Debate Are the Forgehub Staff "Corrupt"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Oct 10, 2008.

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  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So corrupt governments are just better than you?
  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Epic quote for epic win. I would have to say that the only real corrupt thing of Forge Hub (in a whole, not just staff) is the rep. system. But that's a given. I guess some people think they'll be cooler or have a better chance of getting somewhere with a bigger green bar. =\
    Debo37 likes this.
  3. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    So where are all the staff haters? Where are all the people that PM you "I HATE YOU GET A ****ING LIFE" when you give them an infraction? The ones that join every other forge group so they can discuss how unfair we are. There are certainly lots of people who do believe the staff are corrupt, I thought this topic would attract more immature babble than just that of yomtvraps. Perhaps they are too busy looking at pictures of lolrus and his bukkit.
    Debo37 likes this.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I think most of the haters you speak of Mallet wont even bother to venture into the Debate, let alone this thread because they know people like us would pwn them in an actual debate. (Because IMO we are right) :)
  5. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Anyway, I do believe that some of the staff do not deserve to be , and I also believe that a select few should be highly promoted, but aren't, because of the appearant high-standards the admin rank has.

    A few of the mods and Journalists deserve to be demoted along with an Event Staff member, but I won't say who.

    These are just my thoughts, and please don't challenge it.
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The staff are scrupulous corrupt midgets who strive to become the greatest cosmic kill-joy in the universe while clubbing baby seals.

    Oh wait, maybe you think that because most people take getting a map featured as serious as they would prom night. I mean come on it's a video game, enjoy it. Worry about your character not your reputation.
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Having not read anything in this thread but the OP and a couple of the replies I have this to say;

    Firstly, most of the 'staff' (Personally I don't know how you can call them staff members but hey) are all in their own way 'special'. Most of the newly appointed people like Chips and Tex are awesomeness. Sure I say that because I was friends with them before they became mods etc...

    The others are generally all jerks and rarely seem to just come around and talk to the general populous. That contributes to people not liking them. If you can't relate to them then they feel disconnected, completely separate people.

    All the people that have been staff in some sort of way since I first joined are all generally complete douches. Seriously, mostly stuck up pricks that think they're better than everyone else.

    I don't really know how someone at a forum can be 'corrupt'. This is just a forum for cryin' out loud. And to be honest, who cares. I find it funny most of the time. It's entertaining, this so -mini-drama-.


    Reynbow out.
  8. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    idk y u would make a forging website if you're such dicks and will only help who u like...the one time a person that's somewhat known on this sight that has even payed attention to ONE of my maps only gave half a help anyways was zstrike13, and i thank him for that...But the rest of the time i feel as tho i've been treated pretty bad considering i, like the rest of u, put 1000's of hours into trying to create forge creations only to be shot down cause the staff is prejudice against ppl they dont like
  9. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Text of wall fail type.

    Firstly if you want to be noticed, try improving your typing skills. Use paragraphs to start with. Oh you've also got 59 posts, how many people could possibly know you when you've only just put your foot into the water.

    Also, the **** you whiny fool? =D
  10. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    i have 59 posts because the only times i post are to complain about the staff and write up mini reviews of maps. probably my typing is bad cause all i do is im and txt all day. i've posted 2.5 maps (the last being only partially done) and not one person has given one half a help xcept the afformentioned person
  11. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    actually my iq is 147, taken in elementary school by a professional. just cause i dont write correct sentences in a forum post should matter? Besides When i first arrived at fh in about january i was quite active in the shoutbox, eventually accumulating 800 shouts and posting my 1st map, which ended up being my 2nd post, then posting my 2nd map, which was my 3rd post. After that my shouting died but i continued posting in other ppls maps. after a month maybe of no1 really saying anything i started saying something and zstrike13 stepped up and got me on the review board. The review was a 6 player ffa (the map being meant for 2 v 2) and really the only help was like "the aesthetics arent up to par" "spawns are bad" etc etc.. no actually help tho. Despite all this my love for forge didn't die and i continued trying to design a new map, soon i will be testing (the post is already up) and hopefully some of the testers will be nice enough to give some real criticism, i just dont see where being liked is relative to how good ur map can become with some suggestions.....
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Our Journalists are required to test and write descriptions for Featured maps. This requires some strong understanding on how a map works. It goes without saying that those people who know how to analyze a map are also the people who know how to make a fair, balanced map.

    But you are quite wrong on that view anyway. If you look at how many Premium members we have now, you would be suprised. All of those people initially were regular members, and because they were patient and took their time and made a strong map, they made it to the front page.

    You sir, have made it to my signiture.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    As I have drifted through several forums before happening upon FH, I can say with utmost confidence that the number one reason that people think that the staff is 'corrupt' is because they're trying to combine an Internet forum with world politics. It doesn't work like that. You don't *own* the site; the staff does.

    The reason why democracy works is because each individual has their own share of the government, in the form of taxes. As a taxpayer, you hold certain rights. If you feel that your rights as a citizen are not being fulfilled, you have the legal right (guaranteed by the Constitution) to elect and remove politicians in the government. Same thing with businesses. You, as a shareholder, own part of the company, and you pay for the salaries of the Board of Directors. If they aren't doing their jobs, you have legal rights to fire them.

    But the Internet spans oceans, countries, continents. Your legal rights in one country does not hold in another. You do not have any ownership of the site; you have no Constitution to rely on, no rights that many people in democratic nations take for granted. The only reason you are given these limited rights on a site is because the owner allows you to; because they, as citizens in democratic countries, feel that the rights of the the individual matter. However, if you become problematic towards them, they have access to the web server. They can simply remove names from the list of users. They can ban IPs, modify posts, delete content. And the reason why they can do so, is because they own it.

    Honestly, if you're going to complain about how unfair everything is, you seriously need to re-examine where you stand in terms of importance. If you're just another two-bit complaining member, your opinions and suggestions mean very little compared to the opinions and suggestions of a helpful, influential member.
    Iv0rY Snak3 likes this.
  14. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    I do not think that the forgehub staff is corrupt.If they were i would have gotten infracted along time ago.

    The only one i find mean would be roche178.

    And if he says anything like 'Tinginho is my girlfriend' dont believe him.


    I make fun of the staff all the time.I made fun of Insane54 for a funny voice he doesnt do anything about it.

    But...maybe there are people that the forgehub staff likes and doesnt infract.
    I doubt it though cuz DQ got warned...that little basta...NVM

    And remember never believe what roche says about that thing up there.
  15. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Did you ever take the time and think that maybe those people who you (or any other non-great forger) would like help from is spending those 1,000 hours you speak of on their forge creations or doing something more enjoyable than helping someone they don't even know? Also, to say a staff person doesn't like someone is reasonable. It's in human nature not to like how some people act or sound. They have their reasons to hate people, just like you have your reasons to hate them.
  16. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Here is a prime example of the corruptiveness. How come he gets infracted for swearing, but rainbow, or whatever the dude with the two gay guys got nothing for saying ****? Absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for. I didn't always hate the mods. But since I've joined they've become much more harsh, and have formed an alliance against people who aren't in their group of people with like 500+ posts.
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I can agree him getting infracted for innapropriate language was stupid, he should've been infracted for double posting.
  18. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I don't see why the mods and staff would be on my side anyway. I pretty much dislike all of them.
  19. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Is that not offensive? I'll report it but nothing will happen.
  20. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I also insulted the staff members in the same way, why not quote those ones?

    Also, there are no rules against swearing here.

    Another thing, both statements you quoted are truth. Can't really get up me for giving the truth now can you?... Sheesh.

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