when a man reveals that he prefers other men to the company of a woman, he is told that it is a natural part of life, but when a man reveals he prefers corpses (who cannot be offended, no matter what you do to them), or animals (who probably aren't sentient enough to appreciate why its wrong), he is told to change his ways, by the law and society? If the later 2 are the results of the Bible, should not the first one also be after the same fashion (after all, all 3 perversions are called evil in the same chapter of the same book...) also, why is necrophillia a crime? Some people just want someone who won't judge them on their performance, or want quiet during the act, or whatever reason... As long as the other person agreed while they alive (preferably with a PS in the will: "I Want my body, minus the essential organs, to be preserved and given to *so-&-so*, so that he may enjoy it" your reasons/ reasonings, please.
this is exactly what I mean. why is a response like Zanders the cultural norm, but saying "Are you saying you like to **** other men?" is "racist"? For the record, I would prefer to never desire to mate with anyone or anything, but when that dark aspect of my personality surfaces, it is for LIVING female humans, of the age, 18-21. (I'm 19.)
Necrophilia: Do you think that the loved ones of the deceased would think highly of you doing... "things" with the corpse? Besides it being morally wrong to most, it's also insanely unsanitary to even think of it; how did they die? Disease? - You yourself are at risk for health issues. - The body would reek something awful. Old age? - The body would fall apart. - I'm not exactly into the "experienced" ones. Blood loss, injury, etc? - Skin flap of a corpse. - Stumpy. I realize the above are all my opinions of the topic, but... egh. If you're into Necrophilia, then go work at a morgue or something and hope to whatever you believe in that you aren't caught. I can't believe you actually made me think of the repercussions of intercourse with corpses, you arse. Bestiality: Can the animal consent to allowing itself intercourse with you? Is the animal sentient? If it's not yes, it's rape. End of discussion. Homosexuality / Bisexuality: The two parties can both agree to having intercourse, unlike your previous two notions. Not everything is based upon the word of God, as many people refuse to believe in him, so any Bible references towards the subject are irrelevant in the general consensus of opinions. ... This is one odd point of view you've got here, OP. I believe the term for the two of these combined is "Necrobeastialist", though... ha ha, I was actually arguing the term with a kid in math class today, that's an odd coincidence. But yes. Odd point of view.
Uhm, I'm going to agree with everything typed by Domiboy. Truly don't know why the subject was challenged, as it is plainly sick. Deceased and animal parts are far from what I'd ever be into ever and gladfully everyone around me. Animals have abosolutely no way of expressing physical/emotional/mental want for human 'affection' as well as those who have passed on; like mentioned above. I think ima walk away from this one.
Reproduction of any kind is unsanitary. Think about it, your putting your skin INSIDE the place where the bodies waste collects and is expelled (Anal Sex.) You're putting the most likely surface to have fungal infections in someone elses mouth. (Oral) Sex is just disgusting, if you think about it in the same light as Necrophilia; that it isn't the end all, to be all of human existance. as to "Do you think that the loved ones of the deceased would think highly of you doing... "things" with the corpse?" When the loved ones of a person who is engaging in gay activites expresses disapproval, they are portrayed as evil. I assume that the future "Corpse Bride" would have given explicit permission for their body to be used in that way, otherwise it is a form of "Victimless rape." Finally, why does everyone assume I'm a necrophilliac?
1. Reproduction is a necessary process in continuing human life; and it's a beautiful thing when it's used to show love towards another being, regardless sexual preference. 2. Neither anal sex or oral sex are part of reproduction, though they do relate to intercourse as a whole. 1. That is your opinion entirely - not something to base an argument off of. 2. Reproduction oriented sex is the end all, be all of human existence - without it, we wouldn't be here today. 3. Necrophilia is the act of intercourse with a deceased body, or "corpse". Said corpse has no immune system to prevent it from collecting disease, bacteria, insect, etc. Sex is that act of intercourse with another alive being, whether done in an act of aggression, love, boredom, etc. Once a person has died, their will states how they would like to be "disposed of", for lack of a better term; cremation, burial, whatever means they so desire. The loved ones of the deceased have complete control of the arrangements of said "disposal" other than the method of disposal itself; they decide if you can sleep with their dead daughter, not you. Presuming you're in the United States, you have free rights to abstain or proceed into any sexual related activity you so choose so long as it is not illegal; to the extent of my knowledge, sexual activity between homosexuals nor bisexuals is illegal, ha ha. You have complete control over yourself when you're alive, and your loved ones have complete control over you when you're deceased. 1. Future Corpse Bride? What the ****, when was this bill passed? Where was I when this happened? Don't pull random **** from your ass, rofl. I'm sorry, but that struck me as ****ing hilarious. 2. Victims would be the loved ones who have control over their body, possessions, etc. No one assumes you're a necrophiliac nor supporter of bestiality, you're just making an argument that is obviously trying to relate homosexual and bisexual activity to a level no greater looked upon than this topic itself. Shut up and quit relating the three.
woah what? who said anything about butt sex or oral pleasure? And since when was that how you reproduce? try using the ****** when you want children, just throwing that out there. maybe i missed something, but for now, that was all random, untrue, and irrelevant. The desire to not want to reproduce is definitely a disorder that you may want to get checked out, humans are made with the instinct to reproduce... I'm also brought back by your saying sex is a seriously, that's not normal. You are either extremely christian or just inexperienced. You're the right person to bring on such a weird debate like this. As for the topic, necrophelia is wrong by today's moral standards, and i don't see many people agreeing to such things for when they die. It's definitely a health hazard to keep dead bodies of your loved ones around to have sex with. Beastiality, well that's interesting. We don't get consent from animals before we put them in captivity or kill them, and those things are fine in many areas. I don't see homesexuality anywhere close to boning dead bodies and animals... but that's me. Think about what goes into making something illegal. Laws are based on what's widely accepted morally. Someday necrophelia and beastiality may become morally okay... who knows.
