I think there is a big difference in saying one word like "****" when something really bad happens or when you are having a lousy day, and spouting off curse words every other sentence. The latter shows disregard for certain behavior ethics and generally shows immaturity.
Saying a swear word is swearing, swearing is saying swear words. They're the same thing, how is this a debate?
correct. if a swear is said, of course it is considered swearing, but using swear words to their proper meaning to me is not considered swearing. calling a woman a ***** because she is mean to you is considered swearing because you are using the word as an insult, but when you say something like 'my ***** ate all of its dog food' when in fact you are talking about you famale dog, thats not swearing. or when you call someone a bastard, its swearing unless it is true that they were born before their parents got married and you actually meant that to its exact meaning.
Swearing depends on the attitude of which you say the words. If you don't know that the words are bad, or you are in school and there is a swear word you must read in read aloud, it's not considered bad . However, if you know the words you say are swear words, and you just say them because you are mad, or are trying to sound cool, then it considered actual swearing. I also agree with Darkmaster, the guy above me.
Actually i think that when ghats pretty true just like how you said a few swear words in that paragraph i dont necessicarily think that that is swearing.
there is a huge difference swearing) can be either cursing or making a promise Swear word saying) saying curs words which brings up another point why censor curse words, as they are just words, just as many other words are words. also, some of them have meanings that are non-relevant, such as "*****" being a female dog or "ass" being a donkey. also, people find other words to replace swear words, are we going to censore those now? such as... "****"=shiz "crap"=crud "asshole"=a-hole they are just words, do not censore ANYTHING!! "CENSORSHIP IS BLINDNESS!!"
Saying a swear word occasionally isn't that bad, but people who just do it to act cool in long painful sentences are stupid
Example.... G-wiz was a bastard (Not using someones exact name, and I couldnt think of anyone else and if you watch ATHF you should know who G-wiz is.)
Swearing is bad if you don't mean it. If you mean it however, it can be excused in my books. Younger generations swear all the time and don't find anything wrong with it usually.. Adults however usually find swearing horrible and barbaric. I couldn't care less if people around me swear or not. However if I had kids and they were swearing all the time and such, I don't think I would like it..