I don't know. Maybe it's the new version of forge were you can float, Interlock, and geo-merge objects with a simple option in the "x" menu. Or maybe it's when a tank rubs against you.
Bu- Bu- But.... he has xx in his name too..... It has to be you..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvmAzZVLd-Y ?
lol, he has xx only on the end and mines both. I still don't know why I put the x's on there. Good to know I have an imposter (all though I can't say that he might of gotten it before me but I thought it up by meself). I found my reflected icons, but it doesn't look very good :/
ecqlipse 2 BW for IconPackager by ~anthonium on deviantART http://chrfb.deviantart.com/art/ecqlipse-2-quot-ico-quot-66339090