Tree Stand Created by The Evil Box Supported Gametypes: Infection Map Description I give some credit to the guys who made the Grifball Court for making the wall. HAS NOT BEEN TESTED YET! Please leave feedback, I know it is bland and it sucks, but I would like the feedback for a V2 and to get better with Forge. Basically a player starts in a "tree stand" and he has to kill the "deer" before they get you. The "deer: must get to the other side without dying and go through the node to get into the tree stand and then kill the hunter. _________________________________________________ Zombie Side From tree stand Part of the Map Tree Stand Nodes _________________________________________________ Thanks for any comments and feedback. Once again some credit goes to the Grifball Team Download Tree Stand Download Hunter
Pictures don't show 0.o Sounds good, but sounds like a duck hunt. I wait for picies. Spoiler Also first post and there has been over 3 or 4 maps withen the last 5 min.
Welcome to ForgeHub! Unfortunately, your post is not up to standards. You definately need at least one embedded picture in your post. If you take a quick trip to the forums, you can find a tutorial on how to host and post your pictures. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend you don't post an untested map to forgehub. Fear the flames, they are scary. Anyway, I will look back at your map if this post is upgraded, and happy forging! EDIT: Holy crap you type fast Jessica XD There was no previous post telling him about pics when I typed this
When your done eidtitng you post you need to preview it to make sure its to FH standards. If its not do not post it at all! You might want to get your pics up you need to upload them through Photobucket then post the url of the image in IMG tags [img ]insert url here [/img ] without spaces And other Forgehub members please do not post saying he needs pics, its considered spam and gets annoying
Yes as I said you need to upload your pics through photobucket you cant just copy and paste. If you want to I can upload them for you whats your Gamertag
Yeah, you need to upload to photobucket (if you have an account) and then add the bottem "IMG" code, there you go.
Looks like one of the maps where using a BR would be very helpful lol. Looks good for infection, I would have thrown in a couple of structures to make the map more unique because it just looks like an open area with fusion coils 2/5
Thanks, the guy in the stand has a Sniper + Shotgun. This is also my first attempt to make a map for Forge Hub, all my other ones are screw around ones that are not that good.
He already has his pics up but its good that you got the pics for him. Also camping could be a major problem on this map. in the teleporter rooms. All you have to do is have like a gun facing it or standing on the teleporter.
Sorry about that not room I meant the tree stand. MY bad But it could be fixed perhaps if you gave the infected ones a pistol and put fusion coils in there so they cant camp
I don't think they will camp, they have to get to the teleporter to get into the tree stand to kill the hunter. But I love the feedback and I think I could update the gametype.