Games that piss you off

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fbu, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I used to play football (soccer) games a few years ago. Only know I realise how boring they are. It's basically pass, pass, tackle, pass, pass, goal. Every match is virtually the same. It's why I have grown out of them now.

    With games like Halo 3 the gameplay is interesting.
  2. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    I absolutely hate Bully: Scholarship Edition. It is the biggest load of **** going. Arghhhh! It should be allowed to b sold!
  3. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    i despise the splinter cell games, not like hate the game, but just the gameplay. i really really suck at being sneaky, so i guess it's my fault. i still dislike it
  4. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Gran Turismo games always make me sick. They are so boring and I suck at the game. V_V. Plus they haven't really done anything to the series besides graphics.
  5. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    GTA IV
    OMG I was at idiotninja's house and I was doing a mission, so at the start of the mission I walk into a door and die instantly.LOLZ OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY.
    but the game is dull
    watching the cinematics actually count as game time( I am mad cuz the achievement says to beat it under a certain time.
    Shooting sucks
    The controlls are dumb
  6. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    HAHa I remember that, didn't I have to do that mission?
  7. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Yeah and It was tower.
    At the begining of the mission you parked a really cool car at the bottom. And when you got to the top the building blew up!!!! OMG!!!
    We were like WTF!!!!!

    And that was the only time we could get that car.
  8. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    OH MAI GOD. I hated you for that I was like let me move the car, let me move the car, let me move the car, and you were like "dun worry its all gon be k". SO you blow up the building and the car is fine, then like 3 seconds later BOOM there goes my car. V_V
  9. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Alone in The Dark. Especially on the car mission. That game is ****ING HARD!
  10. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    That something is ****ING HARD makes a game more interesting (my opinion) That is also the reason why I played all campaign missions on legendary with all skulls (except iron, this one sucks) alone.
    I hate games that are too easy. Some people like games that are NEVER hard, and when they die one time, they stop playing it saying "This is impossible!"
    In fact, I love games where it takes hours to finally beat the final boss.
    (see: metroid fusion)
  11. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Oh, I haz a plethora. Rather than pick one, I've decided to compile a nice list of my 10 most hated games ever.

    1: CoD 4. For all the moments it shines, and it's genre-breaking amazingocity (word patented: now) and incredible segments like the prequel...
    Who the HELL decided on the time limit for Game Over on Veteran!? Seriously?

    2: Kameo. Throw into this pile all games that recieved ludicrous critical acclaim prior to their release, and were basically built into a behemoth even before their launch. And then sucked.

    3: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I worked for months, and my 1000g was near at hand. I was so close... my unstoppable effing megadon of a Dark Elf would just romp carelessly around Tamriel and rape everything in his path with a 100yard radius pireball of death. I was unstoppable.
    Until that Blackwood Company ***** just kinda despawned. The very last quest, in the very last questline, for my very last achievement. There is no patch to this bug.

    4: Starcraft. Here is a timetable of an average Starcraft game:
    00:00:01 -Game starts
    00:00:15 -I have a few Drones/SCVs hard at work harvesting
    00:00:30 My first few warrior units begin to spawn.
    00:00:31 50 Carriers crush my base. gg.

    5: Assassin's Creed. Oh look, shiny crap on the wall. Thats kina co- What? The game's over? What the hell?

    6: WoW. Why would you do this to yourself? $15 bucks a month to run around and grind the same damn thing every day of your life. After about 3 months of endgame your guild progresses to grind the next damn thing every day of your life. Don't people generally pay YOU yo go to work?

    7: Minesweeper. There seriously needs to be a "Find me a whole so I can start the damn game" option. 15 minutes of randomly clicking until I can start after every death due to a random 50/50 chance gets annoying, fast.

    8: While we're on the subject of XP's default games, I hate Pinball. Just figured I'd put that out there.

    9: Goldeneye: 007. That game was effin amazing. Brought forth the world of FPS to the world of console. If it wasn't for Bond's exploits in this classic game, our precious Halo would not even exist. This game is like ?Halo's great great grandfather, who can still whoop your ass.
    Oh, the nostalgia... I wish to play it again...
    And then you get slapped in the face with the unexpected: N64 controller. One analog stick. That thing didn't seem to suck so much back then, did it? If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Goldeneye is COMPLETELY unplayable.

