Author: Ganye Map Name: Tinyus Cratus Canvas: Rats Nest Map Size: Medium Player count: 4-12 What gametype(s) does your map support?: Custom Gametype __________________________________________________ Description: The main idea for this map was for the Humans to defend an onslaught of Zombies from all three directions. Your only real hope for survival is to stay in the main area, which has three entrances. The main entrance is guarded with a Turret and two Barricades, with Propane Tanks on either side as a last-ditch effort. Opposite the turret, however, is a Shield Door protecting the Zombies. The zombies that spawn over there have access to a Custom Powerup*, as well. A Crate gets flung across the room, providing cover, with a Wire Spool following close behind. In that room there are two hiding spots, one being obvious while the other requires quite a bit of skill to get to. There's a BR, Rocket, Radar Jammer and Grav Lift all in that room. The second entrance also has a Turret and two Barricades, but there's another Barricade and a Crate, providing the incoming Zombies immediate cover. There's nothing that special about this area. The final entrance is easily the most prone to attack. It has two large Crates and a Roadblock blocking the entrance. Round the corner and there's a small Zombie base with a BR and the downed Warthog nearby. The road surrounding the map is fairly barren, with only one small base. Throughout, however, there's a Ghost, Warthog, Mongoose, a BR, a Shotgun and a Custom Powerup. Zombies spawn throughout this hallway. The main area, where the Humans spawn, has a fairly Aesthetic feel. However, throughout there's spots for Humans to get to in an attempt to get the upper hand over Zombies. Don't be fooled, however: These alone won't save you, for the Zombies can easily access them. There's 5 BRs, 5 ARs, a Shotgun, 8 SMGs, 4 Maulers, two Flame Grenades, a Flamethrower, 2 hidden Snipers, 4 Brute Shots, a Tripmine and a Power Drainer.. There's also a hidden Tank: You won't be able to get to it without a buddy or a Brute Shot, however. Please note, I did NOT try to make the map "inescapable." I only put the crates in the way of the entrances to the middle to discourage it: The crates don't respawn, so getting it really just condemns yourself. *Custom Powerup: 5 Seconds 150% Damage Resistance No Shields 200% Damage Good Camo __________________________________________________ Screen Shots: Screenshots, in no real order. __________________________________________________ Weapons: 9 Battle Rifles: 45-60 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips 5 Assault Rifles: 45 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips 3 Shotguns: Never Respawn, 0 Extra Clips; 180 Respawn, 1 Extra Clip 2 Sniper Rifles: Never Respawn, 1 Extra Clip 8 SMGs: 60 Second Repsawn, 2 Extra Clips 4 Maulers: Never Respawn, 2 Extra Clips 2 Spikers: 30 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips 5 Brutes: 60 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips; 30 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips (Hidden) 1 Rocket Launcher: Never Respawn, 0 Extra Clips (Hidden) 2 Machine Guns Turrets: 120 Second Respawn; 30 Second Respawn __________________________________________________ Infection Settings: Infection Settings: Initial Zombie Count: 1 Next Zombie: Chump 8 Minute Rounds 3 Rounds Alpha Zombie Traits: 110% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 110% Shield Recharge Rate 50% Leech Immune to Headshotss 125% Damage Modifier 125% Movement 100% Gravity Vehicle Use: Full Enhanced Sensors Forced Color: Black Zombie Traits: 90% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 90% Shield Recharge Rate 50% Leech Immune to Headshots 125% Damage Modifier 110% Movement 100% Gravity No Vehicle Use Enhanced Sensors Forced Color: Black Last Man Traits: 90% Damage Resistance 2X Overshields 0% Recharge Rate 25% Leech 110% Damage Modifier 90% Movement 75% Gravity Enhanced Sensors No Waypoint Base Player Traits: 110% Damage Modifier Magun Primary Weapon Plasma Pistol Secondary Weapon No Grenades 110% Movement 75% Gravity Enhanced Sensors Etc.: 3 Second Respawn 10 Second Suicide Penalty No Betrayals
i like rats nest but there arent that many (good) maps on it. nice hold out map. great job. maybe too many weapons though. 4/5. could be a bit bigger
I like the post....And another not on Foundry. =] I like th ideas, and the weapon spawns and barricades. Also the human spawn is great, and so is the gametype...4.5/5, awsome!
The area next to the Custom Powerup is the main spawn for Zombies: The custom powerup provides 5 seconds of Invisibility, which is just enough time to get to the Humans and respawns every 90 seconds. The amount of weapons really is balanced out by the fact that there's no time to react, especially when half the people are zombies and coming from three entrances.
meh looksgood. good to see a non foundry map. i like how you can go through 3 differend ways to the humans altho there are way to many weapons. 3/5 tho for somthing originalish
Map Looks Good. Glad to see Hogar make his grand return on to Rats Nest. I think this will provide some interesting gameplay for the humans, having to defend all sides. FOR HOGAR!!!!
looks like well made infection map. i like rat's nest maps, at least ones that have a good idea and are executed well. yours looks like it is, i'll try it out. one concern, there may be a bit too many weapons for the humans.
Ah, breakaway from DLC..... About the Map: The Bad: 1.Too many weapons 2.Camping The Good: 3.The structures are interesting 4.Random soccerball, lol Rating:3.5/5
First Map Good for what I'm assuming is your first map. Don't like the idea of zombies using vehicles. Maybe a few too many weapons, but at least it's not another Foundry map. Good aesthetics as well
Lol,egoblow. I've been forging since Foundry came out: I've posted probably 5 maps on here. As said before: The weapons are just right, after playing numerous games on there. The five ARs turn into two ARs because of the vast amount of ammo; 5 BRs to 3 BRs; 8 SMGs to 4 SMGs; 4 Maulers to 2 Maulers. As for the vehicles, the only vehicles they really have access to are a Warthog and a Mongoose, and it's only the Alpha Zombie that can use them. It hardly comes into plays. Granted, there is a ghost, but it's hidden.