
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rayzer730, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    by Rayzer730

    This is a Large Foundry Map which contains different levels, but also has open space. Many spawn points guarantee the game won't feel repetitive.

    Gametypes Supported
    Team Slayer

    Players Required
    3+ for FFA Games
    4+ for Team Games

    Weapons On Map
    I do not have a specific list, but this map includes a wide variety of the less insane weapons and equipment. the most drastic weapon on the map is a Flamethrower located in the back corner, but the size of the map guarantees that it does not cause too much damage.





    • Several Teleporters provide shortcuts to the upper levels of the map, including Sniper Platforms, the mini Fortress in the center of the map and from one base to the other.
    • Shield Walls prevent a constant barrage from the Warthog or Ghost included in the map.
    • Hallways on the left of the map give some close combat chances, while the open center area allows for more mid-longe range fighting.

    More photos are included within the Download link.

    Download Storage
  2. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    This looks like something Bungie would make.
    I suggest flipping ur Single & duble boxes
    The bridges as well
  3. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    Is that a compliment or an insult? lol

    Anyway, I could try that...but as it is I wanted the feel of a factory lol I figured Crates and boxes would look right....why? What would the different be anyway? (Not to sound obnoxious or anything, I'm just curious.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The silver strip along the boxtops is raised above the rest of the box, which can impact grenades and stuff. Its also easier to get things lined up properly using the grid on the bottom.
    Squiiddish likes this.
  5. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    We here at Forgehub have learned to love Halo3, but absolutly hate Bungie Favorite maps, so is was kinda an insult.
    This map looks like gameplay might be fun, but the wide open spaces and the lack of that 'wow' factor won't bring you in many DLs. I would suggest using some Advanced Forging techniques such as interlocking to clean up your map. Possibly use the Foundry Designer in the websites tool bar to help make a layout of what you want to do. Its a good start for any Forgehub member, but trust me, a few weeks of ForgeHub and a few tutorials with really help you improve. Overall I'll give this map a 2.5/5. Dont be discouraged though, read some of the posts all around the forums and you will soon make a great map, maybe even a remake of this one. Keep Forging!

  6. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    What We, there's no we, there's not gonna be a you and me, never, I love bungie's maps, speak for yourself.

    Btw to the OP:
    the map is good, though the weapon placement is way to overpowered, the idea is great, though the skill of forging doesn't seem to reach the same level, improve your forging skill take your time and you'll be a great forger.
  7. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    This map looks better than Noose... Bu its sorta open. And i would suggest flipping the boxes over for a smooth surface. You have great designs, but you need to work on forging (No offence...).

    3/5, its decent.........................
  8. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Although I don't know what Spark meant, I think that Zachary meant maps on the craptacular bungie favorites when he said we. At least I think. Anyway, I don't really see all that much for gameplay, but at least it's not like his recent re-post of noose. Anyway, I don't say this map is bad, I just say that it's going to have some hella wierd gameplay. 3.5/5.
  9. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    Compliment, flippingboxes and bridges over makes a map look better
  10. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    the whole "looks like a bungie map" means
    bungie makes different style maps
    they dont use glitches like interlocking or floating.
    which makes their maps seem very primative in a way...
    in your map, it looks like you crammed a bunch of weapons together
    2 plasma turrets, OS, spike grenades, and a radar jammer near them...thats like an armory-ARMORIES=BAD!
  12. prepare4legend

    prepare4legend Ancient
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    3/5 itsa a pretty good layout except for the fact that its really open, and also u need to merge the double boxes and flip it so the bottoms show so it looks neater and the bridge needs to be merged into the double boxes so theres no bump and flip the bridge too. other than the poor quality in neatness its an ok map overall
  13. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    It appears that this map lacks interlocking.
    You also added one too many teleporters, as well as shield doors.

    The whole layout of the map looks very basic and uninteresting.

    Therefore, I can only rate this map a four out of ten.
  14. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    There is no radar jammer. There is a shield Drainer.

    I can remove a few of the weapons on the map to simplify it, but the whole lack of interlocking is not because I do not know is because I do not believe this map requires it. I attempted to use it a while ago and it worked, but it felt kind of odd. I understand the point about flipping the boxes, and will take that into consideration...but the interlocking thing seems to be something people around here just throw into every post to seem professional. :lol: Not that it is always a bad point, it just appears that way.

    Another thing I am curious about...why do so many people critique the maps without even downloading them first? I mean, you can judge something from pictures all you want, but isn't this the forum for good gameplay and not aesthetics? That would be the other forum right?

    SUPERNOVA Ancient
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    2/5 This map is not that good. Sorry but nothing is interlocked at all. It's way to open and the amount of power weapons in one spot is crazy. Was there really a need for 2 Plasma turruts on 1 tower, 2 on another, and 2 hev. machine guns along the side of the far hallways. Try interlocking every structure. Flip all the bridges to make them look cleaner. Lastly stratigicly place weapons like BR's, Carbine, and Brute Shot to mix up gameplay and layout.
  16. bigred746

    bigred746 Ancient
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    i realy like this map ill give it a 4/5
  17. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    I'm remaking the map now to fit the "standards" of the people on this site. As I go through it though, I am noticing that other than a minor repositioning of a weapon or box, or the flipping of another box, there is no real NEED for merging objects. Everything is smooth in game and there are no noticeable bumps really (The ones I found I am fixing now).

    Many of the boxes on this map are also open, which means I CANNOT flip them.

    The weapon choice...I'm removing the excess Turrets and Grenades...along with minor weapon selection changes.

    Now if people would actually PLAY the map and give me some advice....then I would greatly appreciate it. lol

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