map is sic dude it must of took forever to make. i like the train with the wire spools. i give u a 5/5 nice job
  10. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    i like this it takes me back to the halo 2 map that had a train what was it called again?
    but as for your map its self i really like it it looks really smooth and the train was a good idea!
    also i only see on problem! (thats a good thing) all i see is the red "B-sine" does not match up with the yellow "A-sine" but that is no big deal i realy like keep forging!

    (yes i did change this some as spam posted about spaming. what a douche!)
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    It has come to my attention that this (these) above comments are spam. There are basic guidelines for posting an acceptable response to a thread. Basically you need to post a comment on a aspect of the map. You cannot just say that the map has good interlocking and give it a 5/5 rating. It needs substance and please make it at least a little grammatically correct (it is not a requirement but it is easier for all of us). But basically don’t be lazy. This is an example of a good post:
    Mapmakers like a detailed review of their map as it gives them information on what you like about their map and what they can do to make their next map better for both their own benefit, and your own enjoyment. So please, think before you post and try to refrain from spam in the future. Thank you and have a good day good sirs!
  12. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After days of trail and error trying to get the train to work properly, I came to a decision to use 2 Wire Spools to act as a train.

    I used Crates, Dumpsters, Forklifts... every object I could think of to run through as an acting train, but the end result was failure because movable objects are unpredictable and they would disappear or lag or fall through the map or fly in different directions.

    So I finally made it so that 2 spools will fly through and run you down without a negative result.

    It doesnt have to look like a train, only do what a train would do if it came in contact with a person.... END YOUR LIFE.

    **** EDITED****

    Ok I know your trying to help (SharpShooter) but it doesnt matter if you think these posts are spam... the rules here are a little to strict and I believe the comments are just fine. Now if this was a Featured map and these kinds of comments were showing up... then yes I would agree that these are spam posts... but this is just a Thread showing off a new map... please do not be mister negativity and tell these people that they are doing something wrong by posting in this thread.

    Just let it go for a while... I havent been on Forgehub in a while and you making a statement like that will scare people away from my thread and they wont leave a comment.

    thanks again for trying to help... but let it go.

    and the map your thinking of from Halo2 is TERMINAL.
  13. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    lol thanks for getting my back but i did change my post and i dont mind i have a lot of these any way. (infractions lol) any way thank you i could not remember what it was and you really are good at forging and if you have any other maps you think just stand out from the rest you think i should see then ill take some time and look em' up!
  14. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    Wow! Looks great...gameplay would be awesome there!
    Every gametype looks like it would work!
    I actually think that!
    Just one thing does the train thing keep respawning after the first one??
    Great i will download!
  15. curlybrows

    curlybrows Ancient
    Senior Member

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    quite an original map. ive never seen a train before. CTF maps are becoming rare and its always symmetrical, 2 base with tons of open space all around. 5/5 (thats only my second one of those) and a DL. if my tarot cards are reading right and i smell a V2 lurking in your future, may i suggest an infection gametype? those are always fun in close quarters :D
    #15 curlybrows, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2008
  16. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im taking a break from infection maps... If its an infection map your looking for then i suggest you head over to my SALVATION map or check my FILE SHARE and download the EXPANTION PACK for SALVATION.

    This map is for TEAM CTF/SLAYER.
  17. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    downloaded, going to play it during my 10 hour lan party tomorrow, hope it plays good with 9 people and very nice job
  18. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh...My...B-God...This map looks amazing. Im lost for words. I WILL be back with a gameplay review.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As I've said over at GoO, this map looks incredible. You have a real gift of creating aesthetic structures that are easily recognizable as what you intend them to be, and Submission really seems to shine. I hope to get some games on this with you and some other Ghosts this weekend when I'm able to get some Halo time. Can't wait, man.
  20. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...... D*MN. This is THE most well-thought out map ever..... EVAR! 3452/10 man, this is amazing. Perfect interlocking and un-speakable Aesthetics. Feature NAO. NAO!!!!

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