    10: (insert NES game here). Why would you do this to yourself?

    JASONYO Ancient
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    zelda. he really needs to learn that saving her isn't the only thing in life
  13. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    But what if it is the only thing in life? They are kinda connected by that, you know, glowing triangle thing that's the point of the whole game...

    However, I agree with Zelda in part. Wind Waker narrowly missed my list because of the stupid sailing.
  14. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    The game that pisses me off the most is I Wanna Be The GUY(IWBTG).

    Stupid tombstones, stupid flying spikes, and BOSSES.

    If you want a challenge or want to cause yourself an immense amount of stress. Here's the link: IWBTG! A Very Hard Game About a Boy and 8-bit Masochism! . FYI I've beaten this game.
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you have problems with the N64 controller,

    me and you have ****ing problems. Period.
    Fbu likes this.
  16. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    oh yeah i also dislike nonfiction games, like racing games and sports games, holy crap! like i'm sure it's fun, but why would you play a game of a sport when you can go outside and play with friends? even if it's raining or snowing i would still rather play the sport outside then on a game console. and racing games...i just don't understand how moving from right to left, up and down is fun.
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Paying for entertainment, unheard of! We must stop this crazy new thing! I'm glad XBL is free entertainment, I'm outraged that people pay for stuff like that, it's almost like prostitution.

    You level once and it's totally new content much like a single player game, except it can be done with friends! But of course you can only level by grinding the same thing, what am I thinking? You can't do any fun side events and silly things right?, awww hell nah.

    Once you finally reach the top level, you obviously can only do one thing (only one!) and that's grind bosses. They aren't fun events that require a bit of skill and teamwork, nope. These things can't be done on a saturday evening when most people aren't doing anything, they MUST be done EVERY day at ALL hours. And about that PvP, professions, fun events, arena, collecting things, chilling with friends, and ... oh wait I forgot you can only grind bosses at that point, sorry.

  18. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    N/N+. I've beaten N+ on my 360, but not without extreme anger, and don't even get me started on the PC levels...
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Games that Piss me off;

    Soul calibur ( any ) online;-
    It's frustrating that even if you're good enough to master all the moves and learn the critical finishes, you can still get killed by some 5 year old mashing buttons.

    Same goes to mortal kombats.

    Oh, and old wrestling games;-
    because your start off beating the crap outta the other guys, then all of a sudden you get fatigued, meanwhile, the other dude's already recovered what should kill an elephant, and will maybe hit you 4 times in total, but no matter what you do, or how many times you mash the recover button, you won't EVER get up.

    For every round i decide to play search and destroy, getting hit by that grenade some decides to lob over the top of the map right at the beginning, EVERY TIME.

    What's gonna happen in this 50th sequel? something new and innovative, maybe a different storyline? Wait, what's this?!! Princess ****ing Peach has got kidnapped again.

    Sonic the Hedgehog
    The games were good untill they brought in new characters... sonic was cool, knuckles was awesome, now we get 'cream' and 'cheese' or whatever ****.

    Star Wars: the force unleashed
    You complete campaign, which is kinda dissapointing, then you release that that was all the game had to offer, and there is nothing else to the game. There's £40 wasted.

    Kingdom for Keflings
    The trial's pretty awesome, and i thought, you know, i'm gonna buy this, it's the only decent avatar game in the NXE, and it looks like there's loads to do. there is not, what you succeed in the demo is all there is to the entire game, and that gets boring as hell after 20 minutes.

    Sure, it's good, the only game i got which genuinely blew me away with graphics, but it's soooo long, i like RPGs, but i haven't got the patience.

    Mass Effect
    What there is, is amazing, but there's only like, 4 storyline levels (excluding tutorial level and DLC) and it's just over way too quickly.

    For not even having a storyline. The game consists of tutorials, bots and and online option, there is no storyline to it, and the achievments suck.

    Wow, i pretty much hate everything i'm not good at.
    Actually, i'm good at some of them..
    But i hate quite a lot..

    #59 Camel Carcass, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  20. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Please don't revive threads that haven't been posted on in 2 months.

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