RUSH is an asymmetrical, arena style map based around teamwork and holding the higher ground. It was intended for 1v1, 2v2 and small sided FFA games. I imagined it to be somewhat of a staircase to heaven and the rest of the details followed shortly after. There are multiple lines to be attacked from as well as multiple angles for grenades making this map feel intense but not necessarily chaotic. There is also a red side and yellow side in the big room to help identify where the threat may be located as well as an elevator that appears every 30 seconds and disappers 30 seconds afterwards allowing for access to the pinnacle from the lowest point of the map. Im not sure what else to say...luckily a picture is worth a thousand words so here is something for your eyeballs.... view from red side view from yellow side overview of main room where most of the firefights take place foyer into main room red hall with no elevator red hall with elevator trolls eye view from under the bridge that connects red side to yellow side. The shotgun spawns on the bridge above view of yellow side leading to the highest point of the map sniper spawn tunnel near the elevator There are lots more suprises to be seen, so I am hoping youll give it a look. Weapons on map battle rifle x2 carbine x2 needler x1 shotgun x1 sniper rifle x1 plasma pistol x1 magnum x2 spiker x2 equipment on map regenerator x1 bubble shield x1 spike grenade x2 plasma grenade x2 There are lots more suprises to be seen, so I am hoping youll give it a look.This is my first post on this forum although i have been lurking for sometime now enjoying what many of you have created and also being inspired by some of the amazing architecture i have witnessed. Let me know what you think and if you have any advice Download Rush here! hope you enjoy NANGIE
wow! great job on the 1st post! But really wow, the map is so cleanly made/interlocked. It defenitely took a long time to make, i can tell this took a long time to perfect* A Sure DL for me! Overall Rating: 8/10 "Awesome 1st Post Map!"
nipe map, i like the 3 open box tunnels that are next to each other, it adds a unique look to the map. one tip though, you should geo the open boxes that are flat on the floor. other than that great map dude!
ok ill check it out but actually i have played several games on it and no one has escaped yet...but if you have advice to fix let me know. i used to have a deployable cover and that was the only way anyone got out
Good map i like the way you interlocked with the stairs and the three single boxes that have the walls sticking just through the tip of the single boxes ! definetly downloaded!
first rate map interlocks are good and clean i like the sort of "srunken Bridges" effect witht the stair case and the bridge/fence wall thingy you have managed to puull of the slanted double open box tunnel better than i have see in a while wtf haxzors?!?! in the corner what is that
I have to learn all these tricks and start maing maps of my own. nice work. IT looks small, good for small parties it looks.
This map is exelent i love the interlocking you put a lot of thought in this map i can tell 4/5 definete dl for me
this map looks sweet. nice interlocking(im not saying im better, because im totally not XD) \\,,,,//(^^)\\,,,,// keep up the good forging. i luv great maps ^^ this looks like a 4.9/5 2 me.
It looks great, and an absolutely perfect first post. The only suggestion I would have is to make those walls a little bit higher. It seems like you may be able to be bumped out. 4.5/5. It kind of reminds me of a map that I am working on, you know with the multiple levels and the kind of circling map feel.
hey thanks guys, well im not gonna say that youll never get out but so far it has held up in all of my matches so let me know if you find a problem area. thanks for the look
You did a great job on this map!It is Interlox to 95% perfection! I love that Triple Slanted hallway, that was awesome! One bad thing... I don't know if it will work because of a barrier, but in picture three, there is a Window panel to the left. It could take a simple nade to get out of the map.. This isn't really that big of a deal though, i'm surprised even I noticed it. Definatly a 5/5, keep forging and ill look for maps from you!
all i can say is amazing this i sweat the interlocking and weapon placement is great also the way it looks this should get featurd 10000000000000/5
thanks for the comment mauserman...dont know about being featured but that would be sweet. anyways thanks for the look