Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    Over the allowed 500x200 size...
  2. helzmessenger

    helzmessenger Ancient
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    how badly does this fail?

  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    pretty badly.

    how about mine? i liked the oversharpened look
  4. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    I don't like the border on overlay, makes the corners look weird and doesn't do what a border is supposed to do, namely define the shape. Otherwise I like most of it, although the c4d is fairly plain on the bottom.

    Here's my newest, CnC either all I changed was the text.



    Senior Member

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    I like this one better, it just goes. I like how clean this is, but it may also be too bright for some. The "Apples" text could be nicer but whatever. Lastly, the left side is a bit boring.

    *** 3/5 ***

    Now me!

  6. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Knight, ive always liked your style. I think its fine personally, although i will agree with ROB on the border bit.

    Whales, the second on is much better just because it doesnt have the huge black mass to the left. Its a smaller black mass. get rid of the black or add something, idk what, just give it some definition so it doesnt look as plain. The right side and the focal is fine, though. Whatever you did to the edges (is it a smudge or a blur or something?) is working really well.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    Yeah, could be worse...
    But, try making it change more than just the colors, maybe like, do some animations with it.

    It's not that bad. What exactly did you do to it?

    Um, it's a little to bright for my taste.
    I like what you did with the name on the side, but doesn't make the overall feeling that better.

    That just looks friggen amazing dude. Good job.
    I like the background a lot too, and the unreadable paragraph gives it a like...digital look.

    Alright, I just started Photoshop yesterday in school, and we learned how to magnetic lasso. So I did this:
    I removed the ''Halo 3 Recon'' from the pic, went to see the trailer, did a print screen, pasted the Halo 3 text onto that, then made my name. Photoshop has some really nice effects, that let me shadow the Halo 3 text, and make a Halo looking font for my username.
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Its well.....simple. The Recon part of the text needs the Halo font as well. You should do something more with it. Its just text on a print screen. I can only CNC the text because you didn't do anything else.

    CNC mah new one plox!
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You could add just a bit more to it. First of all, I can see the point from where you took 'Recon' from due to the 'R' and the 'O'. You need to patch that up a bit.

    Next, from the 'E93' part. The E and is good. The 9 and 3, not so much. I can't think of how you could do the 9 but for the 3, just copy, paste it from 'Halo 3'. Easy!

    Lastly, to improve on it. A border. Just Select>Select All>EDIT>STROKE 1 pixal. Make sure that you have the color black selected too! It will make it look better.

    I really don't like this. It seems like random bits thrown together.

    The Triforce seems to be there because you needed more Zelda references.

    The text is off from the whole sig.

    The field seems really random.

    My advice, restart. Make the triforce seem more in place with the sig. Get rid of the field and look at the font used for Zelda games and try to find one similiar.

    Other then that, I like the brushing on it. It really makes me look at Link. So good job on that!
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    The only text there that I wrote was my name. The rest was lasso'd from this

    I don't like the background, and the text is hard to read. The bottom one.
    I think you overdid the background a bit.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Link isn't working properly.

    Maybe but I can see blue in the 'O' and a darker color in the 'R'.
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    Yeah, my bad, here it is:
    Bungie.net : Projects : Halo 3 Recon

    Wallpapers are down halfway.
    I saved it, resized it, cropped it, then lasso'd it.
  13. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    See how it looks with this. If you can't see it, it's because it's white...

    Just erase the blue bits that are there though.
  14. E93

    E93 Guest

    I appreciate you doing that for me, and taking the time, but I'm really not going to change my sig now. Too lazy..lawl.
  15. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    So, I think I may have just made my best sig ever. I can't wait to be un-banned so that I can use it!
    CnC please?
    The thing I'm most concerned with are the purple bar things, do they fit? I just had the image for them in my head...
    I also think I need to work on the smugging alittle bit.

    I JUST noticed that there is a big un-blended chunk...
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    I don't enjoy the purple bars too much, particularly.

    And if I were you, I'd enlarge the text a bit, or make it stand out more.

    But it's pretty cool. The blurs you did are pretty evident...but.
  17. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    It shows up a lot better on GIMP...
  18. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Looks good to me purple bars dont it match though
    Heres my fourth attempt sig rate please reply and tell me what could be better.Thankyou.I decided to try little wayne in here.CNC please?
  19. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Your definatly improving!

    It's alright, Try it without the cartoon filter, enhance the colors, and add a BG.

    Senior Member

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    Sorry I don't have time for much, it's like 2 a.m.

    I don't like how grainy it looks.


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