
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Oct 14, 2008.

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  1. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    hey there, played around on it a little last night. so here goes--
    first off the map is great, has a great feel and some very cool looking features. Namely the stairs for jump ups, the wall ramps b/t the bridges and the teeth. As a competitive 1v1 or 2v2 there are some things that I would change. Mostly just simplifying things, to increases strafing room throughout the map.

    1. "A" and "B" bases-simplify the area. Remove the barriers and move the Signs inward.

    2. Remove the box bottom center

    3. Lower the whole top center to be even with second level. This will help solve most of your spawning issues. The center is to high and can over see most spawn points. I recommend lowing the center and moving the bridges from ground floor to the second level sides.

    4. Block off 2 sides of bottom center, leaving the open side facing "A" and "B".

    5. Move the teeth to the edge of the box, to provide more strafing room.

    6. Spawns-- in very small maps, over laping spawning area seems to help. You might want to try one large spawning area. That I can't comment on in detail, b/c we were mainly looking at the map it self

    this is in reponse to your post at MLGpro and the MLG version. TTYL -kon
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Squid this is orgasmic. The forgin is impecable. i love the fact that it is pretty much proportional and that it is made for matchmaking which is a plus in my book which means you did this without the moneyglitch
  3. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Wow squidhands, very good job on the map. I am sorry I can not download the map and do a forge through but my xbox is broken so I will have to do my review off of the pictures and description.

    Aesthetics: This is a very aesthetically pleasing map. There are many creative structures that are functional but are highly aesthetic as well. The one that I noticed the most was the "teeth" that consist of walls interlocked into the double box floor. They add a very cool looking touch to the map. I also like how you did not put these all the way to the front of the boxes, allowing you to walk either behind or in front of them. In the first picture, the interlocking looks especially clean and well done. The double boxes and the fence wall look very smooth and easy to walk on. The entire central structure has a great design and the bridges look pretty awesome. Another thing that I noticed was the stairs that you said you interlocked in both directions. That was very good thinking because you can usually look right through the stairs when you are walking in a certain direction. It also is great that they serve as a tactical jump. The interlocking of and inside of the outer ring looks very clean too. The stairs up to the higher level and the signs look very good. The barriers with weapon holders are also a nice touch, they are done is many maps but they still look good. The power ups are another often done aesthetic technique that you have incorporated as well. They add color to the bland objects that are able to be placed on foundry. The man cannon on the outer ring's wall helps with that too. Speaking of the outer wall, it looks very nicely done, I noticed the crane merging, which is fairly difficult. All in all, the map is very aesthetically pleasing.

    Playability:This map looks like it plays very well. It looks especially good for 2v2 due to the size and shape of the map. I like how there seems to be multiple ways up to everything. An example of this is how the outer ring has stairs to walk up and it also has stairs that you jump onto. The central structure looks like there are multiple bridges leading up to it to prevent camping on the top. I read how you said the teeth are a great source of cover that prevent camping as well and I totally agree. They seem to keep people from sitting behind cover and killing anyone who comes close. The window panels around the outside look like they give cover but also nading opportunities as well. The fact that the ring goes all the way around lets people choose if they want the longer high ground route across the map or the quicker low ground path. There seems to be many choices that can be made.

    Overall: The map seems to have a great layout, almost like pi except for bigger. It has great aesthetic touches and it supports many gametypes.The weapons are varied and spread out nicely and the different types of cover make camping challenging. Very good looking map and I would love to download when my box gets fixed.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I think that is quite possibly the most detailed review of a map's pictures that I've ever seen. Sorry you don't have an xbox at the moment, but I demand that you come back and give me a review based on a forgethrough or gameplay once you get it back, lol.

    Thanks for your criticisms, Kon. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to look through it. Hopefully you can get some games going, as I'd love to hear what you think about the gameplay as well. I'll go ahead and address some of your critiques:

    It is a little cramped in the bases, I'll grant you. One of the reasons for the column was to make a flag cap/bomb plant a little more difficult. I may mess around with the MLG version and free up some extra money to address some concerns about the openness of the halls.

    Aw, really? I actually like the fact that it breaks up the map in the center. It seems like it would be pretty easy to carry the flag straight up the middle if something weren't there.

    I'm going to respectfully disagree with you here. If I brought the top to the level of the outer ring, it would just be too easy to shoot across the map and make the spawn system not work as well as it has been. It would also completely eliminate all of the room to maneuver that's currently under the central structure, and would really cut down on the use of the floor.

    This kind of goes back to my response to your second point, and I'd say again that it would seem to make the run from the bases to be too easy. The concept of what you're suggesting is a sound one and one that I've seen in many great MLG maps, but I feel like it doesn't fit here and would reduce the overall scale of this map.

    You're the second great forger who's opinion I respect to bring this up, so I think I'll work on this along with un-cramping the bases.

    I'm actually very pleased with how the spawns have been working, even in 3v3 situations. There are some heavy weighting on the spawns in the bases and under the bridges, but in all the films I've studied I haven't seen a really bad spawn or one where a freshly spawned player hasn't been able to victoriously fight himself out of his location. The setup of the respawn areas look pretty basic, but they do work as well as I could have hoped for so few spawn points. I am completely obsessed with spawns and how they work in game, so if you or anyone else come across some iffy ones when you're playing please let me see the film.

