MLG Neutrality

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by tornquist92, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. tornquist92

    tornquist92 Ancient
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    MLG Neutrality is diagonally symmetrical map with two bases and two neutral bases that resembles midship a little. There is a sniper top mid with a mauler under it. Flags spawn in the main bases and capturing is in between your base and your neutral. Team slayer is the best for this map but CTF is also good.
    I am looking for some people to play test this map and someone to help with forging some of the fine details(aka smoothing out the bumps) my gt is pat0092 send me a message and a fr.

    Please Comment


    #1 tornquist92, Oct 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2008
    K3V1N likes this.
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    is this a v2, becuase i'm almost sure i've seen it somewhere else, and i don't think you made it. stealing maps is frowned upon here, and will result in infractions or banning
  3. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    this is not up to forgehub standards the screen shots are not working.
    plze fix it
  4. tornquist92

    tornquist92 Ancient
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    ok pictures are working(obviously) and if anyone thinks this isn't my map send my a message on xbl my gt is pat0092
  5. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    I believe I have seen it too, I believe It was posted here at forgehub before.
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    The corners are a bit similar to my map Perch, which is maybe where you saw it, but i don't know.

    Back to the map though, it is very creative and different, and i like how you use the corners for the bases.

    The only things that I would mention is that you may want to geomerge the boxes into the foundary walls, so you can use that walls elsewhere. Also in the second sceen shot it looked like one of the walls was missing, so you may want to fix that.

    Other than that nice job on the map and just keep working. 4v5, good luck on other maps.
  7. Sep7aPhobia

    Sep7aPhobia Ancient
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    Not a bad MLG Map.

    Though it does look very like a map I have seen before...

    Oh well I'll let that pass. Keep up the good work but may I make
    A suggestion? Use less Power ups fused in the walls, it looks cool
    but the amount on this map takes it a little to far. Oh well thats
    probably a really stupid suggestion so take it at its worth :p

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