This is just a quick picture I took awhile back. People really seem to love it, I didn't think it would get very popular. Tell me what you think! Download Security here
I like it but between the sniper and the head seems very bright, but i dont really want to be a hypocrite considering my pictures... I like the backround, it looks like a rocket, but i dont really care how it was done, it turned out good. nice picture 9/10
I like this quite a bit simple but effective and it shows a lot of detail may I ask how it was done? Can we have a link to bungie please EDIT-I just noticed your avatar what the hell is that its so cool?
It's in the Avalanche tunnel (man-cannon). Just throw a couple of 'Spike Grenades' against the lower man-cannon wall and pose for the camera. Yeah, hold on, I can get a link... It's from a really awesome band I like. That's all I'm saying...
thanks i want to take one like this but with me in it i love spike grenades and they way they look you can tell me what band it is i'm not going to use it for anything i just want to look at the full picture in more detail
Very nice Pic. Looks like a nice Desktop, but the light inbetween the head and the sniper is kinda bright. Great Job 5/5
Thanks for the comments guys! And yes, it does actually make quite a good (okay) desktop background, if you ask me. Keep 'em comin!
yo that looks amazing!!! i can never get my screenies backgrounds like that. plus i like security helmet........alot! can anyone here tell me how to get screenshots like that?
Holy crap the background looks freaking insane! It looks like a big bomb. The only bad part is the bright light, but that is only minor. 9.5/10
It's in the Avalanche tunnel (man-cannon). Just throw a couple of 'Spike Grenades' against the lower man-cannon wall and pose for the camera. Thanks guys! I know it may be a little bright, but if it wasn't for that their wouldn't be a screenshot like this. That's why I took it as it is; and that's also why I didn't, and still don't, like it that much. I have another screenshot I might post up here, that's my favorite but no one seems to agree XD
OMG This is so freaking epic man this is one of the best screenshots available on somebody's fileshare. This is so freaking epic i cant get over it is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is one very good looking screenshot. The effect sounds simple the way you say it but it looks really awesome. I love the shot a lot. The black and orange colors are great. Good job.
I thought this was isolation or cold storage. Good job, I wouldn't have ever tried avalanche for this effect!
Ha! One of my friends just the other day saw this and said, "I don't really enjoy the screenshot, why? - well, you can't seem to see the end of the barrel." Thanks guys though, greatly appreciate the comments (and votes)!
Epic screenshot, I"m going to steal it for my background lol. I love how it's simple and a dramitc explosion behind. All my screenshots turn out to equal crap. Disturbed FTW!!!!!