    Thanks man, I really appreciate the praise. I quoted you because you brought up a point that I failed to mention in the original post. You are correct, the map is NOT budget-glitched, and I'm pretty proud of that. So proud that I failed to mention it in the first place, lol.
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Excellent map man. I love that this looks like an arena type map and is good for warm-ups and BR practices. This is your best map so far. I hope your next map will be either as good as this or better than this. Nice job!
  6. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
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    This is by far one of the best competitive/MLG symmetric maps I have ever seen. Amazing interlocking and great geomerging. I love CTF on this map, it's way fun. 5/5 dude. And it kinda reminds me of midship.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments, guys. I'd like to announce that gamevee is back up, so I'd love to see some links to the games that you've played on here. This is an almost 15 minute Oddball game that went right down to the last couple of seconds. I'm sorry to say that you'll all see how crappy of a player I am, but it does switch over to Shadow Viper for a little bit near the end.

  8. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Wow looks awesome. The interlocking is good.
    Some of your cover ideas are really original and cool.
    Gret map.
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Vorpal Saint’s Map Review of Radius
    made by Squidhands

    Well, squidhands, as of me being part of testing this map... I can say I enjoyed it a lot. I've played on this map with tex, you, insane, and a few others. I had a lot of fun and can say this map is pretty good.

    Aesthetics: Now, this isn't the most awesome map to look at. But you do have very well done interlocking/geomerging. The walls that have a cut out V like shape were very creative and I would have to say those are my favorite features of the map. The purple power up in the top-mid section in the fence wall was also nice and I figured you did that since you were a loyal (and also for aesthetics) =D Anyways, the one small thing I didn't like you did was the fact that you had the B signs not pointing in the same way as the A signs. (Like I said, small) It's just something I tend not to like. =\ For aesthetics I give you a 7.5/10. For very well done interlocking/geomerging and nice new aesthetics.

    Gameplay: This map has some of the best mix of gameplay I've seen in a while (this is before I saw a few maps though, but don't get me wrong, this has awesome gameplay none-the-less). More and more I'm seeing maps turn out more gameplay than aesthetics. This map plays really well for 3v3's Multi-Flag, Team Slayer, and even 1-Flag. (I think we played KotH, but I can't recall) I would have to say Multi-Flag was the most awesome since it kept me on the edge of my chair (maps hardly ever do that). The spawns were good and fair, as were the weapons. You blended all aspects of gameplay well, so for that I give you a 9/10. Only because in some cases, but hardly ever, camping happened on the top-middle.

    Overall: I wasn't that surprised that this map would be awesome since a loyal made it. But I was surprised how easy it was to navagate it so fast, and how the aesthetics were easy to remember. The general flow of the map is good and for a symmetrical map I must say it's awesome. So overall I give you a 8.25/10. =]

    (and sorry if you were thinking I was going to write a very long review)
    squidhands likes this.
  10. The Chosen Two

    The Chosen Two Ancient
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    Sorry there, I've downloaded this map and played it only on free for all with about 5 players. 1 left in the middle of the game. This map's gameplay was great. I didn't really have problems with the spawns, but then again I was the one winning. I found when playing this map with random weapons, it just makes the map even more intense. Great job on the aesthetics! 5/5.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    FFA, huh? I'd love to see the film off of that to see where everyone started. I didn't set it up for FFA (at least, I don't remember doing that). Glad you had fun, man. You should give FFA Oddball a shot, it's what I originally began building the map for.

    Thanks a lot for the review, Vorpal. I really appreciate the comments since you were in on a few games and got a really good sense of how it played. I have to say that I designed this map more on gameplay rather than aesthetics, abd the outer ring is completely merged together for that reason (grenades were having a tendency to go under the walls in previous incarnations). Glad to know you liked it.

    The beginnings of this map are quite old, and I found out how to do the custom colors by sheer accident. I thought I was going to be the first to share the knowledge with my fellow forgers, but then I saw Amplified and was heartbroken. But I never even thought about the Loyal connection until you brought it up. I like it, though. :)

    *facepalm* I almost didn't believe you there for a minute, but your right. Argh. I'm working on an updated MLG version and a separate 1v1 edition with powerups to fit better with Zanno's 1v1 gametype, so I'll address that issue then. Thanks for pointing that out and thanks again for the review.

  12. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Very neat and complex map this must of took u forever. 5/5 from me. EVERYTHING is so neat and perfect u deserve favs for this. I like the map a lot, nice interlocking!!!!!!
  13. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I've been meaning to get around to thinking about posting on this since you released it.

    I like this map with an intense passion that burns deep inside of me. I think I recall being part of a couple Testing Games with you and some other cats. It sure was alot of fun.

    I saved it to my hard drive immediately after said testing games, I re-downloaded it a couple days ago. I've played a few games on it since then.

