Co-op Puzzle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by tylyr1, Oct 11, 2008.

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  1. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Co-op Puzzle
    Created by Tylyr1

    Supported Gametypes:
    Use the one I give you, Puzle Play.​

    You can only play this map with 2 people (not with 3, not with 4, only 2. If you want you can sign in a guest and play that way, but it would be harder.) You MUST be on the same team. You CAN do anything that might be counted as cheating in a 1 player map (this includes team jumping or anything that can help your partner out.) There will have to be communication to make things as easy as possible.

    Map Description
    This is my first ever co-op puzzle map and it is pretty good. There is only one thing that I wouldn't like about this map and that is that the equipment in the first rooms never respawn (this will prevent cheating) so if you screw up in the first rooms you will have to restart (it won't really matter though because it is just in the beginning.) There is hardly any time that you won't help your partner out. You will both have to be at the end of the map to win, but you can't really get there by yourself anyway.
    I left out some pictures of this because it would ruin the whole puzzle.​

    Room one for player one.

    More of room one for player one.

    Another room for player one.

    This room is accually pretty hard (player one.)

    Yay a mongoose!

    Room one for player two.

    More of room one for player two.

    I might have to... Oh there it is!

    Now, how am I supposed to do that?


    #1 tylyr1, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  2. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    Looks sweet, is there a room at the end were both of them go and have to finish to win?
  3. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Oh yeah, they both have to be in the last room to win.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    looks pretty simple. just shoot some coils pick up your team mate and win. i could do it in about 2 min
  5. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I would like to see you try
  6. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    I have a friend who will likely show interest. Already q'ed to DL, seems like a good map (from what is shown).
  7. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    As a forger of puzzles myself, looks like you put a lot of thought in to how you could make this work with two people. My friend and I are going to try it later, and I hope it's fun. I'm not going to give a detailed review until I've played it, though. Keep forging!
  8. jammer56

    jammer56 Ancient
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    sweet, u got me anxious to play this map now.. i gotta DL it , thx
  9. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I can't wait for the review, I really want to know how people like it.
  10. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Looks like a good map. I like puzzles however most of them posted are way to easy to complete and break. This one likes very hard to do either. When me and my friend beat it we'll send you a film and if we break it we'll send you another film. One question has anyone beat this yet?
  11. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Lol GMF Painkiller, a little late me and and the guy I do puzzles with beat it within the first half hour of having it. Ty did you get the flim Touq sent you of our speed round? Even though we did it relatively fast, it was a great puzzle and I would love it if you made anoher one. Harder this time though, like stuff we haven't seen before. =]
  12. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    OK here are my thoughts so far. My friend, GMF Painkiller, and I went to try to solve your map. We have put a pretty good dent in the map. I won't put any spoilers here, but we have managed to solve a majority of the challenges. And although we have yet to complete it entirely, we have enjoyed the puzzle thus far. You use very original ideas and the fact that two people are needed to solve it opens up all kinds of possibilities.

    Another good characteristic of the puzzle is the fact that solving the challenges relies almost solely on logic, not the ability to jump certain boxes or wander around a room for hours looking for that very elusive turret clip. If we manage to complete the map, I will send you a video, if you wish. So far, I rate your map a 4.5/5. Good work.
  13. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Yeah, I hate those maps that you have to look around for a turret, i mean it's not even a puzzle, its more of a scavenger hunt.. But thanks, so far...
  14. Honoredgod

    Honoredgod Ancient
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    How do you write in red? btw I think that this map is teh sheet.
  15. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Don't worry about it, there will
  16. Doclor Esh

    Doclor Esh Ancient
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    Lol I'm stuck in the room with the bubble shield, and regenerator. How do you make that jump to the teleporter? /sadface
  17. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Idk, maybe you need a deployable cover... (hint hint)
  18. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well I've given it a go and I must say, I'm impressed.

    It's the first co-op puzzle I've played that ACTUALLY requires 2 people, well done!

    Splitting us up at the beginning was a nice touch, as was managing to split us up again further down, I really liked that.

    The overall puzzles themselves weren't too tricky, and some concepts were repeated, but they worked well and put a nice co-op twist on existing puzzle concepts.

    This certainly prooves you have the ability to craft a nice, safe co-op puzzle (which incidently we didn't break) so hopefully on the next one (and there better be a next one) you can let loose a bit more and really try to get creative and make each puzzle unique and different from the last one.

    P.S. I'm glad you didn't make it all partner jumping!
  19. PodmoreX

    PodmoreX Ancient
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    I dont get what youre supposed to do
    just get through each room?
  20. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    dont tell me what to do!!! lol
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