This tragic Murder happened in August 11th 2001. A boy and his father decided that they would go up to the mountains for a while to cut down some trees for firewood (Due to their house heating could'nt be transferred to where they lived) The boys name was Tommy and his fathers name was Lee. Together they chopped down wood using saws, axes and their other equipment. They had chopped down lots of trees in the section of the forest they were in. So the father told his son to go up to the hill and tell him to see if he can find any big trees. The boy went up the hill and found a huge thick bark tree, He went back down to call his dad and found out that his dad was'nt there. His equipment and stuff were still there so the boy started to think "He must have went to have a piss' or something" So he waited, They had arrived at 3:17PM and as the boy was sitting there it began to get dark and went to about 6 o' clock that evening. So the boy started to cry and started to shout out loud "Dad!!! Where are ye" (It's Irish slang) and there was no answer. He kept on calling and then he started to run for his life and the car was still there. The boy soon thought that his dad got lost and sat in the car for a while. He got worried and started to run back up to the tree where the equipment was, There's no equipment there. Sh he ran back to the car, Car was gone. He decided to cry and started to run for help somewhere he would find it. Running down the road a car was speeding up, He hopped into the ditch hoping to not be noticed, The driver stopped and looked into the ditch to find nothing, He drove on. The boy started running again but someone grabbed him from behind. He punched him into the head and knocked him out. The next day around 7 o'clock in the morning, The boy wakes up and is back in the mountains. He starts crying again calling out for his dad, No answer, A man who looks like his dad came over to him with a hatchet, and slice. There was silence in the forest, The boy's head had been slit off his head with blood everywhere, The murderer dropped the hatchet and walked off. A few weeks later, A hiker and his dog were in the same spot of the incident and picked up the body and ran down to his car (The body in one hand and the head in the other) he managed to put them into the back of his car and the police drove up beside him and said "What do you think your doing with a body?" The hiker replied "I found it in the mountains" The officer says "You did in your whole" (Irish Slang) and the man was put into jail for 12 years. The boy was 11 years old and the dad was 32 years old, The fathers body has never been found. I made this thread for those of you who like to hike and for some real Halloween gore, but be careful when up in the mountains. I have many, many other scary and F*cked up stories like this one too. This story is what a psychic seen when she seen the boys last few moments.
how did they know what heppened if there was no one to tell the story, but its pretty good, did you make that up
I think it's scary....BOO!!! Nah jk, But I said that the story was told by a psychic who was called in to "See" the boys last moments of life and this really did happen. Sad Face I decided to put it on ForgeHub because I wanted to see what you guys thought about it. It's not fake. I am not 100% sure if it's real or not but there's about a 95% chance that it's not fake, So for those of you who like camping, Be careful. You don't know what could be watching you right now.
wow that is weird that would hurt me if I couldnt find my dad and plus they never found him so If i was the boy I would never stop looking. Who knows where the hiker could have put him
It was probably the father who killed his son. Although, if I saw a dead body, I wouldn't touch the ****in thing. First, I don't want to go to prison. Second, who wants to touch a dead body? Anyways, I would of just made an anonymous phone call to the local sheriff and told him there was a dead body in the woods near a cabin and try and give him the longitude and latitude of the location.
Eh, decent story, but that was a pain in the ass to read. Don't center text, and section it off into paragraphs. It had many holes that had yet be filled, the biggest being a man going to jail for only 12 years, after putting the body in his trunk. 1, why would he do that? 2, if they were convinced he was the murderer, why only 12 years?
I found it on the back of news paper back stated on September 27th 1001 so sorry Sweeny, I can't answer those questions for you. The story was on a news paper, Nothing I can do, I just shortened it down so it would be easier to understand. I also switched it to paragraphs and moved it to the left hand side of the computer screen.
I know I have a sick mind but there's crazy people out there in the big world. There's 6 Billion people (Not exact) on Earth and about 900 million are probably psychotic killers in Jail and running around on a "Killing Spree" lol. They'll do anything to you, Rip out your guts, slit your neck, get a chainsaw (Texas Chainsaw Massacre is True for those of you who have'nt heard about it or think it's fake) Yeah I have a pretty sick mind but we all know about sex don't we? So were all sickO's (Lol) too.
I started to read it and i thought this is fake then looked down and read the last paragraph =] But seriously this is a good story .. It need more interlocking though =]
Actually it's based on a true story. Despite being heavily touted as "inspired by a true story," both Tobe Hooper's original 1974 film and the 2003 Marcus Nispel remake are only lightly based on the real-life murderer Ed Gein, who is suspected to have taken several victims between 1954 and 1957 in Wisconsin. Perhaps the most recognizable similarity is the film's house, whose gruesome content was similar to that found in Ed Gein's home in 1957. that's about it.
Yeah the scariest stories are the ones about serial killers on Wikipedia. Those scare the pants off of me because they are true. This sounds almost true, but I don't trusts psychics.
This was a good read, Whether it was true or not. But I am still trying to figure one thing out, If they had a psychic to "see his last moments" How can they know what transpired over the course of 16 hours? that doesn't seem like moments to me.. besides, if she can see were the boy was, and who was around him.. Why couldn't she see who cracked him over the head or who cut his head off.. Or see where the father went?