OK So in the spirit of halloween later this month i thought i should hold a contest. This contest will consist of 2 competitions. 1 aesthetically pleasing halloween spirited map and the other is you guessed it Infection maps. Rules: 1. 1 map entry for each person participating. 2. Any map is accepted. 3. The contest will not be focused on inetrlocking and geomerging but more on gameplay. (1 exception is the aesthetic maps submitted will be judged on this.) 4. Maps should be submitted how you would post any other map and then a link should be given in a reply on this thread. 5. All maps should be submitted by Halloween afternoon. Winners will be notified the day after halloween and then they will be given something to put in their sig to show they won. Judges as of now are: 1. me of course 2. Deathtoll77 3. idiotninja Good luck. And may the forge be with you.
sounds fun i am in fo sure on the contest. I will be editing this post to my map link, Im still not sure if I will finish the infection map Im working on right now or post an older map.
This sounds really fun. Can the map be on any map? Or does it have to be on Foundry? I'll probably make a map.
I could judge for you guys, i'm a pretty good at judging infection maps or any maps, but i also see TheDarkKnight05 wants to so your pick.
thats awesome cause i'm currently editing infection maps on the pit and cold storage that my friends said were really sweet!! i'll edit my post with a link one my maps go on forge hub possibly (i may also have a couple on foundry and/or avalanche maybe ghost town)
Here is (i think) a good gameplay map: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/25710-mlg-affliction.html
Hmm. I haven't made a casual/infection map in ages. I will remake my old Shaun of the Dead map. Reserved.
the guy posted with out making looking at the other threads so please ignore his if you want to do the conest for fun. if not and you want ms points than use his strict rules and only use foundry you choose.