This is our intro for our upcoming dualtage. Tell us what you think of it. I DIDN'T MAKE THE INTRO - SCORPULUS DID
That's nice! I like the 3 that pops down, that's sneaky, music is good too! BTW what program do you use to edit? i've been looking for one!
That madde me LOL. I never seen a Dualtage that used that song, and it fits so well. Bravo for making The Offspring work in Halo 3.
Looks amazing, but that is the intro. I only care about the gameplay. I hope you put some tasty clips in there ;D
Looks good but it's quite hard to see with all tho images so i would suggest just a sliding camera instead of the things you use now
We're shooting for November 5th. If not then, most definitely the 10th. You'll see it when it comes out .