Social standards determine how laws are formed. Because laws are made by ordinary people, and these people can't help but to have standards. So of course, if the majority of people see that it's okay to have sex with dead dolphins, then go right ahead.
Ha ha, now that's sex with a porpoise! I disagree with the rest of your statements, though; intercourse with dead things leaves you at risk for diseases and illness that the deceased was killed from, and intercourse with animals could have dire repercussions toward both parties; you could ruin the animals reproductive system, ruin your own reproductive system, etc. That's not to say that the same results couldn't happen with intercourse between other kinds of couples, but seeing as how incest is illegal due to possible health affects of children between the two blood relatives, I believe that Necrophilia and Bestiality are illegal for a reason also. But hey; so long as you're both safe.
You have it backwards here, and you're making the mistake of thinking that morality is co-opted to religion. In other words, religion doesn't have a monopoly on morality, as some seem to believe. That's a totally fair, legitimate question. And you bring up a good point. First, let's make it less visceral and change the question to polygamy. Why shouldn't consensual polygamy be brought up in the same debate over gay marriage? Well I agree with Nemi that so many of these "moral" issues are not moral issues at all but cultural issues. Incest is shunned by all cultures (but it's only universal for siblings, aunts, uncles, parents, and grandparents. Cousins are fair game in some places). It's a matter of practicality that has been so internalized that it seems to be ethics. Necrobestiality (thanks for that, Dom) isn't immoral, it's just illegal because it's nasty.
It appalls me you would even say those words. I can't help but think that you want to do said things, but the law is the only thing holding you back. However, I will go ahead and answer this to the best of my abilities. I guess it is a fair question, but anyone fighting for the rights for this to be allowed, I prefer to ignore their existence. Alright, gay or not, sex is sex. It is the relationship, whether emotional or purely promiscuous. Both parties are aware of what is happening, and it is an agreement, or else one or the other would speak out against it. Necrophilia, the person is dead. They can't speak their consent. Same with animals, because they can't speak. Now you might ask about rape. Well rape is illegal, because the one person does not have the permission from the other, and so, for all practical purposes, if you **** a dead person, you might as well be raping them, and rape is a crime. There, simple as that.
....if only but you did say what I forgot to.... bestiality is certainly abusive to the animal, and I'm certainly against it for that reason.
Hmm, true, but I meant "simple as that" in the sense that it is that simple to create a counter argument that would stand.
1) necrophilia should not be a crime because the person is dead and cannot be offended or get pregnant 2) you cannot base laws on the bible bcuz some people dont believe the bible is truthful 3) if you are gay, it is your choice and your problem, not mine, or the governments, and neither have any grounds to interfere
only some people it is nasty because apparently the people who do it dont think it is, and if that is the reason it is illegal, then why refrain the one person who is unjustly stripped of what he believes. i am not one of them tho, i just believe every1 should hav equal and just rights
All practices and laws related to dead people are about the people who cared for that person, not the corpse. We don't bury reusable organs because the dead person didn't identify himself as a donor. You can't sue a hospital when your dead but your family damn sure can. So it's not correct to say that it's OK because the victim can't be offended. I agree I agree I used the word "nasty", kind of as an abbreviation because I didn't think I literally had to go into why necrophelia is illegal. I think it's as much of a health and sanitation thing as anything. Of course a big part of it is public disgust (which would not be reason enough to justify a ban), but it's more complicated than that. Anyway, you have an open mind on the subject, and I'm all about open minds.
I believe that the first should be allowed, but only if kept private. Nobody wants to hear, see, or even notice other people being gay (or at least nobody in general). The other two are disturbing, disgusting, and offensive. If you are "getting it on" with a dead, rotted, decaying body, you BELONG in an insane asylum or jail. Even if it hasn't rotted, it is wrong. Dont even argue about it, it is freaking wrong. As with animals, it takes a terrible person to do that. Both cases can, and sometimes will, cause STD's. If you're screwed up in the head enough to do it with a corpe, then don't be suprised when you get herpes.
For those of you who have a bit of difficulty understanding this, I'll translate it for you: ... Do you even listen to yourself talk? The rest of your statements aren't even worthy of commenting on after this atrocious statement.
Gayness is against my religion. I'm not going to bash any gay's or gay supporters but personally I would never consider it and would never consider anyone of my religion to do it. Second WTF is up with bestiallity. Last time I checked animals cant talk. So you can really ask a goat if it agree's to anything. Period. And on to the top of Necrofiliacs. What the hell could possess a person to try to bang a corpse? Honestly, you're tring to make love to a rotting piece of human meat. Do you people watch movies like Dawn of The Dead, and 28 Weeks Later to get off? Really I dont want to get negative rep for this but really people, come on.