This is the my latest map it is still being made but the testing will happen soon. I will be putting Custom Powerups to help call outs later. I tend to have a forging block and stop forging for a while so if you want to help me finish GT: Whos blake or AIM: I NxG I blake Also during the testing stage add me if you would like to run it with me. Overview: Upper Side View: Lower Side View: Middle Structure: Top Mid: Give me feedback and Ideas for what I should do next. I am sort of puzzled about what to do under the middle structure
A little sloppy, but good geo and inter, also, mod move to right section. I download when map come out, 4/5.
Go to the forums and find "Halo Forge Disscussion". Also, I think the middle peice is sloppy. Though I like it though...
Yeah it was really hard to make, I tried to make as least sloppy as possible so I will continue to try and fix that.
Wow...... that looks amazing. I can't wait. But why is it called strucken? That's not a word. It's stricken. Unless that's on purpose. GJ, and I'm totally gonna DL.
Whats a scope send me a f/r and the names not completely settled on right now I just thought of something off the top of my head so if you have a cool name send me it in a PM and Ill take it into consideration.
This isn't an MLG map. I bet you want to know the reasoning behind my latter statement, eh? There are a couple of reasons. 1. WTF movable objects? If you knew MLG rules and standards then you would know that any movable objects have to be sustained/supported by recievers/teleporters and/or weapon holders. That makes them immovable. 2. You don't have enough cover, at all. That is all I have to say about that. 3. I can't tell from the pictures, but it doesn't look like you geomerged anything. In MLG, you don't want your grenades getting stuck or lost because you were to lazy or careless to geomerge an object. 4. I don't know about your weapon spawn times, but if you don't have them set to MLG rules and standards, then your map is void from being a legit MLG map. You should take a stroll over to and learn the necessities of on MLG map before you post.
Wtf kinda rules are those? That doesn't mean that it isn't an MLG map. Don't listen to him Blakey. Movable objects are fine, but he is right about the cover.
Haha wow now I remember why this site gets annoying. You guys are so strict, and If read I said it wasn't finished I put stuff down just for the pictures. I didn't even put any weapons down yet hence why Im not done. W/e I guess it will be a Competetive map instead of MLG because I didn't "Geomerge" every single box. Edit: I didn't do anything about the cover yet, I was focusing on the big objects and main areas first don't worry there will be cover.
It's still an MLG map, people just like to tell people they're wrong or in this case, that their map isn't "legit".
LOL! Actually learn something before you speak again, you ingnorant fool. Ask anyone with any sense about MLG and the rules of making an MLG map who is right about movable objects. Movable objects are a negative. Trust me.
Unless they are a part of the wall, they are fine. Besides, it's hard to move them anyway. I'm not ignorant, I just think that there is nothing wrong with movable objects in an MLG map. And there isn't.
Bull f*ck. Did you not see what I said? I said that I don't agree with it. And that they are fine. Others may say it's not "acceptable" but who gives a rats arse?