Hi. I'm new to the site. . But anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew how to geo glitch on original maps like Guardian, Narrows, Pit, etc. Any help is appreciated!!
Thats a very good question. And I'm pretty sure that you can't because you need to use an immovable object in order to geo-merge anything. But I am not 100% positive.
do you want to know the real answer? it is possible on Last Resort with open containers. what you do is brace around the side with teleporters, place a telepoters on their sides inside the OPEN container. you set the container to not spawn and in a new round, lower the teleporter to the ground. instant respawn the container and it should instantly sink just barely into the ground. tap A on the container and save a teleporter on top of it. then you end game and start a new one. save and quit a teleporter inside it and against the ceiling of the container. it should stay like that from then on. -xRedNormandyx