I am very frustrated by the fact that only about 1/3 of the people that post have actually downloaded the map that they are talking about. And their posts usually consist of, "This map looks crappy", or ,"you should have more pictures." -Even if a map looks crappy, have you actually spent time playing it and finding out how fun it really is? -I usually post upwards of 6+ pics, why do you need more? You're not even going to download it. Most of these kids are immature and only download something that is aesthetically pleasing, but they're looking for it in the competitive maps section! Seriously, get yourself some logic.
Ya there are some liitle kids on this sight that claim they are over 13 that compliment on maps and say they are good themselves but dont know ****. Plus they ask for more pics but they dont know what it takes to make them
wow you know your right i have been thinking about that for a long time. unfortunatly there is no way we can get rid of these "kids". sorry to burst your bubble but its never going to change as much as everyone wants it to
You forgot to mention that every map that has interlocking no matter what will get at least one rating of 4/5. Why are people so opposed to giving bad scores?
He commented on your map and it seemed as if he'd played it as he commented on the gameplay. He isnt pissed that people say they don't like the map he's angry because they don't say why.
I would get mad, too. Now I think you can comment on the things like aesthetics, and also design from the pictures. But gameplay is one thing that you can not comment on if you haven't played the map. I know when I was a trainee, I did the same thing that some of these other guys do. But I have changed, I now play the map before you rate it overall or on gameplay.
Ha, you keeping tabs on me? You should really chill out. Not every comment on your map is going to be the expected, "This map is awesome!! 5/5!"
im keeping tabs on nobody... you posted that in my thread. you obviously posted without downloading.... making you a hypocrite.
dun wurry its gun be k Anyway, you should care about the aesthetics. It's very important even if it doesn't effect gameplay. And about the pics, more = the better because it shows more. The last map I posted, I reached the limit.