Ok this season is one of the biggest of all times. But unfortunately I will have to say no to some games. What will you guys do this season? Buy on release- Far Cry 2 Buy after try- Call of Duty World at War Buy later- Mirror's Edge Xmas- End War Try before buy- Fallout 3 Try before buy (after watching the movie!)- 007 Wait- Tomb Raider No- Gears of War 2 I hate saying no to Gears but I skipped the first one and will skip this one too. I can't donate hours and hours anymore so Fallout 3 may be a no. End War will be fun, but I want to give other games room. I'm a huge Bond fan. I like Tomb Raider, but not enough to pay full price. Mirror's Edge looks awesome, but I have to space stuff out. What will you do?
Games to buy before Christmas Fable 2 Far Cry 2 Gears of War 2. Its going to be an expensive holiday season.
Buy on Release - FarCry 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, most likely CoD:WaW Xmas - Fable 2, Fallout 3 Undecided - Gears of War 2 I want GoW2, but many have told me that if I didn't own the first one then I will be bad at the game for a long time and it won't be too much fun. Also, I'm more of a casual gamer, and GoW is apparently really competitive.
Those people would be lying. From what I've heard from interviews and the such, Gears 2s only relation to Gears 1 is story and name. The gameplay looks as if they've completly changed it. Also, Gears is just as competitive as Halo 3 matchmaking. Insults all over the place and your teammates calling you n00b. Sounds exactly like CoD4 and Halo 3... Now, my list of games to buy. Buy on release is Gears. I've been threatened by many of my friends that if I don't get it, they'll shun me. Buy after Gears. Fallout 3. Looks to be quite the game and it looks like every action has a consequence as evidenced by the Megaton videos. If anybody doesn't kknow what that is, you have to detonate a nuke which is inside a town. Buy eventually, Fable 2. Buy eventually, CoD5. I hope the campaign is as good as the past games... Games that'll require a review that states that the game is better then Portal to buy, anything from EA.
Im getting DEAD SPACE, GoW2, Fall Out 3, Mirrors Edge, LittleBig Planet, and CoD5. I am the only one getting dead space?
mmm I've thought a lot about this and it changes quite a lot. pre-ordered: Gears of war 2 The reason is, Gears 1 was my first xbox live game and before i found halo 2 it was my favourite multi player game. There's been many teasers and i must say, I'm impressed. buy on release date: Far cry 2 The obvious reason, the map maker blew me away and i was curious about the rest of the game. The graphics are above average and the storyline seems interesting but i haven't seem much. games im not getting: Fable 2 i didn't get to play the first but it looks good and I've heard amazing things. Sadly at the moment its at the bottom of my list.
I pre-ordered GoW 2, and that will be the only game I will be getting for a while probably. I do have a list of games that I want. Guitar Hero World Tour, Rock Band 2, Halo Wars, EndWar, and Recon.
Really? I have only heard positive comments about it. Mostly that the things they added into the game fit the WW2 mentality very nicely and that the developers had taken alot of the common complaints and fixed them to the best of their abilities.
I'm getting Fable 2 and Far Cry 2 on release and getting CodWaW / Fallout 3 for Xmas. I decided not to get Gears, just not exactly my type of game. I'm getting Fable 2 as soon as it comes out because I love the original and can't wait for 2 to come out. I haven't played any of the Far cry series, but from what I've heard they're amazing, and both the map editor and campaign look amazing for Far Cry 2. I'm waiting for CodWaW because I don't have enough money currently and would rather wait to rent it first so I can decide if I want it.
Why not? The original Far Cry will be nothing compared to the new one whenever it's released. Better graphics, compelling storyline, selective missions, and a friggin' map editor that'll blow your friggin' mind!
Seriously? Call of Duty 4 and Rainbow Six Vegas have a more elaborate system of multiplayer than Gears of War 2 will ever have. Customizable classes that allow you to chose guns and appearance. Ah well though, whatever floats your boat. =)