    To anyone who can be bothered reading this, I highly recomend you download it. It truley is a fantastic map that is great to have on your hard drive for a cusom or two. It works swimmingly for both miniscule parties and larger ones.

    I have always pictured making a circular map but I thought it would be a bit hard to pull off and wouldn't play that well. How wrong I was.. You have executed it perfectly. A very original map that looks plays superbly and looks great. Didactic you could say. (I'm using big words, cool right?)

    I really like the layout of the map. The walkways around the sides, the bases tucked into each end and the centre structure with space underneath.. It all just fits.

    My favourite part would have to be the centre structure. It provides high ground that can be used as a good vantage point to control the map from, but is vulnerable from all sides, so its not completely too hard to fight back when you're on the medium/lower ground.
    The space beneath is a great place to run to to recover shields and maybe drop a grenade at your feet for enemies that are chasing you for the beat down. It encourages some intense close combat scenarios.
    I also love the reactor/crystal part under the fence wall. It looks sexy as hell.

    The walkways are beautifully curved, and those teeth are remarkable. I love throwing Frags onto the walkways a few steps infront of enemies then finishing them off with the BR. The bridges are pretty cool, very nifty the way you have slanted bits underneath them so players can jump up quickly and conveniantly. Also provide for some epic assassinations : P

    Another snazzy thing you did was interlocking the stairs with the sides of the walkways to give that ledge for players to easily get from the ground to the walkways.

    My iPod battery is seriously going to die soon (yeah, I wrote this on my iPod touch -_- ) so I'm just gonna leave it at that.

    Srsly though nice map. Staying on my Hard drive.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for the awesome review, Mastar! I'm really happy to hear such positive comments about the overall gameplay, as it was foremost on my mind when building. I'm currently working on an update to the MLG version based on some comments to improve the overall flow of the map. I'll hopefully be finished up with it this weekend, so I'll be looking for some testers. Thanks again to all those who are playing it and I'd love to see some gamevee videos!
  15. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Trapped in purgatory, A lifeless object, alive, Awaiting reprisal, Death will be their acquisition
    The sky is turning red, Return to power draws near, Fall into me, the skys crimson tears, Abolish the rules made of stone, Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past, Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above
    Awaiting the hour of reprisal,Your time slips away
    Raining blood, From a lacerated sky, Bleeding its horror, Creating my structure, Now I shall reign in blood!

    Awesome Vid Squid, I have not got a game as of yet, but I hope to in the near future. From my Forge-through tho I was quite pleased from the set up of the map. I loved all the little jumps that up add to it. I like how you set up the spawn system for Flag, yet to look at it for oddball and KOTH. Like I said I can't wait to get a game in on this Squid.
  16. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I have no doubt that this map is going to get featured this map is amazing and plays even better. Unbelivable interlocking. This is a piece of art
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I knew you'd come through for me with the Slayer knowledge! +rep to you - oh, wait...

    As I said, I'll be testing the updated MLG version this weekend (hopefully), so I'll be on the lookout for you to get some games in. The spawn systems have a pretty basic setup for all the gametypes, but they all work surprisingly well so far. I'm looking forward to getting some games with you, Tusk. It's been too long.

    Thanks for the kind words, sir. If you'd like to see it featured, allow me to point you to this thread. ;-)
  18. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    the yellow teeth is epic. Imma bookmark and come back once i have room on my queue
  19. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    I thought this map was really great. I played it a few times and I dont really have 1 complaint about the design or aesthetics. The only thing i really found bad was assault rifle games were really terrible, but not many ppl play those anyways, and it's definetely not a big deal. feature potential for sure
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Since I'm never satisfied with what I forge, I present to you guys an updated version. I've gotten a lot of positive criticism about this map, and I've taken in the suggestions and implemented a few that I think make the map flow much better. For starters, I moved the teeth out to the edge of the ring (thanks, Creeping Death and Kon Artist), and due to budgetary reasons I removed the horizontal stairs that allowed for a jump up. It was mainly meant to be an aesthetic touch that doubled as a tactical jump, but there are still four ways up to the ring from the floor.


    The next (and possibly best) change I made was raising the bridges to top mid off the floor and attached them to the outer ring. I'm so pissed that I never thought of this on my own (Kon Artist's idea), but it really makes the map flow better.


    Also take notice that the Halls have been modified to add more cover from top mid fire. The line of fire cross map and to the floor are gone as well, but you can still pop out from behind the columns to defend your position. You can now also jump out the window to the floor or to the bridge to top mid if you time it just so.

    The last big change I made was to raise the columns for top mid. The way it was allowed a player too much access to the ring, and another suggestion that was given was to cut off some lines of sight in this area. I think it works well.


    A couple of other minor changes have been made, and I don't think they'll effect gameplay too much. I now have the B sign facing as it should (thanks, Vorpal), and I removed the barrier columns from the bases to make movement through them a little smoother. As always, I would appreciate comments and even some game vids. My goal here is to get Radius to MatchMaking, and I think these improvements are bringing me a little closer to realizing the dream. ;-)

    I'll update the OP with these pictures as well as with the new link.

    Radius 1.1
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